Institut Universitari de Recerca en Ciència i Tecnologies de la Sostenibilitat

L’IS.UPC és una unitat bàsica de la UPC que s’organitza com a institut per a la promoció i la realització de recerca en sostenibilitat.La missió de l’Institut és la generació de les eines tècniques i conceptuals necessàries per ajudar a transformar el nostre model productiu vers la sostenibilitat, i la col·laboració, en aquesta direcció, en la tasca de la UPC de suport científic i tècnic al progrés social, cultural i econòmic de la societat.

Si sou doctor o doctora per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents

Enviaments recents

Assessment of water ecosystem services and alternative scenarios to climate change and human impact in neotropical mountains 

Ávila García, Daniela (Data de defensa: 2021-01-22)

(English) Water ecosystem services (ESw) are related to aquatic ecosystems and to the interaction with water and land in different ecosystems such as forests, agricultural lands, riparian areas, wetlands and water bodies. ...

Experimental investigation of the influence of hydrodynamic cavitation on heat generation 

Bermejo Plana, David (Data de defensa: 2022-06-03)

(English) The fresh water scarcity has become a concern for societies as a result of the scientific evidence about climate change and the intensive human activities. Thermal separation is one of the best available techniques ...

MCDM approach for sustainability assessment of high-rise residential buildings 

Maleki, Bahareh (Data de defensa: 2023-09-15)

(English) The construction of high-rise buildings has become a necessity due to limited land availability, population growth, and the demand for urban development. However, the cultural background and diverse needs of ...

Nature-based solutions for waterfronts reconfigurations: Litoral Besòs, analysis of an urban sustainability transition in the Barcelona metropolitan area 

Ramírez Agudelo, Nancy Andrea (Data de defensa: 2022-07-01)

(English) Cities need to respond urgently to societal challenges, such as urbanization, changes in climate, and risk management. These challenges require innovative solutions in urban systems developed with citizens to ...

Resiliencia y panarquía en los procesos de regeneración de la ciudad postindustrial. Una aproximación a las dinámicas urbanas a través del caso de Mataró (Barcelona) 

Saez Ujaque, Diego (Data de defensa: 2023-03-17)

(English) This research deepens in the knowledge of the processes and changing dynamics of cities from the perspective of their resilience. The thesis proposes as object the processes of regeneration and transformation of ...

Análisis de la producción hidroeléctrica en base a las implicaciones en la sostenibilidad energética 

Naranjo Silva, Héctor Sebastián (Data de defensa: 2024-02-20)

(English) Technical, ecological, territorial, and cultural transformations at various levels and spaces of society where hydroelectric projects exist often involve conflicts, new knowledge regimes, different local practices, ...

Incorporación de la valoración de los servicios ecosistémicos en las políticas de sostenibilidad de entornos urbano-regionales: Medellín, Valle de Aburrá y la región central de Antioquia 

González Valencia, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2024-01-24)

(English) This paper explores the interdependent relationship of cities, as an expression of the process of urbanization and human agglomeration, as well as of all their spatial, political, social, economic and environmental ...

Las transiciones agroecológicas justas en los sistemas agroalimentarios: analizando el género y los conocimientos tradicionales 

Ramírez Santos, Ana Gladys (Data de defensa: 2023-12-13)

(English) This doctoral research develops the issue of just agroecological transitions in the food system and develops two case studies in the Global North and Global South. Based on the framework developed to analyze ...

Impacte ambiental de la valorització d’un residu industrial aviari per a l’obtenció de materials compòsits 

Molins Duran, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2023-12-18)

(English) Chicken meat production has increased in recent years and is expected to continue growing, which also increases the generation of waste from the poultry industry. Chicken feathers (PlP) are one of these wastes ...

Relación entre estratificación socioeconómica y exposición al material particulado (PM10 y PM2.5) en el área urbana de Botogá (Colombia) 

Cortés Duarte, María Carolina (Data de defensa: 2023-12-01)

(English) Environmental inequality metrics require complex analyses between social, economic and environmental variables at different scales. The current research develops metrics within this framework to determine ...

Arraigo: estudios sobre el riesgo desde la resistencia y la crítica al reasentamiento de población en Bogotá 

López Meneses, Duván Hernán (Data de defensa: 2023-11-23)

(English) The investigation of climate risks affecting the popular neighborhoods in the mountainous outskirts of Bogotá, Colombia, has served as a case study and starting point to critically study the concept of risk and ...

Marco de referencia para la planificación y desarrollo continuo de la comunicación de riesgos y crisis frente a amenazas en Sudamérica 

Marcillo Delgado, Juan Carlos (Data de defensa: 2023-10-13)

(English) Research on risk communication and crisis communication (RC&C) is a crucial aspect to foster population resilience in the face of major hazards, especially in developing economies where there are greater social ...

Metodologia integral de perfilat ràpid intel·ligent i interpretable pel suport a la presa de decisions complexes (MIPRI2D). Aplicacions a sostenibilitat 

Angerri Torredeflot, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2023-07-25)

(English) Living in the era of big data and artificiall intelligence this thesis wants to contribute with a new methodology to support data-driven decisions rapidly after data collection, and a technological infrastructure ...

Modelització energètica d’edificis a escala urbana a Andorra. Reducció dels desajustos dels models mitjançant dades de consum d'energia desagregades 

Borges Martins, Patricia Alexandra (Data de defensa: 2023-06-16)

(English) The building sector has nowadays become a key point for policies and strategies to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions. The significant and unprecedented urban expansion that occurred in recent years and ...

Caracterización y modelación del sistema agroalimentario sostenible en la comunidad de Ziparadó, Resguardo indígena Embera Dóbida de Tanela, municipio de Unguía, departamento del Chocó, Colombia. 

Botero Posada, Simón Andrés (Data de defensa: 2022-11-29)

(English) Agro-food systems in indigenous communities, due to their characteristics of complexity and adaptability, must be studied from a multidimensional perspective. In this class of systems, economic, political, ...

L'experiència acadèmica i el benestar de l'estudiantat en situació de risc en estudis STEM 

Baltà Salvador, Rosó (Data de defensa: 2022-06-29)

One of the main goals of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development is to guarantee quality education for all students, especially the most vulnerable. Engineering studies are a key element in educating and training future ...

Contextualización de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las carreras tecnológicas 

López Díaz, María Teresa (Data de defensa: 2022-07-22)

The teaching of Mathematics has been always a matter of great concern at all academic levels and more especially in technological degrees. Both the contents of mathematical subjects and the way they are taught, have been ...

The management of fire complexity at the edge of criticality 

Oliveres Solé, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2021-02-02)

Fire regimes are changing under the influence of global change. On the European continent, landscape memory in the 21st century is dominated by an accumulation of forest fuel and irrupted by a progressive climatic forcing ...

Assessment of the societal impact of research and innovation in the agri-food sector 

Chams, Nour (Data de defensa: 2021-11-26)

Research value, research relevance, research quality, and research impact have been widely tackled by various disciplines, such as health, engineering, management, and sustainability. How research and innovation are being ...

Un enfoque holísitico para evaluar la Sostenibilidad de las Indicaciones Geográficas : una aplicación a las DOP de aceite en Cataluña 

Guadarrama Fuentes, Omar Vicente (Data de defensa: 2022-06-01)

The importance of Geographical Indications (GI) has grown considerably in recent years as an opportunity for product differentiation for specific segments of the population. The continuous increase in the number of certified ...
