Ara mostrant els elements 40566-40585 de 41985

    Understanding and modulating vitamin C biosynthesis in corn and generating insect resistant corn plants expressing simultaneously multiple insecticidal genes 

    Sanahuja Solsona, Georgina (Data de defensa: 2013-07-08)

    La majoria dels cultius alimentaris, i en particular els cereals com el blat de moro són deficients en vitamines claus. Les plantes transgèniques podrien ser una solució per mitigar les deficiències de vitamines. No obstant ...

    Understanding and predicting magnetic coupling in complex systems: from inorganic complexes to organic polyradicals 

    Reta Mañeru, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2016-01-22)

    This thesis presents a theoretical and computational approach to the accurate description of magnetic exchange interactions in a variety of complex systems. These include two main families of compounds. The first family ...

    Understanding and targeting mitochondria to counteract cellular senescene: elucidation of novel senotherapies 

    López Polo, Vanessa (Data de defensa: 2024-03-07)

    The pathologic role of senescent cells is well established in a variety of diseases. Despite the ample evidence that mitochondria play a central role in cellular senescence, the understanding of the adaptations in the ...

    Understanding Biomass Pyrolysis Kinetics: Improved Modeling -based on -comprehensive -thermokinetic Analysis 

    Gómez Díaz, Claudia Juliana (Data de defensa: 2007-01-18)

    En el campo de la cinética de la pirólisis de biomasa se han desarrollado numerosos trabajos de investigación que no acaban de resolver aspectos básicos del proceso. El análisis de resultados termogravimétricos aún requiere ...

    Understanding C-H oxidation and amination reactions performed by late first-row transition metals: trapping high-valent metal-O/N species 

    Corona Prieto, Teresa (Data de defensa: 2017-02-17)

    The transformation of C-H bonds into C-O/N bonds is a process of interest in organic synthesis, but controlling the reactivity and selectivity among the multiple C-H bonds existing in most molecules is a challenging task. ...

    Understanding chromosomal instability-induced senescence 

    Santos Tapia, Celia (Data de defensa: 2019-10-30)

    Aneuploidy, defined as a chromosome number that deviates from a multiple of the haploid set, is a common feature in human cancer, and around 70% of human solid tumours are aneuploid. The resulting metabolic imbalance is ...

    Understanding chronic pain and disability in young people: a study with catalan schoolchildren 

    Huguet Roselló, Anna (Data de defensa: 2007-06-14)

    Understanding chronic pain and disability in young people: <br/>A study with Catalan schoolchildren <br/>Anna Huguet Roselló <br/><br/><br/>Tesis doctoral dirigida pel Dr. Jordi Miró Martínez <br/>Departament de Psicologia, ...

    Understanding collaborative success: The adoption of algorithms and data in regional and local government 

    Campion, Averill Marie (Data de defensa: 2023-07-12)

    Quan es va iniciar aquest doctorat el 2018, els Estats Units i el Regne Unit van liderar el camí a Occident en prendre mesures proactives cap a l'adopció d'IA. Els seus esforços es van dirigir principalment als nivells de ...

    Understanding color vision: from psychophysics to computational modeling 

    Cerda-Company, Xim (Data de defensa: 2019-03-08)

    En aquest doctorat, hem estudiat la visió del color dels humans des de dos punts de vista diferents: la psicofísica i la modelització computacional. Primer, hem avaluat 15 "tone-mapping operators" (TMOs) diferents en dos ...

    Understanding constraints and potentials of weed management through seed predation by harvester ants 

    Atanackovic, Valentina (Data de defensa: 2013-04-24)

    La variabilitat de la depredació de llavors en l'espai i temps poden oferir oportunitats a les males herbes per escapar dels depredadors. Els nivells de depredació en cereals de secà van ser dels més alts mai registrats ...

    Understanding consumers' perceptions to stimulate aquaculture fish consumption in Europe 

    López Mas, Laura (Data de defensa: 2023-07-20)

    (English) Fish can play a crucial role in feeding the growing global population and providing it with essential nutrients. However, the world’s fish stocks are limited and almost fully exploited. Consequently, aquaculture ...

    Understanding danmu: interaction, learning and multimodality in fan video comments 

    Zhang, Leticia Tian (Data de defensa: 2020-06-29)

    When watching television, many people use social media to share real-time opinions and feelings. The mediated co-viewing is widely studied under the name of “second screen” or “social TV”. In Japan and China, a technology ...

    Understanding developmental processes responsible for adaptation- and yield- related traits in elite wheat germplasm 

    Basavaraddi, Priyanka A. (Data de defensa: 2020-11-09)

    Increments en el rendiment de blat són necessaris per tal de fer front a la demanda creixent sota situacions complexes com la impossibilitat de expandir les terres cultivables, el canvi climàtic i el repte de produir grans ...

    Understanding different dimensions of the family business from a contingency perspective 

    Parada Balderrama, Maria Jose (Data de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    Els negocis familiars representen, a nivell mundial, la majoria de les empreses, i son reconeguts com importants creadors de PIB i de llocs de treball. Tenint en compte el seu destacat paper en l’ economia, els acadèmics ...

    Understanding different opportunities to prevent severe disease and reduce mortality in African infants and children: From vertical transmission prevention to enhanced diagnosis of life-threatening conditions of childhood = Oportunidades para prevenir enfermedades graves y reducir la mortalidad en lactantes y niños africanos. Prevención de la transmisión vertical y mejora del diagnóstico de enfermedades que amenazan la vida de los niños 

    Madrid Castillo, María Dolores (Data de defensa: 2018-03-02)

    Infant and child mortality have played a crucial role in health transition patterns and both have been considered as good indicators of development and demographic modernization. The establishment of the Millennium Development ...

    Understanding disordered and membrane protein recognition by molecular dynamics 

    Stanley, Nathaniel H. (Data de defensa: 2015-04-24)

    This thesis has been about the use of a simulation technique, known as molecular dynamics simulations, to study biophysics in proteins that have historically been difficult to study with other methods. We have studied ...

    Understanding diversification and dispersion patterns in planarians (Tricladida, Platyhelminthes): form one to hundreds of genes 

    Benítez Álvarez, Lisandra (Data de defensa: 2022-06-16)

    Evolutionary Biology offers a set of methods and theories to elucidate the evolutionary processes that lead to the diversification of life. With the development of sequencing technologies, the access to genetic data has ...

    Understanding dog breed copy number differences in the framework of gray wolf copy number variation 

    Serres Armero, Aitor (Data de defensa: 2020-02-03)

    L’estudi de la variació estructural complementa l’estudi de la variació de seqüència per revelar les complexitats de la variació fenotípica. Els gossos són l’espècie domesticada amb més variació fenotípica que existeix ...

    Understanding Entrepreneurial Legitimacy in the digital space: The Where, The Who and The How 

    Arroyo Carrasco, Lizbeth Elaine (Data de defensa: 2022-04-25)

    The Industry 4.0 revolution is undergoing a profound transformation due to the unstoppable digitalization of our society. This historic dynamic is characterised by hyperconnectivity, where the Technosphere, the natural ...

    Understanding evolution through genomic analysis of extinct species 

    Renom, Pere (Data de defensa: 2023-02-22)

    According to estimates, over the 3.5 billion years that have elapsed since the appearance of life, the Earth has been inhabited by some 4 billion different species, of which 99.99% have already become extinct. Extinction ...