Now showing items 34059-34078 of 41831

    Quantifying variability in grape and wine quality: a multivariate analysis perspective 

    Schorn García, Daniel (Date of defense: 2023-09-06)

    L’espectroscòpia d'infraroig (IR) és una tècnica analítica que proporciona una gran quantitat d'informació química de manera ràpida i no destructiva. Això ha impulsat la seva implementació en indústries (sobretot ...

    Quantitative analyses of molecular and cellular features of brain development in the context of recent human evolution 

    Moriano, Juan (Date of defense: 2024-01-10)

    [eng] In this thesis, we investigate molecular and cellular substrates of derived traits in our species, and do so under the hypothesis of a Homo sapiens species-specific brain ontogenetic trajectory as overarching framework. ...

    Quantitative analysis of HER family proteins using mass spectrometry as a predictive tool of response to anti-HER therapies in breast cancer 

    Giovanni Nuciforo, Paolo (Date of defense: 2016-09-28)

    Introducción: La expresión desregulada y la actividad de los miembros de la familia HER es frecuente en el cáncer de mama (CM). Hasta el 25% de CM sobreexpresan HER2. Los altos niveles de este oncogén, casi invariablemente ...

    Quantitative assessments of radiation-induced toxicity and correlation with RTOG scales and biological equivalent dose in breast cancer 

    Huang, Yaoyi (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    Antecedents: la toxicitat induïda per radiació (RIT) generalment s’avalua mitjançant inspecció i palpació. Donada la seva naturalesa subjectiva i no quantitativa, es requereixen mètodes objectius. L’objectiu és determinar ...

    Quantitative dispersion analysis of leakages of flammable and/or toxic substances on environments with barriers or semi-confined 

    Miralles Schleder, Adriana (Date of defense: 2015-07-08)

    With the industrial and technological development of the present-day society, the presence of flammable and toxic substances has increased in a growing number of activities. Dispersion of hazardous gas releases occurring ...

    Quantitative effects of heterogeneity in dynamic macroeconomics 

    Maliar, Lilia (Date of defense: 1999-09-08)

    The thesis studies quantitative implications of the real business cycle models with heterogeneous agents. The questions I ask are: First, Can the studied models not only replicate the aggregate time series facts but also ...

    Quantitative equidistribution of Galois orbits of points of small height on the algebraic torus 

    Narváez Clauss, Marta (Date of defense: 2016-06-21)

    El teorema de equidistribución de Bilu establece que, dada una sucesión estricta de puntos en el toro algebraico N-dimensional cuya altura de Weil tiende a cero, las órbitas de Galois de los puntos se equidistribuyen con ...

    Quantitative historical hydrology in the eastern area of the Ebro River basin (NE Iberian Peninsula) 

    Ruiz Bellet, Josep Lluís (Date of defense: 2016-05-24)

    La hidrologia històrica quantitativa és una branca emergent de les ciències de la Terra que es basa en l’ús d’informació històrica (és a dir, informació produïda per les persones: documents, imatges, limnimarques) per a ...

    Quantitative large-scale analysis of judicial decisions: judicial disruption and practices 

    Font Pomarol, Lluc (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    In the past 30 years, technological advances in computation have allowed to storage, process, and analyze massive amounts of data resulting from all sorts of human activities. The ability to address these large-scale ...

    Quantitative methods for electron energy loss spectroscopy 

    Eljarrat Ascunce, Alberto (Date of defense: 2015-10-21)

    This thesis explores the analytical capabilities of low-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), applied to disentangle the intimate configuration of advanced semiconductor heterostructures. Modern aberration corrected ...

    Quantitative modelling of mouse limb morphogenesis 

    Böhm, Bernd R. (Date of defense: 2011-05-18)

    In this thesis we combine quantitative measurements of mouse limb morphogenesis and computer modelling to test a well established theory about the cellular mechanisms promoting limb elongation. A distally directed gradient ...

    Quantitative nanoscale imaging of synaptic protein organization 

    Laparra Cuervo, Lara (Date of defense: 2018-03-28)

    The arrival of super-resolution techniques has driven researchers to explore biological areas that were unreachable before. Such techniques not only allowed the improvement of spatial resolution in images but also the ...

    Quantitative proteomic approaches for the characterization of bacterial wilt resistance mechanisms in tomato. lnsights on the role of P69 subtilisin-like proteases in defense 

    Planas Marqués, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-10-30)

    The plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum is the causal agent of the devastating disease known as bacterial wilt. This disease affects more than 200 plant species in over 50 families, including economically important crops ...

    Quantitative risk assessment, aggregation functions and capital allocation problems 

    Belles Sampera, Jaume (Date of defense: 2015-07-30)

    This work is focused on the study of risk measures and solutions to capital allocation problems, their suitability to answer practical questions in the framework of insurance and financial institutions and their connection ...

    Quantitative structure fate relationships for multimedia environmental analysis 

    Martínez Brito, Izacar Jesús (Date of defense: 2010-05-26)

    Key physicochemical properties for a wide spectrum of chemical pollutants are unknown. This thesis analyses the prospect of assessing the environmental distribution of chemicals directly from supervised learning algorithms ...

    Quantitative Systems Toxicology Modeling for Neuronal Adverse Outcome 

    -, Deepika (Date of defense: 2022-09-07)

    Els humans estan exposats a múltiples químics ambientals, molts amb efectes sobre la salut deficientment caracteritzats. Avaluar el risc químic requereix conèixer el perill, la relació dosi-resposta i l'exposició per ...

    Quantum Algorithms for Solving Hard Constrained Optimization Problems 

    Atchadé Adelomou, Parfait (Date of defense: 2022-01-24)

    En aquesta investigació, s'han examinat tècniques d'optimització per resoldre problemes de restriccions i s'ha fet un estudi de l'era quàntica i de les empreses líders del mercat, com ara IBM, D-Wave, Google, Xanadu, ...

    Quantum Aspects of Space and Time 

    Tomasevic, Marija (Date of defense: 2021-09-09)

    In this thesis, we explore different ways in which spacetime exhibits peculiar properties when subjected to the rules of quantum mechanics. These rules are naturally implemented at the level of semiclassical physics, where ...

    Quantum Brownian motion in Bose-Einstein condensates 

    Charalambous, Christos (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    Quantum Brownian motion is one of the most prominent examples of an open quantum system, a system which cannot be treated in isolation from its environment. The simplest method to study the dynamics of a system undergoing ...

    Quantum Brownian motion revisited : extensions and applications 

    Lampo, Aniello (Date of defense: 2018-10-02)

    Quantum Brownian motion represents a paradigmatic model of open quantum system, namely a system which cannot be treated as an isolated one, because of the unavoidable interaction with the surrounding environment. In this ...