Now showing items 1587-1606 of 1771

    SMT techniques for planning problems 

    Espasa Arxer, Joan (Date of defense: 2018-11-15)

    Automated planning is a discipline in the field of Artificial Intelligence that can be described as the process of finding a course of action that achieves a specified task. In other words, it focuses on reasoning about ...

    Sobre el lloc de la filosofia en la societat de la informació i del coneixement 

    Sarsanedas Darnés, Anna (Date of defense: 2007-01-17)

    La tesi defensa la transmutació de la filosofia en la societat de la informació i del coneixement, tant pel que fa referència als nous espais d'aplicació, com als dels temes objecte d'estudi i els mètodes a seguir en la ...

    Sobre la forma de los arbotantes en las fábricas góticas 

    Samper Sosa, Albert (Date of defense: 2024-01-25)

    Flying buttresses have been extensively studied from a mechanical, constructive or descriptive point of view. The references on its geometric aspects are practically scarce and unfortunately, we have to go back to 1854 to ...

    Sobre las normas irregulares: un aspecto de la realidad jurídica 

    Chahuan Zedan, Marcela (Date of defense: 2017-03-10)

    This doctoral thesis is an analysis of irregular norms, that is to say, norms which do not comply with the conditions for creation of norms established by the law-making rules of a legal system. The aim of this research ...

    Sobre poesia visual: aprenent a llegir davant les línies 

    Masgrau Juanola, Mariona (Date of defense: 2011-04-27)

    This research examines the nature of visual poetry and its educational potential in the processes of teaching and learning reading and writing in primary education. The first part looks into the internal and external logic ...

    Social exclusion and eudaimonic well-being: a children's perspective 

    Crous Parcerisas, Gemma (Date of defense: 2018-03-15)

    The main objective is to explore eudaimonic well-being (PWB) and social exclusion from children’s and adolescents’ perspective and the associations between these constructs and with other related ones such as hedonic ...

    Social networks and performance in knowledge creation. An application and a methodological proposal 

    Coromina Soler, Lluís (Date of defense: 2006-04-24)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es predecir el rendimiento de los estudiantes de doctorado en la Universidad de Girona según características personales (background), actitudinales y de redes sociales de los estudiantes. La ...

    Social Sales: una nueva manera de intermediación turística online 

    Caparrós Vicente, Ana Belén (Date of defense: 2019-02-15)

    The evolution of tourism has experienced different circumstances due to changes in the tourism intermediation system. These changes occurred since the beginning of modern tourism. One of the cyclic changes was the introduction ...

    Les societats ibèriques de la Hispània Citerior durant els primers anys de romanització (218-133 AC) 

    Vivo i Llorca, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    El principal objectiu de la tesi és analitzar la societat de l’àrea ibèrica de la província Hispània Citerior en el transcurs dels primers vuitanta-cinc anys de presència romana (218-133 aC). Si bé aquest és un tema que ...

    Socioeconomic status determines floristic patterns in suburban domestic gardens: implications for water use and alien plant dispersal in the Mediterranean context 

    Padullés Cubino, Josep (Date of defense: 2015-07-23)

    The recent growth of low-density urban developments in the Mediterranean coast has led to an increase in the number of private domestic gardens. This thesis examines the flora, features and management practices of 258 ...

    Soil and vegetation carbon dynamics (stocks and fluxes) and litter decomposition in a Mediterranean non-tidal salt marsh 

    Carrasco Barea, Lorena (Date of defense: 2020-10-09)

    Salt marshes are considered key ecosystems for climate regulation because they have a high carbon sequestration capacity. However, most studies of carbon sequestration capacity of these ecosystems have been performed in ...

    Solid-phase synthesis of 5-arylhistidine-containing peptides: from linear antimicrobial peptides to cyclic peptides derived from arylomycins and aciculitins 

    Ng Choi, I-teng Montserrat (Date of defense: 2015-12-15)

    The incorporation of unsymmetrical biaryl systems into peptide sequences is a strategy that can improve their biological activity. Due to the difficulty of arylating the 4(5}-position of the imidazole ring, this doctoral ...

    Solid-phase synthesis of cell-penetrating γ-peptide/antimicrobial peptide conjugates and of cyclic lipodepsipeptides derived from fengycins 

    Rosés Subirós, Cristina (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    This thesis is focused on the development of synthetic approaches to obtain new bioactive peptides. The first part deals with the design of new antimicrobial peptide/cell-penetrating peptide conjugates as anticancer agents. ...

    Sonar scan matching for simultaneous localization and mapping in confined underwater environments 

    Mallios, Angelos (Date of defense: 2014-05-15)

    This thesis presents the development of a localization and mapping algorithm for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). It is based on probabilistic scan matching of raw sonar scans within a pose-based simultaneous ...

    Sostenibilitat als centres culturals: exposicions d'art amb criteris ecològics 

    Alcubierre, Anna (Date of defense: 2021-09-06)

    The work belongs to sustainability and culture, it is a research on how we act and what ecological responsibility we take, in the spaces dedicated to temporary art exhibitions. The objective is justified because museum ...

    Source and negative prefixes: On the syntax-lexicon interface and the encoding of spatial relations 

    Gibert Sotelo, Elisabeth (Date of defense: 2017-12-18)

    This dissertation offers a contrastive analysis of the (here called) Source prefix des- and the negative prefix iN- in Spanish that highlights the connections and divergences existing between the encoding of Source paths ...

    Stability lobes diagram identification and surface roughness monitoring in milling processes 

    Quintana i Badosa, Guillem (Date of defense: 2010-01-14)

    La millora de la productivitat i la qualitat són indubtablement dues de les principals exigències del sector productiu modern i factors clau per la competitivitat i la supervivència. Dins aquest sector,la fabricació per ...

    Statistical methods to manage and analyse real world data. Development of a health observatory in Alt Empordà 

    Franquet Bonet, Álvaro (Date of defense: 2021-12-01)

    The objective of this thesis is to explore in greater depth the process of creating a public health observatory and the processing of the information needed to take territorial decisions in the county of Alt Empordà. The ...

    Steering CO2 bio-electrocycling into valuable compounds through inline monitoring of key operational parameters 

    Blasco Gómez, Ramiro (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (METs) are a promising alternative for capturing and in-situ reducing CO2 through the use of renewable electricity. Microorganisms grown in autotrophic conditions use CO2 as an electron ...

    Stochastic models and the temporal dynamics of ecological communities 

    Jiménez Ontiveros, Vicente Luis (Date of defense: 2020-06-29)

    This thesis develops a quantitative approach to understanding and predicting the spatiotemporal distribution of biodiversity, based on a stochastic version of the theory of island biogeography. Here, I present R package ...