Now showing items 1514-1533 of 3254

    Image analysis and deep learning to support endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms 

    López-Linares, Karen (Date of defense: 2019-06-11)

    An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a focal dilation of the aorta that may lead to its rupture. The most common treatment for AAAs is endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). EVAR implies lifelong postoperative surveillance ...

    Image based analysis and modeling of the detailed cardiac ventricular anatomy 

    Paun, Bruno (Date of defense: 2017-07-24)

    The role of trabeculations and their normal morphological expression in the human heart is still unclear. Clinical studies have shown that excessive trabeculation can cause heart failure due to diastolic and systolic ...

    Image processing algorithms as artistic tools in digital cinema 

    Zabaleta Razquin, Itziar (Date of defense: 2021-10-01)

    The industry of cinema has experienced a radical change in the last decades: the transition from film cinematography to its digital format. As a consequence, several challenges have appeared, but, at the same time, many ...

    Image similarity for registration and manifold learning: application to brain analysis 

    Zimmer, Veronika Anne (Date of defense: 2017-02-13)

    The aim of this thesis is to explore and develop measures for image comparison in two main areas of medical image analysis: image registration and manifold learning for population analysis. In particular, the main contributions ...

    Imagen fotográfica y textualidad. La obra de Wright Morris, Duane Michals y Sophie Calle 

    Prieto Aguaza, Alberto (Date of defense: 2009-01-19)

    Aparentment la funció de la imatge és la d'il·lustrar l'acció que es desenvolupa al text i la funció del text és explicar allò que visualitzem a la fotografia. Més enllà d'aquesta complementarietat, les relacions s'amplien ...

    Imagen y representación de la República Popular China en la España de 1960-1970: del orientalismo al maoísmo 

    Sánchez Fraile, Sergio (Date of defense: 2017-12-04)

    El presente trabajo examina la imagen y la representación de la República Popular China en España durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970. La construcción de la imagen de China ha estado condicionada a una sucesión de estereotipos ...

    Imaginario Sociodiscursivo en la Inmigración Latinoamericana de Catalunya: Propuesta para la Gestión de la Diversidad 

    Medina Audelo, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2011-07-14)

    La inmigración internacional es uno de los fenómenos mundiales más importantes, complejos e inquietantes en la época actual a consecuencia de su crecimiento y de los retos sin precedentes que afronta: económicos, políticos, ...

    Imago Dei y Lux Mundi en el siglo XII: La recepción de la teología de la luz en la iconografía del Pantocrátor en Cataluña 

    Puigarnau Torelló, Alfons (Date of defense: 1999-06-01)

    En el contexto del siglo XII europeo, se impone la iconografía del Cristo Luz aureolado por una almendra mística, sosteniendo un libro abierto con inscripciones alusivas a una teología de la luz. <br/><br/>La proliferación ...

    Les Imatges del Tarot Rider-Waite: el seu significat iconogràfic i simbòlic en relació al procés d'individuació 

    Amaro, Antoni (Date of defense: 2015-11-25)

    Aquesta tesi planteja l’estudi del Tarot Rider – Waite. Per fer-ho hem anat a les fonts del Tarot, fent una anàlisi sobre la imatge dels Tarots Tradicionals {Visconti-Sforza, Mantegna (Segle XV) i Marsella (segle XVIII)} ...

    Imágenes del horror en el cine contemporáneo: de lo irrepresentable a las imágenes del límite en el documental 

    Hachero Hernández, Bruno (Date of defense: 2019-01-28)

    Esta tesis propone un estudio estético de la representación documental del horror en el cine contemporáneo, analizando cómo el cine articula modos puesta en escena para documentar genocidios, guerras, matanzas, crímenes o ...

    Imágenes que liberan: Shock moral y comunicación visual estratégica en el activismo por la liberación animal 

    Fernández, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-12-10)

    Esta tesis doctoral explora la efectividad y la ética comunicativa de las producciones visuales activistas antiespecistas, especialmente las imágenes de violencia y la estrategia comunicativa del shock moral. El objetivo ...

    Immigrant's subjective well-being and in origin acquired beliefs, attitudes and values: the analysis of counterfactual thinking as a reliable approach 

    Arruda, Eliana (Date of defense: 2015-06-18)

    In recent years, the academic literature on the well-being of immigrants has expanded far from the study of economic factors by including psychological elements. Subjective well-being and life satisfaction have been ...

    Immigrants, work and health: a qualitative study 

    Ahonen, Emily (Date of defense: 2009-04-17)

    Este estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo en cinco ciudades examina las condiciones de trabajo, los riesgos, los factores influyentes y los efectos en salud experimentados por trabajadores inmigrantes en España. ...

    Immigration and health : heterogenous patterns in Spain 

    Villarroel Williams, Nazmy Katherine (Date of defense: 2015-01-26)

    Objective: To compare health status (sub-study 1), sleep health (sub-study 2) and health care use (sub-study 3) between the Spanish population and immigrants from the seven leading countries in terms of number of immigrants; ...

    Immunotherapy of chronic virus infections : Exhausted CD8+ T cell subsets are differentially regulated by XCR1 + DC 

    Domenjó Vila, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-06-01)

    The contribution of cross-presenting XCR1+ dendritic cells (DC) in maintaining T cell function during exhaustion and immuno-therapeutic interventions of chronic infections remains poorly characterized. Using the mouse model ...

    Impact of Alzheimer's disease risk factors on white matter hyperintensities and cognition in cognitively unimpaired individuals 

    Brugulat Serrat, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-06-21)

    White matter hyperintensities (WMH) have been associated with increased risk and progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the range to which this association can be extended to AD risk factors and WMH burden in ...

    The impact of chromosome positioning in nuclear functions 

    Di Giovanni, Francesca (Date of defense: 2016-11-24)

    Chromatin is not randomly organized inside the eukaryotic nucleus in interphase. In budding yeast gene expression of some specific loci is affected by their positioning in the nucleus. Replication firing of early origins ...

    Impact of recent protein structure prediction methods on homology, evolutionary and functional inference 

    Baltzis, Athanasios (Date of defense: 2023-03-20)

    Recent advances in deep learning techniques have revolutionised protein structure modelling. Since AlphaFold2’s release, a set of tools have now become available to predict native-like structures at near-experimental ...

    The Impact of the human endogenous metabolome on drug pharmacology and safety 

    Bofill Pumarola, Andreu (Date of defense: 2021-03-09)

    A great deal of efforts has been made to improve and expand pharmacological testing and optimisation of drug candidates during the discovery process. However, we are yet to understand fully why drugs require certain ...

    Impact of the linguistic environment on speech perception : comparing bilingual and monolingual populations 

    Roessler, Abeba (Date of defense: 2012-09-14)

    The present dissertation set out to investigate how the linguistic environment affects speech perception. Three sets of studies have explored effects of bilingualism on word recognition in adults and infants and the impact ...