Activisme patrimonial a Catalunya. La salvaguarda del patrimoni construït (1970-2020) 

    Castañé Curiel, Íngrid (Date of defense: 2023-12-14)

    This doctoral thesis studies the relationship between citizenship and built heritage through the social movements that arise for its claim and defense, that is, heritage activism. The research delves into the initiatives ...

    Agencias de género a partir de memorias colectivas construidas por mujeres cubanas vinculadas a procesos de alfabetización de la Revolución 

    Alfonso Olivera, Rachel N. (Date of defense: 2022-12-21)

    For decades, Cuba has represented the socialist utopia of the left in Latin America. The early incorporation of women into education and productive work in the 1960s helped ratify the imaginary of justice and social equality. ...

    Ajuda humanitària dels quàquers als infants de Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil 

    Serra i Sala, Rosa, 1956- (Date of defense: 2007-02-02)

    Durant la Guerra Civil, els quàquers es van plantejar ajuda calia detectar els punts de conflicte a Catalunya i cercar l'ajuda directa i alimentar els infants a través de les cantines per evitar desplaçaments que ...

    Arxius, memòria i drets humans 

    Alberch i Fugueras, Ramon (Date of defense: 2015-12-16)

    This thesis focuses on an aspect little discussed in searches relating to archives and historical memory : the use of archives as key elements of the policies of reparations for victims of repressive regimes and as witnesses ...

    Caterina Llull i Çabastida: una mercantessa catalana nella Sicilia del '400 

    Colesanti, Gemma (Date of defense: 2005-09-30)

    El trabajo se asienta sobre en el estudio y la edición de un libro de contabilidad del siglo XV Libre de la magnifica señora Caterina Llull començat el 2 de jener de 1472 compilado por una mujer catalana Caterina Llull y ...

    Colectividades agrarias en la región de Girona, 1936-1939 

    Cárdaba Carrascal, Marciano, 1954- (Date of defense: 2001-07-06)

    En el contexto de la revolución y la Guerra civil española se desarrolló en las comarcas de Girona un proceso colectivista agrario protagonizado principalmente por jornaleros, payeses sin tierra suficiente (en propiedad o ...

    Confraria, gremi i col·legi d’argenters a la Girona d’època moderna 

    Montroig Cruset, Sara (Date of defense: 2023-04-14)

    The present work, based on unpublished documentation such as the Llibre del Collegi de Argenters de Gerona sots invocasio del Glorios St. Aloy, y St. Anastasi of the Biblioteca de Catalunya, focuses on the study of the art ...

    Crèdit i morositat a la Catalunya del segle XIV. El cas de la baronia de Llagostera 

    Sales i Favà, Lluís (Date of defense: 2019-06-07)

    This doctoral thesis analyses the private credit available to the popular classes during the fourteenth century. At the same time, it focuses on the institutional mechanisms granted by public powers in order to sanction ...

    Dans l'ombre du démarrage industriel: les manufactures des maisons de charité. L'Hospice de Gérone et la bonneterie de coton en Catalogne (1750-1830) 

    Mutos Xicola, Céline (Date of defense: 2022-06-27)

    The charity institutions of the early modern Europe have not traditionally been seen as spaces with an economic, and particularly manufacturing, dimension. Although they housed a variety of craft workshops with the aim of ...

    Del censal al debitori: continuïtats i transformacions en el crèdit hipotecari català en l’etapa final de l’Antic Règim (regions de Barcelona i Girona, 1768-1840) 

    Villalón Barragán, Sebastià (Date of defense: 2023-06-09)

    The objective of this report is to study causes and consequences of substituting annuity for obligation in the final period of the Ancient Regime in Catalonia (1768-1840), affording special attention to the regions of ...

    Les desigualtats socials a la Catalunya preindustrial. L’estudi de cas de la Selva Interior, c.1750-1825 

    Mas Ferrer, Josep (Date of defense: 2023-09-18)

    This thesis explores social inequalities during the late preindustrial era, based on a case study from la Selva Interior. The work is organized into three distinct parts. In the first one, inequalities are examined through ...

    Edició crítica dels capítols 1-100 del "Llibre de les dones" de Francesc Eiximenis: estudi codicològic, estudi ecdòtic i estudi històric 

    Izquierdo Molinas, Eva (Date of defense: 2019-03-22)

    This thesis presents the critical edition of the chapters from 1 to 100 of the "Llibre de les dones" by Francesc Eiximenis. This book was large disseminated, as evidenced by the fact that it has been preserved in six ...

    El Nou Testament i la història. Estudi sobre la interpretació contemporània de la sagrada escriptura 

    Malé Ribera, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2016-07-17)

    This dissertation studies some of the historiographical approaches that have been carried out with regard to the writings of the New Testament. Part I presents a critical history of the historiography of Jesus of Nazareth ...

    El pensament polític de Miquel Santaló Parvorell a través dels seus textos (1919-1939) 

    Carmaniu Mainadé, Xavier (Date of defense: 2017-06-13)

    Miquel Santaló Parvorell (1887 – 1962) was one of the most important personalities of the Second Republic. He was minister of Lerroux, member of the government of Catalonia, spokesman of ERC in the Spanish Congress and ...

    El restaurador Joan Sutrà Viñas (1898-1981) i la seva aportació a la conservació del patrimoni artístic 

    Miquel Vilanova, Maria Àngels (Date of defense: 2019-07-04)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present the person and work of restorer and professor of history of art Joan Sutrà Viñas (1898 - 1981), in particular within the context of the conservation and restoration of artistic ...

    El triomf de l'emissor: l'ús de les fonts periodístiques a la premsa gironina (1996-2016) 

    Hernández Piferrer, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-04-12)

    In journalism, the use of sources of information is one of the main criteria to evaluate the quality of a product. The development of news based on many sources is the best way, not only to guarantee the quality of the ...

    Els tancaments de terres a la Catalunya del segle XIX 

    Serrano, Lluís (Serrano Jiménez) (Date of defense: 2015-01-23)

    La tesi estudia el tancament de finques a Catalunya en el segle XIX. Hem volgut veure les estratègies dels propietaris i les relacions socials problemàtiques a través de l’anàlisi dels discursos i dels usos socials de la ...

    Emili Saguer: notari, polític i home de negocis. 1865-1940 

    Serra Albó, Xavier (Date of defense: 2017-02-07)

    Emili Saguer i Olivet: notari, polític i home de negocis (1865-1940) offers us the vision of an individual that lived during a very complex period. He was a notary in Girona, a prominent lawyer and a firm defender of the ...

    Fatiga i èxtasi. Cossos, subjectivitats i cinemes als escrits publicats i inèdits de Jean Epstein 

    Pitarch Fernández, Daniel (Date of defense: 2021-10-01)

    This dissertation studies the thought of filmmaker and essayist Jean Epstein, focusing on the motif of the body and the organism in his writings and incorporating his unpublished work into the object of study. Epstein's ...

    La filosofia en la construcció nacional de Catalunya (1892-1918). Estudi sobre la historiografia nacionalista de la filosofia 

    Pérez Muñoz, Max (Date of defense: 2024-02-29)

    This doctoral thesis examines the contribution of the philosophical heritage of the Catalan Countries in the construction of the Catalan national identity. Specifically, it focuses on how Catalan intellectuals have used ...