Mostrando ítems 181-200 de 3276

    Structural language change in Alzheimer's disease: a study of spontaneous speech tasks across different stages of cognitive impairment 

    Chapin, Kayla (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-30)

    Linguistic characteristics of spontaneous connected speech are showing increasing potential for detecting and tracking cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, and could be particularly suitable to study at-risk populations ...

    La Traducción chino-español de las metáforas sobre Relaciones de Género en la novela Wei Cheng (围城): un estudio desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso 

    Li, Hongying (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-14)

    Wei Cheng (围城 ), una de las obras literarias más importantes de la China moderna, es ampliamente conocida por su estilo sarcástico y el uso de abundantes metáforas. Mediante un estudio de la traducción chino-español de las ...

    Essays on agent heterogeneity in macroeconomics 

    Smirnov, Danila (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-12)

    In my Ph.D. thesis, I study the subjects of monetary economics, heterogeneity of households and firms, and optimal policy. I solve models with rich heterogeneity and use statistical models to work with time series macro ...

    Essays in macroeconomics and economic geography 

    Mantovani, Cristiano (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-09)

    This dissertation contains three essays on macroeconomics and economic geography. In the first Chapter, I study the evolution of hours worked. I develop a model of the labor market and use the model to explain the evolution ...

    Essays on trade agreements 

    Ptashkina, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-27)

    This dissertation consists of two chapters studying trade agreements. The first chapter estimates the effects of preferential trade agreements on bilateral trade between their signatories. A novel empirical method used ...

    Precarious employment and social reproduction: the impact on health and well-being 

    Tanzini, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-15)

    This dissertation aims to make a theoretical and empirical contribution to the debate on precarious employment, social reproduction and the impact on health and well-being. In recent years, numerous studies have examined ...

    Comunicación efectiva de la ciencia a audiencias amplias : ¿una obligación, un reto o una oportunidad? 

    Campos, Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-21)

    La Unión Europea ha detectado que los proyectos de ciencia e innovación financiados por el Programa Marco y sus resultados no siempre se comunican a audiencias amplias de forma adecuada, es decir a la sociedad y los medios. ...

    Information propagation in the cortex across the sleep-wake cycle: a computational study 

    Razi, Farhad (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-21)

    During the deep phases of sleep we do not normally wake up by a thunder, but we nevertheless notice it when awake. The exact same sound gets to our ears and cortex through the thalamus and still, it triggers two very ...

    Essays in monetary economics 

    Ohanyan, Narek (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-07)

    This thesis studies the optimal conduct of monetary policy in the presence of nominal and informational frictions. The first chapter studies the optimal policy in a small open economy model with external asset holdings. ...

    Essays in macroeconomics and agents' heterogeneity 

    Morazzoni, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-02)

    In my PhD thesis, I analyse different macro and policy-relevant heterogeneities across both firms and individuals. In the midst of vivid debate over the US college financial aid system, Chapter 1 shows that student loans ...

    Essays in game theory and mechanism design 

    Gavan, Malachy James (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-29)

    This thesis aims to understand negotiations over the behaviour agents will take in a game and, separately, robust implementation. Chapter 1 examines the binding agreements that result from a negotiation over what to ...

    Constraints and rewards in behavior and optimal decision making 

    Ramirez-Ruiz, Jorge (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-22)

    The idea of optimal decision-making presupposes certain features about the agent and their environment. This thesis examines two common assumptions in disciplines that study natural and artificial behavior: perfect ...

    Study of genetic, epigenetic and gut microbiota signatures involved in food addiction vulnerability 

    García Blanco, Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-06)

    The easy access to hypercaloric and palatable foods is a major contributing factor for compulsive eating and food addiction development. The prevalence of food addiction measured with the validated Yale Food Addiction ...

    Multidimensional studies of depression and antidepressant response : behavioural models, molecular and structural approaches 

    Ortiz Teba, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-05)

    Depression is a major public health problem, affecting 322 million people worldwide. Antidepressants are the basis for the treatment of major depression. Although increasingly safer, individual patient response variability ...

    Redes sociales online y participación política: un análisis del caso chileno entre 2009 y 2019 

    Scherman, Andrés (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-30)

    La tesis “Redes sociales online y participación política: un análisis del caso chileno entre 2009 y 2019” aborda el impacto de las redes sociales online en la participación política de los jóvenes chilenos durante una ...

    Presentation of cytomegalovirus antigens by non-classical HLA class I molecules 

    Altadill Balsells, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-30)

    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) causes a prevalent lifelong infection in all human populations. Although the course is generally mild and the virus remains latent, HCMV can cause severe disorders in immunocompromised patients ...

    Historia y ficción en la novela Jan Karski de Yannick Haenel 

    Fernandez-Meza, Juan Aurelio (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-11)

    La presente investigación analiza las relaciones entre historia y ficción tomando por caso de estudio la novela Jan Karski (2009) de Yannick Haenel. Para ello, se empleará como marco teórico el género novela histórica ...

    La participación española en la Guerra de Sucesión de Polonia (1733-1738): una história militar, logística y social 

    García García, Marcos José (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-25)

    El presente trabajo analiza la participación española en la Guerra de Sucesión Polaca y sostiene, como resultado, que dicho conflicto no responde al modelo de guerra dieciochista que la historiografía ha presentado hasta ...

    La mirada internacional de Joan Estelrich en su etapa catalanista, entre redes y culturas 

    Lo Giudice, Ivan (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-24)

    Joan Estelrich Artigues (Felanitx 1896 – París 1958) es un personaje histórico ideal para acercarse al estudio de los nacionalismos españoles y, al mismo tiempo, observar la manera en la que el catalanismo de entreguerras ...

    Modelling Parkinson in zebrafish: from understanding disease to discovering new therapies 

    García Fernández, Jéssica (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-12)

    The term "neurodegenerative disorder" refers to a set of illnesses in which the neurological system gradually deteriorates and is characterized by cognitive impairment, motor degradation, and behavioural changes. The ...