Now showing items 2499-2518 of 3292

    Processing of sentential meaning: behavioural and electroencephalographic evidence in neurotypical and Williams syndrome adult populations 

    Soberats, Clara (Date of defense: 2023-09-26)

    Meaning in any naturalistic utterance has a dual aspect: one is lexical-semantic memory, which enters into utterances in the form of words that we remember and retrieve; the other is the specific kind of meaning carried ...

    Producción videográfica en L2: prácticas translingüísticas e identifidación de los creadores transnacionales en Douyin 

    Zhang, Shaoqi (Date of defense: 2024-03-01)

    En esta tesis exploramos una práctica creativa emergente en las selvas digitales: la producción videográfica en idioma extranjero o adicional (L2), con el objetivo de indagar cómo los aprendices de L2 construyen y negocian ...

    Productores libres e iguales: Trabajo y democracia en la teoría republicana 

    Herranz, Adrián (Date of defense: 2023-12-19)

    This thesis uses republican political philosophy to analyse several central labour issues, propose institutional responses to the problems addressed and discuss which conceptual tools are necessary to understand them. I ...

    Prognosis and risk models of depression are built from analytical components of the rs-fMRI activity in patients 

    Tornador Antolin, Cristian (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    Depression is the most common type of emotional disorder among the world's population. It is characterized by negative sentiments, the feeling of guilt, low self-esteem, a loss of interest, a high-level process of reflection, ...

    Program synthesis for generalized planning 

    Segovia Aguas, Javier (Date of defense: 2018-10-05)

    Generalized planning is the problem of finding an algorithm-like solution called generalized plan to multiple planning instances. The two main tasks to perform in generalized planning are synthesizing and validating ...

    Progress towards an alternative screening approach for exogenous anabolic steroids in sport 

    Balcells Aribau, Georgina (Date of defense: 2016-12-21)

    Els esteroides anabolitzants androgènics (EAA) són utilitzats pels atletes per millorar el seu rendiment esportiu. La major part són àmpliament metabolitzats i excretats en l'orina com a metabòlits de fase II. Alguns ...

    Promoción de viviendas para uso propio : obligaciones y responsabilidades en derecho de la edificación 

    Milà Rafel, Rosa (Date of defense: 2012-12-10)

    Este trabajo estudia las distintas modalidades de promoción de viviendas para uso propio (la autopromoción individual, la autopromoción colectiva en régimen de comunidad de propietarios y en régimen de cooperativas de ...

    Promoter-driven splicing regulation in fission yeast 

    Moldón Vara, Alberto (Date of defense: 2008-10-17)

    The meiotic cell cycle is modified from the mitotic cell cycle by having a premeiotic S phase which leads to high levels of recombination, two rounds of nuclear division with no intervening DNA synthesis, and a reductional ...

    Promoting socio-emotional interactions and regulation in computer supported collaborative learning: design, implementation and evaluation of technology features and affordances to facilitate the socio-emotional side of CSCL 

    Velamazán Martínez, Mariano (Date of defense: 2024-05-16)

    This thesis, a compendium of publications, aims at contributing knowledge to better design CSCL tools for promoting socioemotional interactions and regulation. We started with a field study in which we observed groups ...

    Proneural gene requirements and progenitor dynamics in sensory organ development 

    Dyballa, Sylvia (Date of defense: 2015-09-22)

    The inner ear is the sensory organ for hearing and balance. Its functional unit is the sensory patch that comprises: i) hair cells, which are the mechano- transducers sensing the stimuli and are embedded in the supporting ...

    Propuesta de modelos para la ideación estratégica y el análisis integral de la calidad en sitios web: el Website Canvas Model y el sistema de análisis de doble entrada con patrones 

    Sanabre, Carles (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)

    The evaluation of the technical features of websites using analysis systems has proven to be very effective to measure its quality. However, we still lack tools that treat and evaluate the quality of the strategy in the ...

    Prosodic systems in contact: Occitan and French 

    Sichel-Bazin, Rafèu (Date of defense: 2015-06-17)

    Occitan and French are two Gallo-Romance languages that have been in a diglossic situation in Southern France for centuries. Couched in an Autosegmental-Metrical framework, the present thesis analyzes the prosody of ...

    Prospective association of HDL functions and coronary artery disease in the general population : Lifestyle interventions as a modulatory factor 

    Sanllorente Melenchon, Albert (Date of defense: 2021-12-13)

    Antecedents Les funcionalitats biològiques de les lipoproteïnes d’alta densitat (HDL) han sorgit com a marcadors alternatius als nivells de colesterol continguts en les HDL per explicar les capacitats protectores contra ...

    Prostitución callejera, barrios y percepción de seguridad: un estudio en Barcelona 

    Sobrino Garcés, Cristina (Date of defense: 2017-07-17)

    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es observar si la prostitución callejera influye en la percepción de seguridad. El ámbito de investigación se ha centrado en dos barrios de Barcelona en los que la prostitución callejera ...

    Protección a la maternidad en Chile : efectividad y equidad en el acceso : Evaluación de la Ley 20.545 del año 2011 

    Delgado Becerra, Orozimba Iris (Date of defense: 2019-02-07)

    Conciliar la maternidad y el trabajo, y avanzar en la equidad de género, son temas de creciente interés global que están generando políticas innovadoras, sin embargo, apenas conocemos su impacto. Internacionalmente, las ...

    La protección internacional de las indicaciones de origen geográfico. Análisis bajo la óptica del derecho contra la competencia desleal 

    Newman Rodríguez, Silvana (Date of defense: 2011-11-21)

    Las indicaciones de origen geográfico están reguladas por un cúmulo de disposiciones normativas de diversa procedencia (internacional, regional y estatal), y por tanto, no es de extrañar que hayan despertado el interés de ...

    Protein Interaction networks and their applications to protein characterization and cancer genes prediction 

    Aragüés Peleato, Ramón (Date of defense: 2007-07-13)

    La importancia de comprender los procesos biológicos ha estimulado el desarrollo de métodos para la detección de interacciones proteína-proteína. Esta tesis presenta PIANA (Protein Interactions And Network Analysis), un ...

    Protein-protein interaction network : management of databases and its applications on the computational study of protein-protein interactions 

    García-García, Javier (Date of defense: 2015-01-23)

    The use of protein-protein interaction networks has become crucial due to the emergence of systems biology. The completeness and quality of networks, crucial to understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying a system ...

    Proteómica de expresión diferencial en Acinetobacter baumanii resistente a colistina 

    Rodríguez Falcón, Manuel (Date of defense: 2010-10-07)

    Normally present in water, soil and waste water, Acinetobacter baumannii has become an important nosocomial pathogen, as causal agent of pneumonias, septicemias and urinary tract infections, among other complications in ...

    Protocol i cerimonial oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya 1931-1981: continuïtats i provisionalitats 

    Burillo, Lluís (Date of defense: 2017-03-28)

    La tesi doctoral Protocol i cerimonial oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (1931-1981). Continuïtats i provisionalitats analitza el protocol oficial de les institucions públiques que han ocupat el Palau de la Generalitat ...