Now showing items 769-788 of 1771

    Exploring the boundaries of aromaticity through computational analysis of excited states and complex molecular topologies 

    Escayola Gordils, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2024-05-14)

    Aromaticity is a widely used concept in the prediction, design, and understanding of key aspects related to reactivity, structure, and properties of molecules. Linked to cyclic or three-dimensional molecular systems, it ...

    Expressió escrita en nois i noies de cicle superior d'EGB. Estudi descriptiu sobre el producte escrit: un estudi de casos sobre el procés de composició escrita 

    Vilà, Montserrat (Vilà Suñé) (Date of defense: 1996-10-18)

    La recerca sobre l'expressió escrita ha evolucionat de forma espectacular al llarg d'aquest segle. Si fins als anys 60 l'objectiu dels estudis es centrava exclusivament en les produccions escrites i en l'anàlisi del sistema ...

    La expulsión de extranjeros del artículo 89 del Código Penal: análisis jurídico penal y criminológico 

    Martín Escribano, Patrícia A. (Date of defense: 2015-11-27)

    The aim of this study is to analyze, from a legal and criminological perspective, the measure contained in article 89 of the Criminal Law (Organic Law 5/2010 of 22 July, that modified the Organic Law 10/1995 of 23 November, ...

    F. Hölderlin i S.T. Coleridge: recepció immediata i influència de la Crítica del Judici de Kant en els poetes del romanticisme 

    Carbó, Mònica (Carbó i Ribugent) (Date of defense: 2005-11-30)

    La tesi contrasta les conseqüències filosòfiques i la constel·lació temàtica de la Crítica del Judici, amb les manifestacions poeticofilosòfiques de F. Hölderlin i S.T. Coleridge. La font principal de recerca són aquelles ...

    Factores asociados al bienestar subjetivo en docentes chilenos 

    Herrera Barros, Camilo Alfredo (Date of defense: 2023-02-17)

    Teachers are one of the main pillars of our society, multiple studies indicate that their subjective well-being is essential for a good performance of their duties. This research aims to identify the main protective and ...

    Factores protectores y de riesgo de la violencia escolar desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica en estudiantes peruanos de secundaria 

    Miranda Ayala, Rafael (Date of defense: 2020-06-30)

    School violence is a pandemic that affects millions of children and adolescents worldwide. The effects of suffering school violence diminsh the development of cognitive abilities as well as experiencing lower levels ...

    Factores psicosociales de riesgo y protección de la salud y bienestar entre los profesionales del transporte sanitario 

    Navarro Moya, Maria Pau (Date of defense: 2019-11-26)

    Several studies highlight the fact that ambulance personnel are exposed to multiple psychosocial risk factors that can lead, among others, to burnout syndrome. There are few studies that provide information on protective ...

    Factores que afectan los razonamientos probabilísticos intuitivos de escolares que enfrentan situaciones problemáticas matemáticamente equivalentes 

    Nettle Valenzuela, Alejandro Horacio (Date of defense: 2019-11-06)

    The objective is to associate intuitive probabilistic reasoning with cognitive factors: learning styles, arithmetic skills, school performance and the ability of abstract reasoning of schoolchildren facing mathematically ...

    Factors affecting the distribution, abundance and diversity of uncultured archaeal groups in freshwater sediments 

    Compte Port, Sergi (Date of defense: 2018-07-03)

    Archaea are abundant in extreme environments but they are also a prevalent component of microbial communities in soils, marine or freshwater plankton and sediments. Many studies highlighted the prominent role of marine ...

    Factors associated with arterial stiffness in a general Mediterranean population and in a Mediterranean intermediate cardiovascular risk population 

    Camós Llovet, Lourdes (Date of defense: 2019-02-26)

    The objectives of the thesis are to estimate the prevalence of pathological arterial stiffness (measured with the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index –CAVI-) in a general Mediterranean population and in a Mediterranean intermediate ...

    Factors associats a la incidència de fibril·lació auricular i estudi de l'associació del tractament amb estatines amb la incidència d'aquesta arítmia en població hipertensa sense antecedents de malaltia isquèmica vascular 

    Alves Cabratosa, Lia (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and implies a huge social, medical, and economical burden. Analyses of AF risk factors in certain groups of population would allow tailored ...

    Factors emocionals associats a la conducta alimentària en adolescents. Adaptació i validació de l'EES-C i de l'EPI-C 

    Thomas, Mònica (Date of defense: 2012-07-24)

    Study of the impact of some emotional factors related to food intake. The research is based on the design and observational cross-cultural adaptation and validation of assessment tools for emotional eating (EES-C) and ...

    Factors emocionals associats amb la qualitat de vida del pacient en tractament d'hemodiàlisi crònica 

    Masià Plana, Afra (Date of defense: 2019-03-18)

    Patients who suffer from chronic renal failure and performs haemodialysis can trigger an important physical and psychological imbalance. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the emotional factors that are ...

    Factors pronòstics en la dehiscència anastomòtica de la cirurgia del càncer de còlon. Models de predicció actuals i validació externa independent 

    Pigem Rodeja, Anna (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

    INTRODUCTION: Anastomotic leak (AL) is the most dreadful and life-threatening complication in colon cancer (CC) surgery. It is associated to an increase of morbimortality, longer hospital stay, increased healthcare costs ...

    Factors psicosocials implicats en la construcció de la identitat nacional: un estudi empíric en el context del Principat d'Andorra 

    Monné, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2015-07-27)

    This thesis examines national identity in order to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying social and cultural nature of its construction. The study presented here aims to describe in greater detail and depth ...

    Factors regulating the invasion of two Mediterranean anurans. The role of niche conservatism, species interaction and habitat selection 

    Escoriza, Daniel (Date of defense: 2015-03-02)

    Amphibians are a group in worldwide decline. The factors that are causing this decline are not well known, but could be multifactorial, related to the recent expansion of pathogens and habitat disturbance. One of these ...

    Factors relacionats amb l'ús del casc en adolescents i aspectes canviants després d'un accident amb ciclomotor 

    Fuentes Pumarola, Concepció (Date of defense: 2007-12-19)

    Les lesions cerebrals per traumatismes craniencefàlics són la causa més freqüent de defunció en els accidents de trànsit en els que estan implicats vehicles de dues rodes. Malgrat la provada eficàcia de l'ús del casc per ...

    Familiness in tourism family firms 

    Presas i Maynegre, Pilar (Date of defense: 2014-01-31)

    The family firm have the ability to generate a competitive advantage which lies on the nature of its resources and capabilities arising from the interaction between family and business, known as familiness. This thesis ...

    Fat and salt reduction and substitution in small-caliber non-acid fermented sausages 

    Mora Gallego, Héctor (Date of defense: 2014-09-08)

    The objective of this thesis is to develop fermented sausages with lower fat and sodium content by means of innovative processing and the use of fat and NaCl substitutes. The effect of sunflower oil and pork lard-based ...

    Fate and effects of copper in fluvial ecosystems: the role of periphyton 

    Serra Gasa, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2009-07-03)

    L'activitat humana és una de les majors causes d'elevades concentracions de nutrients i substàncies tòxiques en els ecosistemes fluvials. Entre la gran varietat de factors que alteren aquests ecosistemes, l'eutrofització ...