Mostrando ítems 31656-31675 de 42932

    On Logics and Semantics for Interpretability 

    Mikec, Luka (Fecha de defensa: 2021-04-30)

    In the central part of this thesis we study for different interpretability logics the following aspects: completeness for modal semantics, decidability and algorithmic complexity. In particular, we will study two basic ...

    On low degree curves in C(2) 

    Sáez Cornellana, Meritxell (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-16)

    This thesis studies curves in the symmetric square of a curve, C(2). We characterize them, study their immersion in C(2) and deduce properties of the curve C from the existence of curves in C(2) of specific type. In addition, ...

    On Mediasport consumption 

    López González, Hibai (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-20)

    This thesis dissertation reflects on the way fans consume mediated sport today. The work is comprised of four articles. In Manufacturing conflict narratives in Real Madrid versus Barcelona football matches we challenged ...

    On modal expansions of t-norm based logics with rational constants 

    Vidal Wandelmer, Amanda (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-29)

    According to Zadeh, the term “fuzzy logic” has two different meanings: wide and narrow. In a narrow sense it is a logical system which aims a formalization of approximate reasoning, and so it can be considered an extension ...

    On model predictive control for economic and robust operation of generalised flow-based networks 

    Grosso Pérez, Juan Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-26)

    This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust ...

    On multicomponent reactive transports in porous media: from the natural complexity to analitycal solutions 

    Donado Garzón, Leonardo David (Fecha de defensa: 2009-10-05)

    El transporte de solutos no conservativos en medios porosos o fracturados es altamente influenciado por su heterogeneidad. Complejidad adicional se agrega al proceso de transporte, debido a la presencia de diferentes tipos ...

    On nonconvex special relativistic hydrodynamics 

    Berbel Palomeque, Marina (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-18)

    Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'estructura d'ones complexes que apareixen en la hidrodinàmica de situacions relativistes quan es consideren fluids realistes amb una termodinàmica sofisticada. L'equació d'estat és una relació ...

    On Normal Forms and Splitting of Separatrices in Reversible Systems 

    Lázaro Ochoa, José Tomás (Fecha de defensa: 2003-10-23)

    És difícil dibuixar una frontera, dins la Teoria de Sistemas Dinàmics, entre lleis de conservació i simetries doncs, sovint, les seves característiques es confonen. Un clar exemple d'aquest fenómen el constitueixen els ...

    On Peer Networks and Group Formation 

    Ballester Pla, Coralio (Fecha de defensa: 2005-06-23)

    En el artículo "NP-completeness in Hedonic Games", identificamos algunas limitaciones significativas de los modelos estándar de juegos cooperativos: A menudo, es imposible alcanzar una organización estable de una sociedad ...

    On Personal Storage Systems: Architecture and Design Considerations 

    Gracia Tinedo, Raúl (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    Actualment, els usuaris necessiten grans quantitats d’espai d’emmagatzematge remot per guardar la seva informació personal. En aquesta dissertació, estudiarem dues arquitectures emergents de sistemes d’emmagatzematge ...

    On Political Polarization: Conceptualizing Affective Polarization and Exploring its Causes from a Multi-method Approach 

    Baliñas Pérez, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-15)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu contribuir teòrica i empíricament a l'estudi de la polarització política, amb especial èmfasi en la seva expressió afectiva: la polarització afectiva. Teòricament, la tesi elabora ...

    On Quasiperiodic Perturbations of Ordinary Differential Equations 

    Jorba i Monte, Àngel (Fecha de defensa: 1991-10-11)

    In this work we study several topics concerning quasi-periodic time-dependent perturbations of ordinary differential equations. This kind of equations appear as models in many applied problems of Celestial Mechanics, and ...

    On Quaternary Linear Reed-Muller Codes 

    Pernas Vallès, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2012-06-06)

    A la literatura recent hi podem trobar la introducció de noves famílies de codis de Reed- Muller quaternaris lineals RMs. Les imatges d’aquests nous codis a través del mapa de Gray són codis binaris Z4-lineals que ...

    On rank and kernel of perfect codes 

    Villanueva, M. (Mercè) (Fecha de defensa: 2001-10-19)

    On Reed-Muller and related quaternary codes 

    Fernández Córdoba, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2004-10-04)

    On Renewable Energy Innovation and its Knowledge Flows’ Sources and Nature 

    Ocampo-Corrales, Diego B. (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-30)

    El núcleo de la tesis consta de tres capítulos en los que se explora la naturaleza de los flujos de conocimiento que influyen en la innovación en energías renovables. En los tres capítulos se utiliza información de patentes ...

    On Sandwiched Surface Singularities and Complete Ideals 

    Fernández Sánchez, Jesús (Fecha de defensa: 2004-11-01)

    The original interest in sandwiched singularities comes from a natural question posed by J. Nash in the early sixties to H. Hironaka: “Does a finite succession of Nash transformations or normalized Nash transformations ...

    On scalable, reconfigurable, and intelligent metasurfaces 

    Taghvaee, Hamidreza (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-21)

    Sixth Generation (6G) of wireless networks will be even more heterogeneous and dense as compared to Fifth Generation (5G) and other legacy networks. Thus, the 6G architecture will need to be adapted to serve the ever-evolving ...

    On service optimization in community network micro-clouds 

    Apolonia, Nuno (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-21)

    Internet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud ...

    On some interactive mesh deformations 

    Cerveró Abelló, M. Àngels (Maria Àngels) (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    Techniques devoted to deform 3D models are an important research field in Computer Graphics. They can be used in differentstages: the modelling phase, the animation process and also during some special simulations. ...