Ara mostrant els elements 23180-23199 de 42932

    Integration of ferrimagnetic CoFe2O4 epitaxial films with silicon 

    Coux González, Patricia de (Data de defensa: 2013-09-30)

    El continuo progreso en microelectrónica se debe al crecimiento exponencial con el tiempo del número de transistores por circuito integrado, dependencia conocida como ley de Moore. Esta ley se sigue cumpliendo, pero se va ...

    Integration of Flotation Technologies and Advanced Oxidation Processes for Oil and Gas and Desalination Industries Effluents Reuse 

    Jiménez Herrera, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2017-05-19)

    La produced water (PW) és l'efluent aquós que arriba a la superfície juntament amb el petroli o gas a les operacions d'extracció. Per al seu tractament i reutilització, s'han proposat processos integrats, que consisteixen ...

    Integration of fungal and bacterial microbiome sequencing data 

    Xie, Zixuan (Data de defensa: 2023-06-22)

    L'anàlisi del microbioma bacterià s'ha convertit en una rutina, però l'estudi del microbioma fúngic, o micobioma, encara es veu obstaculitzat per la manca de bases de dades robustes i canonades bioinformàtiques. Per abordar ...

    Integration of genetic and chemical screens to discover targeted therapies for HNF1 A-deficient diabetes 

    Cuenca-Ardura, Mirabai (Data de defensa: 2024-01-19)

    HNF1A encodes a key transcription factor in insulin-secreting beta cells from pancreatic islets. Heterozygous mutations in HNF1A cause monogenic diabetes, and hypomorphic variants in HNF1A increase the risk for type 2 ...

    Integration of knowledge-based, qualitative and numeric tools for real time dynamic systems supervision 

    Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim (Data de defensa: 1998-02-27)

    The proposal presented in this thesis is to provide designers of knowledge based supervisory systems of dynamic systems with a framework to facilitate their tasks avoiding interface problems among tools, data flow and ...

    Integration of marine habitat information into the study of fish ecology: New approaches for ecosystem based fisheries management 

    Álvarez Berastegui, Diego (Data de defensa: 2016-01-26)

    The overexploitation of marine living resources challenges the scientific community for developing new analytical approaches providing effective tools for marine management, ensuring long-term conservation of the harvested ...

    Integration of Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in Power Generator Devices 

    Pla i Asesio, Dolors (Data de defensa: 2015-07-31)

    In the last decades, energy requirements of portable devices are exponentially increasing while the capacity of the current battery technology is not progressing accordingly. This energy gap claims for the development of ...

    Integration of nanofiltration and diffusion dialysis for the sustainable management of acidic liquid wastes 

    López Rodríguez, Julio (Data de defensa: 2019-12-17)

    Nowadays mining and hydrometallurgical industries generate a considerable amount of acidic liquid wastes (ALWs), which are characterised by a low pH and the presence of metals (e.g. Fe, Cu, Zn and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) ...

    Integration of Nanomechanical Sensors on CMOS by Nanopatterning Methods 

    Arcamone, Julien (Data de defensa: 2007-07-23)

    La presente tesis ha sido realizada principalmente en el Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (CNM-IMB) del CSIC, y en parte también en el Instituto de Nanotecnología de Lyon (Francia) del CNRS. El Dr Francesc ...

    Integration of polygeneration systems in low-temperature district heating and cooling networks 

    Barco Burgos, Jimmy (Data de defensa: 2022-11-09)

    Es van desenvolupar sis capítols de tesi; El capítol 1 proporciona informació de fons i possibles escenaris per als sistemes de poligeneració, concretament, la integració de la gasificació de biomassa i l'electròlisi de ...

    Integration of resonant N/MEMS for energy harvesting from ambient vibrations 

    Murillo Rodríguez, Gonzalo (Data de defensa: 2011-11-25)

    En la actualidad, el propósito de ahorrar energía y encontrar nuevas fuentes de energía renovables se ha convertido en un tema candente. Las fuentes de energía ambiental son la mejor solución para obtener energía gratis ...

    Integration of sensors on 3D-printed zirconia ceramics to be used in structural applications 

    Zhang, Junhui (Data de defensa: 2023-06-22)

    (English) Zirconia-based ceramics present unique combination of mechanical, thermal and chemical properties, making them a preferred choice in automotive, aerospace, heavy machinery, defence and healthcare sectors. However, ...

    Integration of SHH and WNT pathways controls morphogenesis of the CNS. 

    Álvarez Medina, José Roberto (Data de defensa: 2008-06-13)

    Dorsoventral patterning of the vertebrate nervous system is achieved by the combined activity of morphogenetic signals secreted from dorsal and ventral signalling centres. The Shh/Gli pathway plays a major role in patterning ...

    Integration of Si/Si-Ge nanostructures in micro-thermoelectric generators 

    Gadea, Gerard (Data de defensa: 2017-09-22)

    Silicon and silicon-germanium nanostructures were grown, integrated, optimized and characterized for their application in thermoelectric generation. Specifically two kinds of nanostructures were worked: silicon and ...

    The integration of simulation, optimisation, and Bayesian inference for enhancing airport stand allocation 

    Bagamanova, Margarita (Data de defensa: 2021-03-17)

    Els interessats de l’aeroport tenen un repte rutinari amb l’assignació de vols programats a les grades disponibles i a les posicions d’aparcament de la manera més rendible. Al mateix temps, han de complir les preferències ...

    Integration of thin film based micro solid oxide fuel cells in silicon technology 

    Garbayo Senosiain, Iñigo (Data de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    In the last decades, there has been a huge proliferation of portable devices. Among them, consumer electronics such as mobile phones, music players, e-books, etc. are greatly extended. In order to provide these ...

    Integration of vertical Single Electron Transistor into CMOS technology 

    Moral Cejudo, Alberto Jose del (Data de defensa: 2021-07-14)

    Aquesta tesi presenta les investigacions realitzades cap a la integració de transistors verticals d’un sol electró (SET) en tecnologia metall-òxid-semiconductor complementari (CMOS). Dues de les principals motivacions de ...

    Integration Techniques of Fault Detection and Isolation Using Interval Observers 

    Meseguer Amela, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2009-06-30)

    An interval observer has been illustrated to be a suitable approach to detect and isolate faults affecting complex dynamical industrial systems. Concerning fault detection, interval observation is an appropriate passive ...

    Integrative analysis of endocrine disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) 

    Martínez López, Rubén Francisco (Data de defensa: 2020-09-25)

    Understanding the mode of action of different pollutants and xenobiotics in human and wildlife is a key step in environmental risk assessment. Omic technologies allow the study of the global status at different biological ...

    Integrative analysis of the functional consequences of inversions in the human genome 

    Lerga Jaso, Jon (Data de defensa: 2019-11-19)

    La variación estructural contribuye de forma substancial a la diversidad genética, pero su asociación con rasgos complejos y enfermedades no se entiende del todo y merece una caracterización detallada. Esto es especialmente ...