Analysis of transcription mechanisms that limit type I interferon responses 

    Huerga Encabo, Hector (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    Anàlisi estructural de partícules i proteïnes del virus de la bursitis infecciosa 

    Garriga i Rigau, Damià (Date of defense: 2010-01-21)

    La malaltia de la bursitis infecciosa, o alaltia de Gumboro, és una patologia aviària d'origen viral que afecta principalment les cries d'aus. En les granges de cria d'aviram, el virus que la origina, l'IBDV, provoca una ...

    Asociación entre la infección por el VIH y el Virus del Papiloma Humano: Implicaciones para la prevención del cáncer de cérvix en mujeres VIH positivas 

    Stuardo Ávila, Valeria (Date of defense: 2010-07-30)

    Antecedentes: La infección por el virus del papiloma humano de alto riesgo HPV (HR) es un factor necesario para las lesiones cervicales (SIL) y el cáncer cervical invasivo (ICC). En las mujeres infectadas por el HIV, la ...

    Broad-spectrum host-acting antivirals: identification and characterization of anti-HIV drugs 

    Fleta Soriano, Eric (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    Hundreds of host factors related to viral infections like HIV, hepatitis C virus, dengue virus or West Nile virus have been identified. As many of these host factors are shared by different viruses, chemical blockade of ...

    CD4 and CD8 T-cell activation reflect different pathogenic asprects in chronic HIV-treated subjects 

    Massanella Luna, Marta (Date of defense: 2012-06-26)

    La infecció pel virus de la immunodeficiència humana (VIH) provoca una deficiència progressiva del sistema immunològic, caracteritzada per una destrucció massiva de les cèl•lules T CD4 i, una activació i inflamació immune ...

    Characterization of UL1, a member of the human cytomegalovirus RL11 gene family 

    Shikhagaie, Medya (Date of defense: 2011-11-07)

    In the present study, we have approached the molecular characterization of the HCMV specific UL1. To this end a HCMV (AD169-derived HB5 background) recombinant with an HA-epitope tagged UL1 and a mutant with a full UL1 ...

    Comparative genomics to unravel virulence mechanisms in fungal human pathogens 

    Pryszcz, Leszek Piotr (Date of defense: 2014-11-28)

    Las Candidas forman uno de los grupos con mayor n´umero de hongos pat´ogenos en humanos. La relaci ´on que tienen desde un punto de vista filogen´etico demuestra que la capacidad de infectar humanos ha surgido varias ...

    Design and implementation of a next-generation sequencing test for the fast and cost-effective SARS-CoV-2 differantial diagnosis and variant detection 

    Montero Vale, María Mercedes (Date of defense: 2024-09-13)

    In the beginning of 2020 the WHO declared a pandemic that was initiated by the outbreak of a new virus named as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that quickly spread globally, challenging our ...

    Identification of HIV-1 reactivating quinoline compounds as bromodomain inhibitors 

    Abner, Erik (Date of defense: 2016-12-21)

    Tras la infección por VIH-1, el establecimiento de un depósito de células T en reposo infectadas latentemente con VIH impide la erradicación del virus en pacientes. Para lograr la erradicación, la terapia retroviral existente ...

    Immunotherapy of chronic virus infections : Exhausted CD8+ T cell subsets are differentially regulated by XCR1 + DC 

    Domenjó Vila, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-06-01)

    The contribution of cross-presenting XCR1+ dendritic cells (DC) in maintaining T cell function during exhaustion and immuno-therapeutic interventions of chronic infections remains poorly characterized. Using the mouse model ...

    Influence of the NKG2C genotype in the development of adaptive NK cells and characterization of the antibody-mediated response to Epstein-Barr virus 

    López Montañés, María (Date of defense: 2016-11-25)

    El citomegalovirus humano (HCMV) promueve una redistribución del compartimento de células Natural Killer (NK) marcada por un incremento de las células NK maduras que expresan niveles elevados del receptor activador CD94/NKG2C. ...

    Influencia de la cromatina en el lugar de integración sobre la actividad del promotor del virus de la immunodeficiencia humana y el establecimiento de la latencia viral 

    Gallastegui Calvache, Edurne (Date of defense: 2010-06-18)

    El establecimiento de un reservorio latente del virus del HIV en células T CD4+ es la mayor barrera contra la erradicación de esta enfermedad. Para lograr su erradicación, se necesitaría combinar la terapia antirretroviral ...

    Interplay between cancer cells, fibroblasts, immune cells, and resistance to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibition in breast cancer 

    Soria Jiménez, Luis (Date of defense: 2023-02-17)

    Although the dual anti-HER2 blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab monoclonal antibodies has improved the outcome of patients with HER2+ breast cancer, a significant number of patients relapse. Additional strategies for ...

    Linking cell dynamics with coexpression networks to characterize key events in chronic virus infection 

    Riera Domínguez, María Graciela (Date of defense: 2018-12-10)

    The host immune response against infection requires the coordinated action of many diverse cell subsets that dynamically adapt to a pathogen threat. Due to the complexity of such a response, most immunological studies have ...

    Multi-epitope peptide platforms for vaccine applications 

    Forner, Mar (Date of defense: 2021-02-24)

    Vaccination constitutes one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of promoting global health. Nevertheless, few vaccines are fully effective, for manifold reasons ranging from intrinsic limitations to more ...

    PD-L1 blockade : impact on regulatory T cells from HIV-infected individuals 

    Peligero Cruz, Cristina (Date of defense: 2015-11-17)

    Bloquejar la via PD-1/PD-L1 ha sorgit com una estratègia prometedora per a restaurar la resposta immune efectora en individus infectats amb el virus de la immunodeficiència humana (VIH). Malgrat l’extensa recerca duta a ...

    Role of the cellular decapping activator LSM1-7 complex in the replication of positive-strand RNA viruses 

    Galão, Rui Pedro Ribeiro (Date of defense: 2010-12-01)

    By using the ability of the positive-strand RNA ((+)RNA) virus BMV to replicate in yeast it was previously shown that subunits of the LSm1-7 ring, as well as Pat1 and Dhh1 play an essential role in the transit of the BMV ...

    Schlafen 12, a novel HIV restriction factor involved in latency 

    Smutná, Katarína (Date of defense: 2019-02-18)

    The process of HIV latency establishment and maintenance is not clearly understood. Homeostatic proliferation (HSP) is a major mechanism by which long-lived naive and memory CD4 T cells are maintained in vivo. HSP also ...

    Spatiotemporal differences of early type I interferon response in acute and chronic viral infections 

    Casella, Valentina (Date of defense: 2021-05-19)

    The main aim of this project was to uncover the spatiotemporal events influencing type I interferon (IFN-I) dynamics during the early phase of acute and chronic viral infections. Time-resolved spleen-transcriptome analysis ...

    Time-resolved systems analysis of virus infection fate regulation 

    Pedragosa Marín, Mireia (Date of defense: 2018-03-21)

    The processes and mechanisms of virus infection fate decisions that are the result of a dynamic virus - immune system interaction with either an efficient effector response and virus elimination or an alleviated immune ...