Ara mostrant els elements 1634-1653 de 3241

    Intervención basada en conceptos sobre elementos de la conversación oral en estudiantes de ELE 

    Vílchez Veleda, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2021-04-15)

    La tesis que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo principal documentar la ampliación de la toma de conciencia comunicativa de dos estudiantes de ELE de nivel B2 mediante la aplicación de una secuencia didáctica en CBI ...

    Intervención delictiva: significado y función del principio de accesoriedad 

    Vacchelli, Ezequiel (Data de defensa: 2018-12-14)

    De la mano de una teoría de las normas integradora, este trabajo somete el principio de accesoriedad de la participación a un doble análisis: por un lado, en el nivel de la norma primaria, aspira a elucidar su significado ...

    Intrinsic and environmental influences on DNA methylation and gene expression in fish 

    Anastasiadi, Dafni (Data de defensa: 2016-11-14)

    Epigenetic mechanisms, influenced by intrinsic and environmental factors are crucial for the regulation of gene expression and, ultimately, the phenotype. The European sea bass is used as a model to study these influences ...

    Introducció del portafoli de l'estudiant i del portafoli docent a la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i de la Vida de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra 

    Valero Marcet, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2006-10-03)

    S'ha introduït el portafoli com a instrument d'autoprenentatge i acreditació en dues modalitats diferents: el portafoli d'aprenentatge de l'estudiant i el portafoli docent del professor. El primer s'ha aplicat per al ...

    La Investigación científica sobre el microbioma en la prensa e internet: impacto mediático y calidad de la información 

    Prados-Bo, Andreu (Data de defensa: 2023-02-24)

    El microbioma ha despertado un creciente interés científico, mediático y económico. Esta tesis examina hasta qué punto la información del microbioma en la prensa e internet está alineada con la ciencia. Durante el ...

    Investigación evaluativa para el diseño de una propuesta de intervención en edu-comunicación para la ciudadanía activa: análisis de los proyectos La Cruïlla Comuna y Desmuntamites 

    Cohen Montoya, Alfredo E. (Data de defensa: 2016-10-21)

    Este trabajo es un compromiso para acercar la academia a las necesidades de la sociedad. Se trata de una investigación evaluativa, de corte cualitativo, realizada en el Instituto de Educación Superior Menéndez i Pelayo ...

    Investigating a role for p63 in prostate stem cells, cancer and metastasis 

    Di Giacomo, Valeria (Data de defensa: 2014-12-12)

    P63 is a transcription factor of the p53 family with key roles in embryonic development, stem cells and cancer. P63-deficient mice fail to form stratified and glandular epithelia, including the prostate, demonstrating a ...

    Investigating protein complexes potentially governing microtubule-dependent MBP mRNA distribution 

    Jagiełło, Bogumiła (Data de defensa: 2018-12-05)

    La localització de molècules d'ARNm permet regular la síntesi de proteïnes localment i temporalment i això és vital per molts processos cel·lular fonamentals. A Oligodendròcits el transport de l'ARNm de la proteïna bàsica ...

    Investigating senescence in cellular plasticity and tissue regeneration 

    Ritschka, Birgit (Data de defensa: 2017-09-15)

    Cellular senescence has mainly been associated with tumor suppression and aging, mediated through cell intrinsic cell-cycle inhibition and arrest. However, through secretion of specific proteins, termed the senescence-associated ...

    Investigating sperm RNA dynamics in intergenerational inheritance using nanopore sequencing 

    Lucas, Morghan C. (Data de defensa: 2023-04-24)

    The aim of this thesis is to delve into sperm RNA dynamics during maturation and paternal inheritance. To obtain an integrative multi-omics view of sperm RNA during these processes, I turned to the new direct RNA sequencing ...

    Investigating the molecular basis of Drosophila L(3)mbt and pins malignant tumors 

    Rai, Madhulika (Data de defensa: 2018-01-29)

    Genetically tractable model organisms may help to identify new approaches to stop malignant growth. During the first part of my doctoral thesis, I have participated in a high content screen carried out to this end taking ...

    Investigating the role of Gli2 in mouse embryonic stem cells and mouse embryogenesis 

    Tu, Xiaochuan (Data de defensa: 2023-07-27)

    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of the pre-implantation embryo and can recapitulate early developmental stages of the embryo. ESCs have the ability to continuously propagate while maintaining ...

    Investigating the role of transcription factor Nkx1-2 in mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency, self-renewal and differentiation 

    Cortés Albarracín, Paola Andrea (Data de defensa: 2019-12-02)

    Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) require extracellular signals to induce the expression of intrinsic core pluripotency factors: Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog, known as the OSN triad. Notably, the Wnt/β-catenin pathway has been ...

    Investigating the role of Wnt/β-catenin pathway in pluripotency and somatic cell reprogramming 

    Aulicino, Francesco (Data de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    The adaptive response of cells to external stimuli is an intriguing mechanism at the basis of the existence of life itself. For this purpose, signalling pathways and gene regulatory networks elegantly evolved translating ...

    Investigating the roles of cellular senescence in embryogenesis and aging 

    Storer, Mekayla (Data de defensa: 2014-12-18)

    Cellular senescence is an irreversible form of proliferative arrest, historically linked to tumour suppression and aging. Recent discoveries, however, have extended its known role to include complex biological processes ...

    Investigation of protein-ligand interactions using high-throughput all-atom molecular dynamics simulations 

    Buch Mundó, Ignasi (Data de defensa: 2012-06-29)

    Investigation of protein-ligand interactions has been a long-standing application for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations given its importance to drug design. However, relevant timescales for biomolecular motions are orders ...

    Investment, perception of risk and financial constraints 

    Ugarte Ruiz, Alfonso (Data de defensa: 2011-03-21)

    This thesis studies how firms’ investment and credit are affected by different financial imperfections related to firm and bank learning, relationship lending and financial wealth. After reviewing in chapter 2 the related ...

    Involvement of pre-proenkephalin and sigma-1 receptors in nicotine addiction 

    Kummer, Sami (Data de defensa: 2020-09-29)

    El tabaquismo es la principal causa de muerte evitable en todo el mundo, responsable de más de 7 millones de muertes al año. La nicotina es el principal componente psicoactivo del tabaco y la responsable de sus propiedades ...

    Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in osteoarthritis pain 

    La Porta, Carmen (Data de defensa: 2015-10-15)

    Chronic pain is a major clinical problem producing huge economic and social burdens. Currently, chronic pain treatment has limited efficacy and significant side effects. One of the reasons of this unmet clinical need is ...

    Involvement of the endogenous opioid and cannabinoid systems in addictive like-behaviours 

    Mancino, Samantha (Data de defensa: 2016-01-22)

    The increase incidence of obesity and eating disorders represents a major health problem in developed countries. The low rate of success of treatments to prevent or reverse obesity, and overeating that causes it, highlights ...