Now showing items 1313-1332 of 3276

    Fear memories in TgNTRK3 mice, a model of panic disorder : definition of mechanism and search for new therapeutic targets 

    D'Amico, Davide (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    Estudios genéticos en pacientes sugieren que el gen del receptor tirosina quinasa de la neurotrofina de tipo 3 (NTRK3) podría contribuir en la patología del trastorno de pánico (PAND), un trastorno de ansiedad caracterizado ...

    Feature engineering for author profiling and identification: on the relevance of syntax and discourse 

    Soler Company, Juan (Date of defense: 2017-07-06)

    Author profiling and identification are two areas of data-driven computational linguistics that have gained a lot of relevance due to their potential applications in, e.g., forensic linguistic studies, marketing analysis, ...

    Federalism and the creation of new states : justifying internal secession 

    Gilliland, Anthony C. (Date of defense: 2014-06-19)

    This thesis addresses the creation of new states within federal arrangements – particularly federations - and their justification in liberal democratic contexts. It is presented as a set of three cumulative articles. The ...

    Feminist initiatives supporting self-managed abortion in legally restrictive settings of Latin America and the Caribbean : Social inequalities and quality of care 

    Larrea Izaguirre, Sara Lucía (Date of defense: 2022-03-23)

    In this thesis our aim was to understand social inequalities and quality of care in feminist initiatives supporting self-managed abortion in legally restrictive settings of Latin America and the Caribbean. The thesis ...

    Feminist tensions in equality policies: an analysis of gender mainstreaming in the European Union 

    Maenza, Carla Vanina (Date of defense: 2018-12-03)

    This dissertation provides an account of how feminist tensions are presented in policy by studying the case of Gender Mainstreaming in the European Union. First, we present Gender Mainstreaming and other strategies that ...

    Fenici e Greci in Sicilia in età arcaica : Il significato dei materiali di tradizione fenicia all'interno di contesti sicelioti nello studio delle interazioni culturali 

    Sciortino, Gabriella (Date of defense: 2014-06-30)

    The research project aim is to analyze the cultural interactions in archaic Sicily, a period particularly significant about colonial encounters, strongly characterized by the presence of different groups of colonizers of ...

    Fertility and family ties in times of demographic changes 

    Rutigliano, Roberta (Date of defense: 2017-11-30)

    This thesis investigates how big economic and demographic changes over the past century influence fertility dynamics with a particular focus on family ties. The first chapter investigates the role of type of partnership ...

    Fictional orality in the German television series "Türkisch für Anfänger" and its translations into Romance languages: the expression of emotionality 

    Falbe, Sandra (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    El presente estudio se propone investigar el significado interpersonal del lenguaje y su papel en la cultura de los medios de comunicación actuales. Con este fin se examinará un corpus de textos audiovisuales formado por ...

    Figura : una poética de la imagen en la escritura de Julio Cortazar 

    Preciado Núñez, María Cristina (Date of defense: 2014-07-03)

    La presente investigación desea mostrar cómo en la noción de figura, Julio Cortázar deposita una poética de la imagen en su escritura gracias a las posibilidades que dicha noción le otorga simultáneamente como vivencia ...

    Filmar las palabras 

    Pena Morado, Alex (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    El presente trabajo de investigación se propone analizar los modos en que el cine ha llevado a cabo el acto de filmar los textos literarios. En oposición a la tendencia convencional en los estudios filmoliterarios que ...

    Finals sense fi : estudi de la construcció serial a 24, Prison Break i Heroes. 

    Jiménez Morales, Manel (Date of defense: 2011-02-25)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi pretén analitzar una paradoxa narrativa: com construir un relat serial, i per tant potencialment infinit, sota la pressió d’un final apocalíptic. La presència d’aquesta cloenda amenaçadora hauria ...

    La financiación ilegal de los partidos políticos: un estudio sobre la intervención penal en la materia 

    Garriga Rosales, Antoni (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    La tesis elaborada centra su objeto de estudio en la financiación ilegal de los partidos políticos, en particular, en la intervención y respuesta penal en este ámbito. La principal meta que persigue el estudio es dilucidar ...

    Financial Intermediation in Europe 

    Holthausen, Cornelia (Date of defense: 1999-12-02)

    El primer capítulo de esta tesis trata de la legislación de los sistemas de pago internacionales de grna valor cuando la supervisión es efectuada por el banco central nacional. El modelo construido se centra en el análisis ...

    Financing small firms: lender relationships and information spillovers 

    García Appendini, Maria Emilia (Date of defense: 2007-09-03)

    Esta tesis empírica investiga algunas razones por las cuales los bancos y los proovedores desempeñan un papel central en el financiamiento de pequeñas empresas. La primera parte de la tesis refiere a "lender relationships" ...

    Finding a needle in haystack: the Eukaryotic selenoproteome 

    Chapple, Charles E. (Date of defense: 2009-07-15)

    Les selenoproteïnes constitueixen una família diversa de proteïnes, caracteritzada per la presència del Seleni (Se), en forma de l'amino àcid atípic, la selenocisteïna (Sec). La selenocisteïna, coneguda com l'amino àcid ...

    Finding relevant people in online social networks 

    Sáez-Trumper, Diego (Date of defense: 2013-12-05)

    The objective of this thesis is to develop novel techniques to find relevant people in Online Social Networks (OSN). To that end, we consider different notions of relevance, taking the point of view of the OSN providers ...

    Fine-grained model of the sensorimotor control underlying Drosophila larval chemotaxis 

    Deogade, Ajinkya (Date of defense: 2017-11-23)

    Chemotaxis is a powerful paradigm to study how sensory stimulations drive orientation behaviors in an organism. Drosophila larvae navigate odor gradients by controlling the duration of runs and the direction of turns. ...

    The First lady: from the kitchen to the podium : how to gender equality revolution and the media forged a new political actor in democratic systems 

    Widlak, Ewa (Date of defense: 2017-01-03)

    The first ladyship is nowadays one of the most mediatized, yet scientifically neglected unofficial institutions to be found in contemporary states. It raises various questions regarding the nature of modern relations between ...

    Fiscal and Monetary Policy under imperfect commitment 

    Debortoli, Davide (Date of defense: 2008-07-01)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar com s'han de concebre les polítiques fiscals i monetàries en un context en què els polítics tenen problemes de credibilitat. Es desenvolupen metodologies i aplicacions per mostrar com ...

    Flow-level QoS guarantees in IEEE 802.11e EDCA-based WLANs 

    Bellalta, Boris (Date of defense: 2007-02-23)

    Les xarxes WLANs possibiliten un accés de banda ampla a Internet des <br/>d'un terminal mòbil, essent una possible solució alternativa a les <br/>xarxes cel·lulars. Tanmateix, aquest tipus de tecnologia presenta certes ...