Now showing items 180-199 of 210

    Poética en la arquitectura catalana contemporánea : arquitectura como paisaje, paisaje como arquitectura : de La Ricarda y la Casa Ugalde, al Parc Cementiri Nou d'Igualada y el Parc de Pedra Tosca 

    Casals Pañella, Joan (Date of defense: 2020-01-20)

    The thesis warns that in our contemporaneity persists paradoxically, both a rejection of the interest that poetics could have for architecture, and a big critique towards the uncertain quality that arise the practices that, ...

    Prácticas documentales: Proyecto y contingencia 

    Bataller Alberola, Lola (Date of defense: 2020-07-28)

    Architecture has discussed questions about reality, honesty versus fiction and more recently about contingency, change, open project, or the participation of the inhabitants. All these concerns are collected in documentary ...

    Presente sobre pasado : relaciones entre arquitecturas 

    Pons Garcías, Victoria (Date of defense: 2014-12-05)

    The thesis is about the relations that interventions establish with the precedent architecture where they act. The work deeply analyzes the connection between the new part and the pre-existing architecture. The intervention ...

    Progetti e processi in conflitto: il fronte marittimo di Barcellona 

    Fava, Nadia (Date of defense: 2004-03-29)

    La tesis propone dar una visión de la larga duración en los procesos urbanos de reconversiones implicados en la redefinición del frente marítimo de las ciudades portuarias e investigar las razones de los cambios estructurales ...

    Proyecto e historia : dialogías encontradas 

    Tostado Martínez, Carlos Alberto (Date of defense: 2016-01-26)

    Exists a tight link between man and his place; between man and architecture. And it is in this relationship where the present investigation finds its leitmotiv, since man, as being that inhabits, develops and transforms ...

    Proyectos arquitectónicos de posibles ciudades VS el proceso urbano: proyectar el espacio público a través del cine. 

    Galanos, Carolos Constantinos Stylianos (Date of defense: 2009-04-01)

    El objeto de investigación de este trabajo es el espacio público de la ciudad cinematográfica. Mediante la cinematografía alcanzar su objetivo que es, intentar comprender la relación entre la sensación de libertad de los ...

    Proyectos del realismo crítico en la era de la simultaneidad : debates sobre la gestión de la información y las actuaciones en la ciudad construida 

    Grau Valldosera, Ferran (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    Realism in architecture is a "mutant' concept which admits multiple meanings. Accordingly it would be more precise to talk about realism - in plural - and to try to properly place each one in the contemporary context. at ...

    Reconstrucción digital de cuatro obras de Fargas y Tous : 1954-1963. 

    Deulofeu Fuller, Glenn (Date of defense: 2013-12-17)

    La arquitectura de Josep Maria Fargas y Enric Tous surgió en unos años en que la industria de la construcción dentro de España presentaba un importante retraso respecto de los avances tecnológicos exhibidos en las ...

    Recycling industrial architecture : the redefinition of the recycling principles in the context of sustainable architectural design 

    Šijaković, Milan (Date of defense: 2015-07-20)

    The aim of this thesis is the elucidation of the concept of architectural recycling as an environmentally sustainable alternative to demolition and preservation. More precisely, the research aim relates to the redefinition ...

    Redesenho : novas estratégias em contextos urbanos consolidados 

    Rial, Diego (Date of defense: 2014-09-09)

    Procura-se compreender os mecanismos pelos quais territórios, cidades, bairros e edifícios respondem ao redesenho de seus sistemas internos e sua interação. A partir desta compreensão, pautada pela análise de contextos ...

    Ridolfi a Terni, 1944-1964. La Palazzina com a síntesi entre forma urbana i tipologia domèstica 

    Solanellas Terés, Àngel (Date of defense: 2021-11-09)

    Roman architect Mario Ridolfi (1904-1984) made a substantial contribution to the transformation of European cities and to collective housing after the Second World War. For a period of twenty years, he used the city of ...

    Sergio Bernardes: el desafío de la técnica 

    Vanderlei, Alexandre Bahia (Date of defense: 2017-09-21)

    Sergio Bernardes is considered one of the most important architects of the second generation of cariocas modern architects. Little is known about the work of Bernardes. Until today there are few publications about the ...

    SIGURD LEWERENTZ: 1885 1975. Una transición nórdica a la Arquitectura Moderna: Desplazamiento gradual hacia el dominio de lo táctil. 

    Quintanilla Chala, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2004-05-24)

    Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975). Una transición nórdica a la Arquitectura Moderna: Desplazamiento gradual hacia el dominio de lo táctil.<br/>La investigación propuesta consiste en documentar la transición que el arquitecto ...

    Sobre el oficio y la técnica en la obra de Josep Maria Jujol. 

    Rodríguez Lozano, Diego Alberto (Date of defense: 2006-05-16)

    Si hay algo seguro que podemos decir sobre la práctica arquitectónica contemporánea es que existe una tendencia de alejar al arquitecto de la obra. La negación absoluta de una relación corpórea entre arquitecto y materia ...

    Sobre los límites deformados : inlfexiones 

    Salgueiro Barrio, Roi (Date of defense: 2015-09-02)

    Between the end of the 1980s and the m id-1990s, a group of interrelated texts (Earth Moves, by Bernard Caché -1983; 1995, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, by Gilles Deleuze -1988; 1993- and the different papers written ...

    Subirana : la conexión alemana del G.A.T.C.P.A.C. 

    Heredero Esteban, Javier (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)

    La figura de Subirana ha ido siempre ligada al trio de Arquitectos que formó con Sert y Torres Clavé dentro del GATCPAC. Su nombre ha quedado ligado a obras tan importantes como el conjunto residencial de la Casa Bloc, al ...

    Tatuaje tecnológico : Cuerpo, espacio doméstico y paisaje interactivos 

    Ros Fernández, Pablo (Date of defense: 2020-07-13)

    The interaction builds humanity. It is the most human of us; Our social life is based on it. Interacting leads us to design objects that facilitate communication, understanding with other humans and understanding our ...

    The wildëor downtown : exploring wilderness remnants in urban America 

    Di Tommaso, Agostino (Date of defense: 2014-04-25)

    Proximity between urban realm and wilderness has been a salient feature of Northern American territorial patterns since European settlement. Even today such proximity, although drastically reduced, in some cases endures. ...

    Thomas Herzog : pioneer of the 21st century's New Paradigm : a dissertation in the field of sustainable architecture 

    Nik Eteghad, Ali (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    The earliest buildings designad by Thomas Herzog reflect practicas of solar design. Overarching geometric forms as well as efficient structures complimented long, slanted south-facing walls incorporated in the meticulously-crafted ...

    Torre-plataforma, Colombia años 50-60 : análisis de su adaptación arquitectónica e inserción urbana en los centros de ciudad consolidados 

    Henao Carvajal, Edison (Date of defense: 2011-12-20)

    The layout of the city centers, defined by the conventional system block-street and characterized by the excessive legal subdivision, poor section of the winding roads and the shape of plots, determine conditions ...