Now showing items 8401-8420 of 11246

    On the hyperbolic uniformization of Shimura curves with an Atkin-Lehner quotient of genus 0 

    Nualart Riera, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    The main goal of this thesis is to contribute to the explicit hyperbolic uniformization of Shimura curves. We will restrict to the case of curves attached to Eichler orders in rational quaternion algebras whose maximal ...

    On the leaks and boundaries of imagination 

    Rivadulla Duró, Andrea (Date of defense: 2022-07-25)

    The present dissertation explores the role of imagination in different philosophical domains of inquiry. The thesis set out as a collection of self- standing essays and can be divided into two parts: leaks of imagination ...

    On the making of public spaces in Beirut 

    Hindi, Nadine (Date of defense: 2015-09-16)

    This research tackles the public spaces in the framework of Beirut’s mosaic history, whereby the Middle East constitutes the background and not the context. It will first identify the public spaces by shedding light on ...

    On the Meromorphic Non-Integrability of Some Problems in Celestial Mechanics 

    Simon i Estrada, Sergi (Date of defense: 2007-07-09)

    In this thesis, we present a proof of the meromorphic non-integrability for some problems arising from Celestial Mechanics, as well as a new necessary condition for partial integrability in a wider Hamiltonian setting. ...

    On the origin of masses at the LHC 

    González Fraile, Juan (Date of defense: 2014-09-05)

    In this thesis we present several studies on the origin of masses at the LHC. First we study the indirect effects of new physics on the couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson and on the electroweak symmetry ...

    On the Slope and Geography of Fibred Surfaces and Threefolds. 

    Barja Yáñez, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 1998-12-21)

    In this tesis we study numerical propieties of surfaces and threefolds, mainly fibred over curves, the so called "slope" of the fibration. We prove partially a conjecture of Fujita on the semiampleness of the direct image ...

    On the track of cellular ecology. Methodological improvements and contributions of single-cell phosphatase activity on the ecology of phytoplankton in Pyrenean lakes 

    Diaz de Quijano i Barbero, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-07-29)

    Comparative studies between different enzyme labelled fluorescence (ELF) protocols and fluorescence quantification methods were performed to improve the quantification of single-cell phosphatase activity (PA) measurements ...

    On the usage of lipophilic descriptors for molecular similarity evaluation 

    Vázquez Lozano, Javier (Date of defense: 2019-09-13)

    Three-dimensional ligand-based virtual screening methods have been used for many years in drug discovery, with a variable success depending on different factors, such as the complexity of the target system or the suitability ...

    On Word Definition in Children and Adults: Effects of Word Category and Level of Abstraction 

    Albert Gandía, Milagros (Date of defense: 2016-11-29)

    This is a thesis about word definition. Early developmental studies of word definition, tested nous rather than other morphological categories (adjectives, verbs). As some authors have pointed out (McKeown, 1991) a proper ...

    On-line norm synthesis for open Multi-Agent systems 

    Morales Matamoros, Javier (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)

    Multi Agent Systems (MAS) are computerised systems composed of autonomous software agents that interact to solve complex problems. Within a MAS, agents require some mechanism to coordinate their activities. In the MAS ...

    Once and for all: post-encoding neural mechanisms promoting rapid episodic memory formation in humans 

    Wu, Xiongbo (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    [eng] Deciphering the mechanisms of human declarative memory is one of the main goals of neuroscience. Theoretical models such as Standard Consolidation Theory (Alvarez and Squire, 1994) and the Multiple Trace Theory (Nadel ...

    Oncogenic Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase signalling in Venous Malformations 

    Zanoncello, Jasmina (Date of defense: 2020-07-30)

    [ENG] Venous malformations (VM), the most frequent type of vascular malformations, are localized developmental defects occurring during vascular morphogenesis that generat dilated, tortuous venous channels surrounded by ...

    Oncolytic adenoviruses expressing transgenes targeting the tumor stroma to enhance the antitumor efficacy 

    Sostoa Pomés, Jana de (Date of defense: 2019-05-31)

    Oncolytic virus (OV)-based therapies have an emerging role in the treatment of solid tumors, involving both direct cell lysis and immunogenic cell death. Nonetheless, tumor- associated stroma limits the efficacy of oncolytic ...

    Onomàstica de l’Espluga Calba 

    Anglès i Nicolás, Rosa M. (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    La toponímia s’estudià primer a Alemanya i França (1863 - principis del segle XX). Més endavant s’hi dedicaren publicacions periòdiques: Zeitschrift für Ortsnamenforschungen (Munic, 1925), Revue de dialectologie et toponymie ...

    Onomàstica del terme municipal de Calafell 

    Hugué, Joan (Date of defense: 2015-06-29)

    En citar L’Onomàstica del Terme Municipal de Calafell ens referim a la recerca, l’estudi i la recopilació dels noms propis que existien en aquest municipi i en el seu terme pels voltants de l’any 1950, i en llurs evolucions ...

    Ononido-Rosmarinetea Br.-Bl. 1947, anàlisi numèrica i implicacions sintaxonòmiques 

    Buxalleu Serras, Carme (Date of defense: 2023-03-17)

    [cat] Atenent als fets de que la classificació europea s’ha desenvolupat, principalment, dins les fronteres de cadascun dels països portant a notables diferències dels corresponents tipus de vegetació -fins i tot entre ...

    Ontogenetic study of the mechanical properties and architecture of the radius (appendicular bone) of two species of odontocetes Stenella coeruleoalba and Pontoporia blainvillei = Estudio ontogenético de las propiedades mecánicas y la arquitectura en el radio (hueso apendicular) de dos especies de odontocetos Stenella coeruleoalba y Pontoporia blainvillei 

    Alba Fernández, Carmiña (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    This work is the result of extensive research on sexual and ontogenetic variation of parameters with mechanical significance in a radius bone in two species of odontocetes: Stenella coeruleoalba (Sc) and Pontoporia Blainvillei ...

    Ontogénesis postnatal de la extremidad inferior basada en telemetrías y morfometría geométrica. Aplicación en paleoantropología y antropología forense 

    Pujol Bayona, Aniol (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Este estudio analiza el desarrollo postnatal del femur y la tibia de una muestra de individuos vivos de principios del siglo XXI de Barcelona. El material utilizado han sido 1140 telemetrias (radiografías de la extremidad ...

    Ontology based data integration in life sciences 

    Repchevskiy, Dmitry (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    The aim of this thesis is to develop standard and practical approaches for the semantic integration of biological data and services. The thesis considers various scenarios where ontologies may benefit bioinformatics web ...

    Oological Record of Dinosaurs in South-Central Pyrenees (SW Europe): Parataxonomy, diversity and biostratigraphical implications 

    Garcia Sellés, Albert (Date of defense: 2012-06-22)

    Southern Pyrenees has provided an abundant fossil record of dinosaur eggs and eggshells. Historically, the oofamily Megaloolithidae has shown its predominance over any other group of fossil eggs in this region. In addition, ...