A satisfiability modulo theories approach to constraint programming 

    Suy Franch, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-20)

    In this thesis we focus on solving CSPs using SMT. Essentially, what we do is reformulating CSPs into SMT. The obtained results allow us to conclude that state-of-the-art SMT solvers are a robust tool to solve CSPs. We ...

    Air pollutants and mental health of children in a rural region using compositional spatio-temporal models 

    Mota Bertran, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-06)

    This doctoral thesis addresses the relationship between the air pollutants particulate matter (PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and mental disorders in children and ...

    Analysis and modeling spatiotemporal events on complex spatial regions 

    Chaudhuri, Somnath (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-09)

    Spatial statistics is traditionally based on stationary models like Matérn fields. However, applying stationary models to complex spatial regions having physical barriers like islands or coastal areas can result in ...

    Caracterización del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza del álgebra en edades tempranas en los futuros profesores de educación infantil y primaria 

    Pincheira Hauck, Nataly (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-24)

    The purpose of this research is to characterise the mathematical knowledge mobilised by future early childhood and primary pre-service teachers for algebra instruction at an early age. To achieve this purpose, we use the ...

    Chemometric methods to process online spectrometry for quality monitoring of different water matrices 

    Plà Castellana, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-24)

    Water quality monitoring during the purification and sanitation processes in Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTP), Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) and Water Reclamation Plants (ERA) is a necessary step to obtain a ...

    Compositional methodology and statistical inference of family relationships using genetic markers 

    Galván Femenía, Iván (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-10)

    The present thesis is a compendium of three research articles produced between 2015 and 2019. The three articles are different contributions based on compositional statistical methodology and statistical inference of ...

    Connexions entre educació matemàtica i educació per a la sostenibilitat: definició d'un perfil de mestre de matemàtiques 

    Calabuig i Serra, Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-03)

    Citizens with good mathematical knowledge will be better prepared to make social commitments and accept the social responsibilities presented by a changing and complex world. This thesis proposes to link mathematics education ...

    El análisis composicional (CoDa) como herramienta para el mapeo de la teoría de la agenda-setting. Estudio de caso de la opinión sobre política en el sistema mediático español, dentro del período de las Elecciones Generales de 2015 

    Blasco Duatis, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    Since researchers Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw published the seminal work of Chapel Hill on agenda-setting theory (AS) at the beginning of the 1970s, its academics have developed their investigations using two methodological ...

    Enhanced convolution approach for CAC in ATM networks, an analytical study and implementation 

    Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 1997-02-07)

    The characteristics of service independence and flexibility of ATM networks make the control problems of such networks very critical. One of the main challenges in ATM networks is to design traffic control mechanisms that ...

    Espacios y materiales para el desarrollo de las matemáticas informales de 0 a 3 años 

    Olmos Martínez, Glòria (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-31)

    Literature on early childhood mathematics education shows the importance of favoring the development of informal mathematical knowledge from the first cycle (0-3 years) as the first intuitive and informal mathematics is ...

    Evaluación de los conocimientos didáctico-matemáticos para la enseñanza de la probabilidad de los profesores de educación primaria en activo 

    Vásquez Ortiz, Claudia Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2014-10-17)

    The purpose of this research is to assess the depth of teacher’s didactic-mathematical knowledge for teaching Probability in elementary schools. It has lately gained relevance considering how this subject has been incorporated ...

    Foundations of uncertainty management for text-based sentiment prediction 

    Hossayni, Sayyed Ali (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-27)

    Analyzing the sentiment of Social Networks users is an attractive task, well-covered by the Sentiment Analysis research communities. Alongside, predicting the rating/opinion of users in Social Networks or e-commerce platforms ...

    Geostatistics for constrained variables: positive data, compositions and probabilities. Applications to environmental hazard monitoring 

    Tolosana Delgado, Raimon (Fecha de defensa: 2005-12-19)

    Aquesta tesi estudia com estimar la distribució de les variables regionalitzades l'espai mostral i l'escala de les quals admeten una estructura d'espai Euclidià. Apliquem el principi del treball en coordenades: triem una ...

    GPU parallel algorithms for reporting movement behaviour patterns in spatiotemporal databases 

    Valladares Cereceda, Ignacio (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-18)

    In this thesis we treat and solve various problems related to movement pattern detection by designing and implementing parallel algorithms using the GPU. We first propose a GPU pipeline based algorithm to report the ’Popular ...

    Gràfic de control T2 de Hotelling per a dades composicionals 

    Vives Mestres, Marina (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-28)

    Compositional data are defined as vectors of components that represent parts of a whole and contain relative information (e.g. %, ppm, mg/l...). CoDa are widely found in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries among ...

    High dynamic range content acquisition from multiple exposures 

    Ramírez Orozco, Raissel (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The limited dynamic range of digital images can be extended by composing different exposures of the same scene to produce HDR images. This thesis is composed of an overview of the state of the art techniques and three ...

    Innovación y mejora del proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje. Una investigación-acción colaborativa en la asignatura Matemática I de los estudios de ingeniería de la UNEXPO, Vicerrectorado Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela 

    Morales Urbina, Esther María (Fecha de defensa: 2008-07-10)

    Esta investigación es un trabajo de intervención que se ha enmarcado dentro de la metodología cualitativa, bajo una perspectiva interpretativa, asumiendo como fundamento el desarrollo de un proceso de análisis participativo, ...

    Medical imaging applied to teaching and meat science 

    Xiberta, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2018-05-25)

    Medical imaging has greatly progressed to become an essential technology in current clinical processes. However, advances in diagnostic imaging have not been applied to the same extent to other fields such as education and ...

    La modelización matemática: transición entre la educación primaria y secundaria 

    Trelles Zambrano, César Augusto (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-20)

    Un dels reptes principals de l'Educació Matemàtica com a disciplina científica és generar coneixement que permeti incidir en la pràctica docent del professorat, amb l'objectiu de millorar els processos d'aprenentatge dels ...

    Models matemàtics per a la predicció dels robatoris amb força a domicili a Catalunya 

    Boqué Busquet, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2021-11-22)

    Predictive policing is a global strategic orientation of the police that emphasizes the anticipation of crimes to prevent them. Its development comes from various fields of knowledge, in which criminology has created a ...