Now showing items 21-40 of 72

    Detecció de l'administració de 17(beta)-nandrolona en animals 

    Roig Virgili, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2010-12-17)

    17β-nandrolone (17βN) is illegally used in sport and in livestock as a growth promoter.17βN and some of their metabolites have been described as endogenous compounds in some animals, such as adult boars and entire male ...

    Detecció del consum d'agents anabolitzants en humans: estratègies alternatives de preparació de mostres i anàlisi instrumental 

    Marcos del Águila, Josep (Date of defense: 2004-06-28)

    Los agentes anabolizantes prohibidos por la Comisión Médica del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) deben estar ausentes en las muestras de orina objeto de análisis. El límite de detección está condicionado por la ...

    Detecció dels metabòlits del plastificant di(2-etilhexi)l ftalat com a marcadors de l'ús de transfusions en l'esport 

    Monfort Mercader, Núria (Date of defense: 2012-12-19)

    El di(2-etilhexil) ftalat (DEHP) és un plastificant que s’afegeix als productes de clorur de polivinil (PVC) per a dotar-los de més flexibilitat. El material mèdic fet de PVC, i en particular els dispositius i bosses que ...

    Detection of recombinant human Erythopoietin and analogues through immunorecognition and n-glycolyl-neuraminic acid identification 

    Mallorquí Bagué, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2011-04-28)

    Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone, the molecule comprises a single polypeptide chain of 165 aminoacids with two disulfide bonds, 1 O-linked (Ser-126), and 3 N-linked (Asn-24, 38, 83) glycans representing about ...

    Development and validation of pharmacoinformatic similarity-based tools for safety assessment of chemicals 

    Pinto Gil, Kevin (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    Despite the investment of vast amounts of money over the last decades, drug discovery and development remains an inefficient process, which can be stopped at different steps, leading to the loss of all resources invested. ...

    Development of advanced strategies for the prediction of toxicity endpoints in drug development 

    Carrió Gaspar, Pau (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    Safety concerns are one of the main causes of drug attrition. In these events, the moment at which the drug toxic effects are discovered changes dramatically the importance of the finding; discarding a valuable candidate ...

    Development of informatic tools for extracting biomedical data from open and propietary data sources with predictive purposes 

    López Massaguer, Oriol (Date of defense: 2017-12-14)

    Hem desenvolupat noves eines de software per tal d’obtenir informació de fonts publiques i privades per tal de desenvolupar models de toxicitat in silico. La primera eina es Collector, una aplicació de programari lliure ...

    Drug design at biological systems level 

    Remez Vinogradov, Nikita (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    The explosion of reductionist approaches at the end of the XXth century allowed for fast and high-throughput data collection in pharmaceutical industry, but did not deliver the expected gain in drug discovery performance. ...

    Dual-tracer molecular neuroimaging : methodological improvements and biomedical applications 

    Figueiras, Francisca Patuleia (Date of defense: 2012-06-26)

    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a functional imaging method that allows studying physiological, biochemical or pharmacological processes in vivo. PET is being used in both research and clinical practice. In the brain, ...

    Effects of maternal binge alcohol consumption on emotional, cognitive and addictive behaviour in mice 

    Cantacorps Centellas, Lídia (Date of defense: 2019-11-15)

    Maternal alcohol binge drinking during pregnancy can be deleterious for the developing foetus, leading to a wide range of long-lasting morphological and neurobehavioural disabilities known as foetal alcohol spectrum ...

    Endogenous metabolites in drug discovery : from plants to humans 

    Olivés Farrés, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2017-01-30)

    L'habilitat de petites molècules per interaccionar amb múltiples proteines no és exclusiva dels fàrmacs, sino de la majoria de compostos, incloent els metabòlits endogens dels organismes, desde les plants fins els humans. ...

    Estudio de los mecanismos neuronales implicados en las respuestas motivacionales de las drogas de abuso 

    Martín Sánchez, Miquel (Date of defense: 2003-07-16)

    Aquesta tesi presenta els estudis realitzat per avaluar el paper de diferents neurotransmisors i neuromoduladors en respostes de tipus emocional, en el control dels efectes reforçants i gratificants de diverses drogues ...

    Exposició a compostos organoclorats i efectes sobre la salut infantil durant el primer any de vida 

    Ribas Fitó, Núria (Date of defense: 2003-05-30)

    L'hexaclorobenzè (HCB) és un compost organoclorat àmpliament distribuït per tot el planeta, altament lipofílic que s'acumula als sistemes biològics. Els nounats s'exposen a aquests compostos organoclorats (OCs) a través ...

    Genomic changes driving the acquisition of multidrug resistance in Candida glabrata 

    Księżopolska, Ewa (Date of defense: 2021-07-05)

    This project was set out to broaden our knowledge of the processes driving the emergence of antifungal drug resistance in an opportunistic yeast pathogen Candida glabrata. More precisely, we sought to find the mutational ...

    Health benefits of olive oil: contribution of phenolic compunds and transcriptomic response in humans 

    Khymenets, Olha (Date of defense: 2010-06-21)

    The evaluation of olive oil antioxidants, hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, in vivo biological activities is challenged due to scarce data on their metabolic disposition and activities of their glucuronides, main metabolites ...

    Hitchhiking with Nature : exploring snake venom peptides to fight cancer and superbugs 

    Pérez-Peinado, Clara (Date of defense: 2020-01-20)

    This work describes the discovery and optimization of efficient, selective, cost-effective and proteolytic-resistant antimicrobial and antitumoral peptides. To this end, we first identified novel cathelicidin-related ...

    Homology modeling and structural analysis of the antipsychotic drugs receptorome 

    López Muñoz, Laura (Date of defense: 2010-06-22)

    Classically it was assumed that the compounds with therapeutic effect exert their action interacting with a single receptor. Nowadays it is widely recognized that the pharmacological effect of most drugs is more complex ...

    Illuminating the chemical space of therapeutical relevance : from pharmaceutical patents to untargeted proteins 

    Falaguera Mata, Maria José (Date of defense: 2022-04-26)

    Systems pharmacology is the discipline that studies the so-called ‘pharmacological space’ with a holistic and network-based perspective. Its challenge is to shed light on the astonishingly sophisticated biological processes ...

    The Impact of the human endogenous metabolome on drug pharmacology and safety 

    Bofill Pumarola, Andreu (Date of defense: 2021-03-09)

    A great deal of efforts has been made to improve and expand pharmacological testing and optimisation of drug candidates during the discovery process. However, we are yet to understand fully why drugs require certain ...

    Improving detection capabilities of doping agents by identification of new phase I and phase II metabolites by LC-MS/MS 

    Gómez Castellà, Cristina (Date of defense: 2014-03-07)

    Metabolic studies of doping agents have been traditionally performed by using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the last years, liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has ...