Now showing items 191-210 of 1766

    Avaluació del procés de desintegració de papers recuperats 

    Puig Serramitja, Josep (Date of defense: 2004-11-19)

    La desintegració és una etapa important en la recuperació de paper vell, ja que té importants conseqüències en consum d'energia i en el comportament de les etapes posteriors.<br/>Per això els objectius es centren en analitzar ...

    Avaluació del servei telefònic amb llevadora com a eina de suport durant la instauració de l’alletament matern 

    Gol i Gómez, Roser (Date of defense: 2018-07-17)

    This work evaluates the effectiveness of the midwifery telephone support in relation to the abandonment of breastfeeding of primiparous women from a randomized parallel controlled clinical trial. 220 primiparous women who ...

    Avaluació dels efectes d'un programa d'exercici físic individualitzat sobre la Qualitat de Vida (QdV), la incontinència urinària, la fatiga i la resistència muscular amb malalts del càncer de pròstata 

    Serdà Ferrer, Bernat-Carles (Date of defense: 2009-05-29)

    El cáncer de próstata es el cáncer más frecuente en los hombres en muchos países industrializados. Considerando el porcentaje de supervivencia relativa a los 5 años (76,5%) y el estado de morbilidad que generan los ...

    La ayuda educativa entre docentes en situaciones habituales de colaboración en un centro. Compartir para aprender y enseñar la profesión docente 

    García Lozano, Leonardo (Date of defense: 2013-06-03)

    In this research the process through which a group of teachers deal with problems that arise from their shared context of their daily teaching practice is discussed. The approach to the problem is understood as a process ...

    Ànimes preses. "La mort i la primavera", de Mercè Rodoreda: etnografia, primitivisme i espiritualitat 

    Penalba Suárez, Neus (Date of defense: 2021-12-03)

    This study is a monographic analysis of Mercè Rodoreda’s posthumous novel, La mort i la primavera, the work that has received the least critical attention. It is a fascinating and very complex novel, both because of the ...

    Bacteriospermia and porcine reproduction: effects on sperm quality and fertility potential of boar spermatozoa 

    Sepúlveda, Lilian (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)

    Boar semen is not collected under sterile conditions,so boar ejaculates are commonly contaminated with a broad range of microorganisms, which may affect sperm quality and lead to a low reproductive performance and severe ...

    Balance or imbalance? The interplay of hydrology and nutrient dynamics in Mediterranean coastal lagoons 

    Meredith, Warren (Date of defense: 2024-03-14)

    Coastal wetlands and lagoons are some of the most fluctuating and productive ecosystems in the world. As transition zones between marine and continental environments, they provide numerous ecosystem services, including the ...

    Barcelona y el turismo coreano. Un análisis a través de los medios de comunicación coreanos 

    Kang, Sin Gyu (Date of defense: 2022-02-07)

    The Spanish Tourism Office pointed out in 2012 that between 40,000 and 50,000 South Koreans had traveled to Spain. This figure, validated by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) reflects that in nine years the ...

    Basin-scale hydrodynamics in a Mediterranean reservoir. Implications for the phytoplankton dynamics 

    Vidal Hurtado, Javier (Date of defense: 2007-04-27)

    Procesos hidrodinámicos determinan, en un alto grado la calidad del agua en embalse, sin embargo dichos procesos han sido tradicionalmente olvidados en la gestión de embalse. En esta tesis se presentan evidencias de los ...

    Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine 

    Asturiol Bofill, David (Date of defense: 2010-02-05)

    En aquesta tesi he estudiat l'efecte de l'error de superposició de base (BSSE) en la planaritat d'algunes molècules. He observat que l'ús d'alguns mètodes de càlcul amb determinades funcions de base descriuen mínims d'energia ...

    Benestar i acolliment d'infants en família extensa: percepcions, avaluacions i aspiracions dels principals agents implicats 

    Montserrat Boada, Carme (Date of defense: 2006-09-04)

    La importància que els acolliments en família extensa han assolit en la darrera dècada dins dels sistemes de protecció infantil en la major part dels països occidentals, contrasta tant amb l'escassa i recent investigació ...

    Bereavement and addiction: complicated grief symptoms, psychopathology and associated variables in a substance use disorder sample 

    Masferrer Boix, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-12-01)

    The loss of a loved one is a universal experience to which the majority of people adjust adequately. A substantial minority do not allow the natural process and, despite the passing of time, they continue to live with great ...

    Beyond trust. Using fuzzy contextual filters for reliability assessment in multi agent systems 

    Acebo Peña, Esteve del (Date of defense: 2011-05-27)

    Trust modeling is widely recognized as an aspect of essential importance in the construction of agents and multi agent systems (MAS). As a consequence, several trust formalisms have been proposed over the last years. All ...

    Bienestar subjetivo en niños, niñas y adolescentes que participan en programas públicos después de clases en Chile 

    Ditzel, Ana Loreto (Date of defense: 2022-06-07)

    This doctoral thesis aims to explore different aspects of the subjective well-being of children living in conditions of social vulnerability and participating in after-school programs in Chile. To this end, an investigation ...

    Bienestar subjetivo y satisfacción escolar en la adolescencia 

    Luna Soca, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2013-02-01)

    The main objective of this research is to explore the relationship between the subjective well-being and a set of school factors that characterize both the functioning of the classroom and the school, and the academic ...

    Bienestar subjetivo, psicopatología y desempeño en matemáticas en adolescentes 

    Rubio Rivera, Andrés (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    The present investigation is made up of two studies. Study 1 has as general objectives (1) to know the prevalence of the risk of psychopathology in adolescents, (2) to analyze the levels of subjective well-being and risk ...

    Bioelectrochemical systems for ammonium removal in contaminated water 

    Osset Álvarez, Miguel (Date of defense: 2023-03-08)

    Summary Nowadays, ammonium (NH4+) is a pollutant present in all kinds of water bodies, leading to multiple environmental and health issues. The current NH4+-removing technologies are very expensive, as they require a lot ...

    Bioelectrochemical transformation of carbon dioxide to target compounds through microbial electrosynthesis 

    Batlle Vilanova, Pau (Date of defense: 2016-11-25)

    In 2015 the average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere exceeded 400 ppm. Some technologies, including CO2 capture and storage, are palliative. However, the development of alternatives to burning of fossil fuels focuses ...

    Bioenergetics mechanism and autophagy in breast cancer stem cells 

    Cufí González, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2015-05-22)

    Aquest és el primer informe que demostra que l'autofàgia està mecànicament vinculat al manteniment de les cèl•lules tumorals que expressen alts nivells de CD44 i baixos nivells de CD24, que són típics de les cèl•lules mare ...

    Biofilm responses to flow intermittency in Mediterranean rivers 

    Colls Lozano, Miriam (Date of defense: 2020-07-31)

    Currently, global change is promoting the spatiotemporal occurrence of temporary streams, altering fluvial ecosystem function and structure, and the ecosystem services they provide. To effectively protect fluvial ecosystems, ...