Now showing items 30478-30497 of 42840

    New approaches for the future of tuberculosis diagnosis. Interpreting conversations between the host and Mycobacterium tuberculosis 

    Comella del Barrio, Patricia (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    La tuberculosis (TB) es una enfermedad de transmisión aérea causada Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Aunque la TB es una enfermedad curable, es la segunda causa de muerte mundial por un agente infeccioso por detrás de la COVID-19. ...

    New Approaches for the Induction of Tolerance in Transplantation: Evaluation of Exosomes and Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells 

    Bastos Amador, Patricia (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    Tras el trasplante, el sistema inmunitario se activa para inducir una respuesta inmunitaria contra los antígenos de histocompatibilidad del donante expresados por el injerto (alo-antigenos), que conduce al rechazo del ...

    New approaches for the study and treatment of aggressive cancers 

    Polonio Alcalá, Emma (Date of defense: 2023-05-17)

    Although there are therapies for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) and epidermal growth factor-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (EGFRm NSCLC), these two subtypes of cancer are very aggressive, and most patients develop ...

    New approaches in calcium phosphate cements and ceramics for bone regeneration. 

    Gallinetti, Sara (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    Bone is among the most frequently transplanted tissues in the body. In Europe, about one million patients encounter a surgical bone reconstruction annually. The worldwide market of bone replacement materials is currently ...

    New approaches in omics data modelling 

    Nonell Mazelon, Lara (Date of defense: 2019-11-19)

    The breakthrough in the technological field has allowed the extraction of large amounts of the so-called omics data. The analysis and Integration of this type of data by means of advanced statistical and bioinformatics ...

    New Approaches to Catalyst Design and Immobilization 

    Sagamanova, Irina (Date of defense: 2015-12-14)

    aplicació en transformacions enantioselectives amb l’objectiu de desenvolupar nous processos en flux i (b) catàlisi homogènia centrada a millorar reaccions promogudes per anions sulfenat (la formació d’aril sulfòxids ...

    New approaches to control Pseudomonas syringae disease in tomato plants 

    González Hernández, Ana Isabel (Date of defense: 2019-04-12)

    Las plagas y enfermedades son factores a tener en cuenta ya que producen elevadas pérdidas en la producción de los cultivos. Actualmente, la búsqueda de compuestos no perjudiciales para el medioambiente y que sean capaces ...

    New approaches to estimate microbial diversity of alcoholic fermentation 

    Wang, Chunxiao (Date of defense: 2016-06-28)

    La fermentació alcohòlica la realitza una comunitat microbiana complexa, on els llevats vínics juguen un paper important. En els darrers anys, hi ha hagut un creixent interès per millorar complexitat del vi mitjançant ...

    New approaches to perfluoroalkylation of aromatic compounds, and tailor-made catalysts for C-X bond forming and water oxidation reactions. Mechanistic insights. 

    Mazloomi, Zahra (Date of defense: 2017-07-07)

    Aquesta tesis esta dividida en dos parts: la primer part es va realizar a l’Institut Català d’Invstigació Química (ICIQ) desde 2012 fins a 2015, aquesta part tracta sobre la perfluoroalquilació de substrats aromatics i ...

    New aproaches for in vitro diagnosis of LTP Syndrome / Noves aproximacions en el diagnostic in vitro de la Síndrome LTP 

    Balsells Vives, Sara (Date of defense: 2024-01-12)

    [eng] I. INTRODUCTION LTPs (lipid transfer proteins) are allergens relevant mainly in the Mediterranean basin, widely distributed in plant foods, pollen and latex (panallergens). Cross-reactivity between LTPs from different ...

    New Architectures for ubiquitous networks : use and adaptation of internet protocols over wireless sensor networks 

    Ludovici, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2014-07-07)

    This thesis focuses on the study of low-resource demanding protocols, communication techniques and software solutions to evaluate, optimise and implement Web service in WSNs. We start analysing the Web service architectures ...

    New autonomous sensor system for the continous monitoring of the composting process from the inside 

    Rillo Moral, Francesc (Date of defense: 2016-05-12)

    The composting process is Nature's way of recycling organic wastes with a good quality organic fertilizer as a result. This process, though, needs of a thoroughly monitoring of temperature and humidity for a good resulting ...

    New azobenzene-based photoswitches for two-photon optical control of neuronal receptors 

    Gascón Moya, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    Aquest projecte persegueix el desenvolupament d’una sèrie de nous interruptors moleculars per a controlar el funcionament d’un canal iònic present en les cèl·lules del sistema nerviós central. Fins a l’actualitat els ...

    New balance indices and metrics for phylogenetic trees 

    Rotger García, Lucía (Date of defense: 2019-07-31)

    [eng] The belief that the shape of a phylogenetic tree re ects the properties of the evolutionary processes underlying it has motivated the study of indices quantifying the graph-theoretical properties of phylogenetic ...

    New basic catalysts for fine chemicals synthesis 

    Cota, Iuliana (Date of defense: 2010-06-28)

    En los últimos años, existe un creciente interés en la sustitución de viejas tecnologías por alternativas catalíticas más limpias para el desarrollo de procesos respetuosos con el medio ambiente para la industria química. ...

    New behavioural models to investigate eating disorders 

    Burokas, Aurelijus (Date of defense: 2013-11-15)

    The rapid increase of obesity has encouraged the study of the aetiology of eating disorders. Besides genetic, social and metabolic factors, obesity is caused by over-eating and has high rate of relapse to abnormal food-taking ...

    New biotechnological systems for the research on aryltetralin lignans in Linum album 

    Lalaleo Córdova, Liliana Paulina (Date of defense: 2017-03-03)

    Linum album is an herbaceous plant with medical interest due to its content of podophyllotoxin (PTOX), an aryltetralin lignan with cytotoxic activity. The study of biotechnological alternatives has generated big interest. ...

    New carbocyclisations of polyunsaturated hydrazones catalysed by rhodium(I) 

    Torres Antón, Òscar (Date of defense: 2017-02-24)

    Some of the most powerful methods for synthesizing complex organic molecules with high levels of chemo-, diastereo- and enantioselectivity rely on metal carbene chemistry. These compounds are versatile reaction intermediates ...

    New catalytic advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment 

    Yalfani, Mohammad Sadegh (Date of defense: 2011-04-13)

    En cuanto a la mejora de los Procesos de Oxidación Avanzada para el tratamiento de aguas residuales, se han diseñado y estudiado nuevos procesos catalíticos Fenton y ozonización catalítica para la eliminación de contaminantes ...

    New Catalytic Methods for Pauson-Khand Reactions, Isomerization and Asymmetric Hydrogenations. Application to the Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds 

    Cabré Montesinos, Albert (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    The main contribution of this doctoral thesis has been devoted to the field of synthetic organic chemistry. The Pauson-Khand reaction (PKR) is a metal-catalyzed [2+2+1] cycloaddition between an alkyne, an alkene and a ...