Departament de Geografia (2009- )

La Universitat de Girona té més de 15.000 estudiants i 1.400 professors. Ofereix uns 50 estudis de grau i més de 20 màsters. S’organitza en 9 centres docents, 1 Escola de Doctorat, 6 centres adscrits. L’activitat de recerca es du a terme en 24 departaments, 12 instituts de recerca i més de 40 càtedres, a més d’un centenar de grups de recerca especialitzat. Té la seu a la ciutat de Girona i s’integra en el sistema d’universitats públiques catalanes.

També trobareu les tesis recol·lectades al repositori DUGi .

Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat de Girona i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents.

Recent Submissions

Nueva iniciativa de gestión del uso del suelo (NIGEUS) fundamentada en los enfoques ecosistémico, integrador, participativo y holístico, en el centro-norte de Nicaragua (municipios de Waslala, El Cuá y El Tuma-La Dalia) 

Muñoz Quintero, William (Date of defense: 2024-06-07)

There are approximately 608 million farms in the world, of which 84% are small farms and produce 35% of the world's food. Various training programs have been promoted by different organizations to achieve a more sustainable ...

Eclipse chasing and sustainable tourism development. Case study: three solar eclipses in Spain in 2026/27/28 

Soltanolkotabi, Mohammad (Date of defense: 2024-04-24)

A total solar eclipse is one of the most spectacular nature’s shows and a significant motivation for many people to travel and see the totality as a once in a lifetime experience. Host communities within the path of totality ...

La conservación del patrimonio natural geológico en campos volcánicos, una herramienta para la gestión sostenible del territorio. El caso de la zona volcánica de la Garrotxa 

Planagumà, Llorenç (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

The study of the geodiversity of an area and the conservation of its geological heritage, unlike biodiversity, has only recently begun to be systematized. This thesis analyses the conservation of geological heritage in ...

Agua, actores sociales y servicios de los ecosistemas en la cuenca del río Muga. Una aproximación socioecológica 

Garau, Enrica (Date of defense: 2022-01-31)

This doctoral thesis aims to identify and characterize the relationships between stakeholders and water resources through the sociocultural and spatial analysis of the water ecosystem services (WES) in the social-ecological ...

Miradas cruzadas sobre el paisaje de Túnez y Cartago, a través de textos de viajeros árabes y europeos (del siglo X al siglo XIX) 

Laroui, Nawel (Date of defense: 2020-07-01)

The cities of Tunis and Carthage belong to the same geographical area, although they have developed in two different eras. In a way, Tunis has been the heiress of Carthage. Due to its strategic situation in the central ...

The consequences of the Prestige oil disaster for the galician shellfisherwomen and their role in the regeneration of the shellfishing zones 

Fadigas, Amanda Braga do Melo (Date of defense: 2017-12-01)

The coastal zone constitutes an important livelihood for women engaged in fishing activities. However, oil disasters that press the marine environment are becoming more frequent. This fact highlights ...

Construcción de la paz territorial y la paz ambiental en un contexto de cambio climático. Casos de estudio Antioquia y Guaviare 

Franco Gantiva, Anna María (Date of defense: 2021-09-24)

Colombia is highly vulnerable to climate change due to its geographical position and its economic dependence in the first sector. In 2016 the country created a historic opportunity to end the armed conflict and build ...

Percepción del cambio climático y medidas de ahorro de agua en alojamientos turísticos de la cuenca del río Muga (Girona, España) 

Torres Bagur, Maria (Date of defense: 2020-09-25)

This thesis analyses the perception of climate change and problems with water perceived by lodging industry. 33 in-depth interviews to owners or managers of hotels, campsites and rural lodgings of the Muga river basin have ...

Transformacions territorials, canvi climàtic i risc d'inundació a la conca de la riera d'Argentona (1956-2050) 

Bassa i Vila, Oriol (Date of defense: 2020-07-23)

The application of the different parameters of the territorial transformations according to the determining factors for each one of the study periods through the Geographic Information Systems and the subsequent calculation ...

Vida quotidiana, espai públic i construcció de sentit de pertinença a Girona. Una anàlisi intergeneracional, interseccional i de gènere 

Serra Salvi, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

This thesis wants to focus on the different paths that two large urban areas of Girona have followed since their construction and/or reconstruction and to analyse their effects. The purpose is to take an in-depth look at ...

Catalan gastronomy in the province of Girona: a study of tourists’ awareness of gastronomy and the available gastronomic options in accommodations 

Forgas Serra, Sara (Date of defense: 2019-11-07)

Tourists are interested in getting to know the gastronomy of the destinations. Those tourists who visit the Costa Brava are confused with the knowledge of Catalan cuisine. Based on this observation, the web pages of ...

Els sistemes dunars de la costa catalana. Evolució històrica, estat actual i potencial de restauració 

Garcia-Lozano, Carla (Date of defense: 2019-11-12)

Human developed coasts in Catalonia show a high-degraded dune landscape. Along the last decades, dunes have disappeared from 60% of the beaches studied, whereas 30% of dunes have been reduced in extension, and only 10% ...

Life cycle assessment of cities: the first steps for standardization 

Albertí Bueno, Jaume (Date of defense: 2019-07-03)

Cities are recognised as great generators of impacts and, consequently, seen as an opportunity for reducing them Worldwide. Cities are environmentally relevant because of two reasons. Firstly, because they are responsible, ...

Fronteras y europeización del territorio: el papel de ciudades y regiones en la cooperación transfronteriza 

Martín Uceda, Javier (Date of defense: 2019-07-16)

he thesis aims to provide a new perspective for cross-border cooperation, as a key process in the construction of European territory. With cohesion policies, border areas become key to advancing community goals. And regions ...

Identificació, interpretació i valorització turística de les zones humides litorals del Baix Ter 

Pueyo-Ros, Josep (Date of defense: 2018-07-10)

The aim of the thesis is to analyse the relationships between mass tourism in Baix Ter and the coastal wetlands. The goal is to know if the wetlands are able to become tourism resources and, thus, to provide arguments for ...

L'habitat alternatif en Catalogne, un modèle émergent?: la (re)naissance d'une "troisieme voie", entre pragmatisme et utopie 

Pointelin, Richard (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

The research aims to analyze all current forms of alternative housing based on participation and cooperation in Catalonia, those formal initiatives with collective dimension which put the inhabitant at the center of the ...

Paisatges de frontera dels territoris de pas dels Pirineus: els casos de l’àrea central de l’Espai Català Transfronterer i l’àrea central de l’Eurociutat Basca 

Pastor Saberi, Roser (Date of defense: 2017-02-24)

Border landscapes often constitute geographical unities which have experimented distinct landscapes dynamics in each side of the border. This fact occurs because these border landscapes belong to different countries. The ...

La vulnerabilitat del comerç de la ciutat de Girona a les inundacions del riu Onyar 

Ribera Masgrau, Lluís (Date of defense: 2017-02-28)

This paper analyzes the vulnerability of commercial establishments in the city of Girona to potential floods caused by the River Onyar. We identified all the shops located on the ground floor within the flood areas with ...

Canvis recents en el consum i la gestió de l'aigua en espais turístics. El cas de la Costa Brava (Girona) 

Gabarda Mallorquí, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2017-02-13)

Tourism has become one of the most important economic sectors in the Mediterranean coast. Despite the economic benefits generated by tourism at local and regional level, the environmental impacts related to water consumption ...

Food tourism in rural areas: the case of cheese in Vall de Boí, a World Heritage Site 

Fusté Forné, Francesc (Date of defense: 2016-06-03)

Food tourism is a type of tourism that over recent years has been achieving a greater interest by academics and tourism professionals, and evidently also as a tourist motivation. The framework of the thesis is based on ...
