Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 74

    Apel·les Mestres (1854-1936). La dignitat de la tradició literària popular 

    Robles i Massó, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-10)

    The doctoral thesis Apel·les Mestres (1854-1936). The Dignity of the Popular Literary Tradition aims to present a complete study of the literary work of Apel·les Mestres in order to raise awareness of the value that it has ...

    Contemporary trends in transmedia storytelling. Transmedia television 

    Dudáček, Oto (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-08)

    Transmedia storytelling is a process where integral elements of a fiction are systematically broaden through a number of distribution channels in order to create a coordinated form of entertainment. With each new medium ...

    Blai Bonet en prosa. Veu, cos i memòria en la novel·la "El mar" 

    Lafuente Garcia, Meritxell (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-25)

    Given that the poetry of Blai Bonet has been thoroughly examined, this study is focused on Blai Bonet as a novelist beginning with the analysis of his first novel, El mar (1958). The study is divided into three parts: “Blai ...

    Lírica trobadoresca a la Corona d'Aragó: estudi de casos 

    Viñolas i Solés, Mariona (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-16)

    The PhD entitled "Troubadour Lyrics in the Crown of Aragon: case study" offers a detailed census of all those troubadours for whom a link has been proposed with the Crown of Aragon, with fundamental information about the ...

    Identitat ebrenca i comunicació local a les Terres de l'Ebre. La premsa de proximitat com a tret identitari de la societat local 

    Guzmán Casals, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-29)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on the digital and paper format press in Terres de l'Ebre. It also emphasizes the concept of territorial identity in the course of the local press as a hallmark of a territory. Also, the ...

    Study and conceptualization of Vusiness: a model for the creation and management of companies based on values 

    Costa Marcé, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-25)

    The global economy has suffered a serious crisis and rapid slowdown. globalization significantly increases the unbalanced use of finite, non- 2/1 renewable sources of energy, aggravating climate change. Millions of ...

    Más allá del realismo sucio. Ruido, Nocilla, historia y puntos ciegos en la novela española contemporánea. Desde Mañas hasta Cercas, pasando por Fernández Mallo 

    Lobina, Matteo (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-17)

    This doctoral study focuses on a literary and cultural analysis of contemporary Spanish literature starting from the 1990. Historias del Kronen (Mañas, 1994) and its four sequels, represent a starting point for the analysis, ...

    Llengua i nacionalisme en el discurs mediatitzat català i espanyol produït arran de l'elaboració de l'Estatut de Catalunya del 2006 

    Pi Vilà, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2019-06-11)

    The drawing up of the 2006 Statute of Catalonia introduced the obligation of knowing Catalan, as the 1978 Spanish Constitution did for Spanish. This dissertation starts from the hypothesis that nationalist representati ...

    Edició crítica dels capítols 1-100 del "Llibre de les dones" de Francesc Eiximenis: estudi codicològic, estudi ecdòtic i estudi històric 

    Izquierdo Molinas, Eva (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-22)

    This thesis presents the critical edition of the chapters from 1 to 100 of the "Llibre de les dones" by Francesc Eiximenis. This book was large disseminated, as evidenced by the fact that it has been preserved in six ...

    Los manuscritos reales de Philippe de Commynes 

    Sánchez Ruiz, María (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis is responsible for making a critical edition of two Spanish manuscripts, namely: the codex escurialense J.I.6 and the testimony BNE 17638, which we keep of the historiographical work of the French ...

    El triomf de l'emissor: l'ús de les fonts periodístiques a la premsa gironina (1996-2016) 

    Hernández Piferrer, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-12)

    In journalism, the use of sources of information is one of the main criteria to evaluate the quality of a product. The development of news based on many sources is the best way, not only to guarantee the quality of the ...

    Sintaxis neuronal y sintaxis lingüística. Implementación cerebral de las estructuras sintácticas 

    Ramírez Fernández, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2019-02-20)

    We discover properties of language in the light of independent knowledge of the brain and the mind. We will review brain structures and connections on a large scale; the activity, in the form of brain oscillations, that ...

    "Pseudonoble, pseudoestudiant, pseudopolonès, pseudoexiliat, pseudoescriptor, pseudointel·lectual i pseudoprovocador". La recepció de l'obra literària de Witold Gombrowicz a Espanya en textos escollits (1968-2014) 

    Stasiakiewicz, Zofia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-08)

    This doctoral thesis analyzes the reception of the literary works of Polish novelist and playwright Witold Gombrowicz in Spain. The period of analysis begins with the first edition in Spain of a work by Gombrowicz, Pornography ...

    La traducció al català de poesia en llengua anglesa (1990-2010): anàlisi formal i retòrica 

    Bosch Sánchez, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-10)

    This PhD dissertation attempts to describe and value the translation into Catalan of English language poetry during the period that comprises the years 1990 to 2010. It is the aim of this thesis to consider a theoretical ...

    The Mods in Catalonia: a critical perspective of the neo-gramscian approach to popular culture 

    Sinclair, Graham (Fecha de defensa: 2016-05-27)

    Through a study of groups of Mods from different generations and geographical settings, I develop the idea that an analysis of their ‘signs’ is not enough. I argue that it is helpful to look at the very particular background ...

    Josep Pla i la defensa de la literatura catalana en la postguerra (1946-1956) 

    Quera Carré, Alfons (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-23)

    At the end of the World War II, following the Allies victory and the beginning of the Cold War, the Franco regime allowed to publish, with restrictions, books in Catalan. At this point, Josep Pla taking advantage of this ...

    «Ninguna fou tan amada»: edició crítica i estudi de les giletes de Francesc Fontanella 

    Castaño Trias, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-10)

    Francesc Fontanella wrote seventy-seven love poems dedicated to Gileta, the pseudonym used for Maria Teresa Ham, and these are generally grouped together under the title giletes. They make up the part of the ...

    Source and negative prefixes: On the syntax-lexicon interface and the encoding of spatial relations 

    Gibert Sotelo, Elisabeth (Fecha de defensa: 2017-12-18)

    This dissertation offers a contrastive analysis of the (here called) Source prefix des- and the negative prefix iN- in Spanish that highlights the connections and divergences existing between the encoding of Source paths ...

    "En vers vull desafiar...": la poesia femenina a l'àmbit català (segles XVI-XVIII): edició crítica 

    Zaragoza Gómez, Verònica (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-01)

    This thesis provides a review of the female works from the 16th-18th centuries in the Catalan linguistic area, focusing especially in the poetic genre. The invisibility of women in literary or historical manuals, with the ...

    La cultura participativa en el ámbito local. La ciudad contemporánea y las políticas culturales 

    Bacquelaine Vidal de Llobatera, Flora (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-18)

    This research is framed in the context of the current reflection on the new theoretical paradigms that revolve around the so-called Network Society that presents itself as the great revolution of the cultural regime. This ...