Now showing items 261-280 of 3276

    Rewriting the Other, understanding the Self 

    Llopart Babot, Sandra (Date of defense: 2023-03-14)

    This PhD thesis presents a descriptive approach to the translation and reception of African American women’s literature in Spain. My research starts by examining the original conditions of production of this literature, ...

    Traducción y autotraducción en la obra de José María Arguedas 

    Mancosu, Paola (Date of defense: 2023-03-01)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral es proposa estudiar la pràctica de traducció i autotraducció de l’escriptor i antropòleg peruà José María Arguedas (1911-1969). Tot i la seva importància en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporània, ...

    Towards efficient audio-visual source separation and synthesis 

    Montesinos García, Juan Felipe (Date of defense: 2023-03-31)

    Nuestro cerebro tiene la habilidad innata de aislar diferentes sonidos en ambientes ruidosos (Efecto de fiesta de coctel), así como de entender la relación entre aquello que vemos y oímos. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo ...

    Disseny i avaluació d'un programa escolar d'educació emocional per a infants de 3 a 5 anys 

    Bartroli, Montse (Date of defense: 2023-03-28)

    El desenvolupament de la competència emocional en infants de 3 a 5 anys es pot fomentar en l’àmbit escolar mitjançant programes estructurats d’educació emocional. En salut pública, l’avaluació de la competència emocional ...

    The effect of genetic background and exposome on DNA methylation and its influence on human traits 

    Carreras Gallo, Natàlia (Date of defense: 2023-03-24)

    DNA methylation is really important because it is altered due to genetic and environmental factors, and it is associated with common diseases. In this thesis, we identified new factors altering DNA methylation, including ...

    Improvements to incentives in incentive-driven blockchain technologies 

    McMenamin, Conor (Date of defense: 2023-03-17)

    In this thesis, we present a set of protocols in areas at the core of current blockchain technology literature; consensus, decentralized finance and distributed computing. These areas are bound by a critical dependency ...

    Toward empathic systems: implicit understanding and modulation of human cognitive and affective states 

    López Carral, Héctor (Date of defense: 2023-03-13)

    Emotions are a fundamental part of human life. They play a critical role in how we think, behave, and implicitly understand each other. However, although computing devices are increasingly consequential in our world, they ...

    Metaphorical representations of obesity in chinese media (2010-2020) 

    Huang, Xiang (Date of defense: 2023-02-06)

    Obesity is a pressing health issue and a popular topic in Chinese media. This PhD thesis investigates the metaphors used to talk about obesity in Chinese media. Specifically, this thesis compares the editorials in the ...

    Más allá del espejo dispositivos de disidencia en la obra de Joaquim Jordà: documentales que no son (solo) documentales 

    Rubio, Cristina (Date of defense: 2023-03-20)

    Esta tesis tiene como objeto el estudio de la obra de Joaquim Jordà con el propósito de identificar los trazos distintivos que permitan definir su caligrafía creativa y determinar hasta qué punto contribuyó a reformular ...

    La Investigación científica sobre el microbioma en la prensa e internet: impacto mediático y calidad de la información 

    Prados-Bo, Andreu (Date of defense: 2023-02-24)

    El microbioma ha despertado un creciente interés científico, mediático y económico. Esta tesis examina hasta qué punto la información del microbioma en la prensa e internet está alineada con la ciencia. Durante el ...

    La raíz imaginada: Javier Cercas, biografía de una obra literaria 

    Quesada Casado, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-12-02)

    El siguiente documento estudia la obra de Javier Cercas desde su primera publicación, El móvil (1987) hasta el reciente título del nuevo ciclo de novelas iniciado con Terra Alta (2019). La tesis consta de cinco partes. ...

    Plant processing activities and the use of domestic space at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey: A microbotanical perspective 

    Santiago-Marrero, Carlos G. (Date of defense: 2022-12-09)

    Çatalhöyük is a 9,000-year-old settlement located in the Konya Plain, Turkey. Thanks to the remarkable preservation of its material culture, Çatalhöyük expanded our understanding of the neolithic lifeways in what was one ...

    Phytoliths as proxies for plant water availability: An experimental approach on selected C4 species and its archaeological application in drylands 

    D'Agostini, Francesca (Date of defense: 2022-02-20)

    Este trabajo investigó la relación entre los fitolitos de mijo de dedo, mijo perla y sorgo, y las condiciones hídricas en las que crecen estas especies. El debate arqueológico sobre el uso de los mijos sigue abierto y ...

    Novel methods for multiple sequence alignment and evolutionary modeling 

    Mansouri, Leila (Date of defense: 2023-03-27)

    El continuo aumento de los proyectos de producción de datos genómicos a gran escala, como el "Earth BioGenome Project" (Lewin et al., 2018), pone los métodos de análisis de datos bajo una presión sin precedentes. Es necesario ...

    Chromatin-linked and NF-kB independent IkBa function in embryonic stem cell pluripotency exit and differentation 

    Galán i Palma, Luis (Date of defense: 2023-03-22)

    Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) have the ability to self-renew and give rise to almost every somatic cell type. Because of their enormous potential as a tool for regenerative medicine, understanding molecular mechanisms that ...

    Outdoor exposure to residential noise, neurodevelopment, and sleep in children and preadoslescents 

    Pérez Crespo, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-03-22)

    Environmental noise pollution has become a major public health concern due to its increase during the last decades as a result of urbanization processes. Environmental noise can be produced by different sources but the ...

    Population genetics of Copy Number Variants: the case of the Romani population 

    Antinucci, Marco (Date of defense: 2023-03-23)

    Much information has been gathered for the Romani population so far, spanning historical, linguistics and genetics research. While whole genome analyses for this population started only recently, most studies using genetic ...

    Impact of recent protein structure prediction methods on homology, evolutionary and functional inference 

    Baltzis, Athanasios (Date of defense: 2023-03-20)

    Recent advances in deep learning techniques have revolutionised protein structure modelling. Since AlphaFold2’s release, a set of tools have now become available to predict native-like structures at near-experimental ...

    Zero-knowledge proofs for self-sovereign identities in decentralized services 

    Salleras, Xavier (Date of defense: 2023-03-13)

    Telecommunication systems such as mobile communications are evolving over time, and thanks to that, many digital services have arisen in the last decade. Usually, these services ask their users to provide sensitive information ...

    Thai TV series brought to Spanish-speaking audiences: a study of fansubbing practices 

    Leksawat, Animmarn (Date of defense: 2023-01-16)

    This thesis investigates the complexities of the fansubbing of Thai TV series into Spanish as a representative case of two underexplored areas in Translation Studies: non-professional translation and pivot translation. ...