Now showing items 40-48 of 48

    Supporting leadership development in European Universities: a mixed methods study of digital education leadership literacies for higher education 

    Arnold, Deborah (Date of defense: 2022-02-21)

    This exploratory mixed methods case study research addressed the problem of how a framework of digital education leadership literacies can support European campus-based universities in implementing strategic and organizational ...

    Supporting seamless learning: Students' use of multiple devices in open and distance learning universities 

    Krull, Greig Emil (Date of defense: 2018-01-17)

    El propòsit d'aquesta tesi doctoral és entendre els hàbits i comportaments d'aprenentatge dels estudiants que utilitzen diferents dispositius per a aprendre amb la finalitat de determinar com duen a terme les activitats ...

    Teacher-inquirer identity in light of educational innovation and during online master thesis: Examination of the inquiry skills and other related components 

    Konstantinidis, Angelos (Date of defense: 2021-10-07)

    On a theoretical level, this thesis defines the concept of the teacher-inquirer, elaborates a theoretical model of the inquiry skills practised by teachers when they are conducting an inquiry, and identifies other components ...

    Teachers informal collaboration through online participation to foster professional development / La col·laboració informal docent a través de la participació en xarxes i comunitats en línia per afavorir el desenvolupament professional 

    Macià Golobardes, Maria (Date of defense: 2019-02-22)

    Les comunitats i xarxes informals en línia ofereixen als docents la possibilitat de compartir aprenentatges de manera voluntària, reflexionar sobre la pràctica docent i rebre suport emocional. En aquesta tesi s'ha sistematitzat ...

    Teaching and learning about the Holocaust on social media: A learning ecology perspective 

    Manca, Stefania (Date of defense: 2024-05-17)

    This thesis investigates the lifelong learning ecologies that combine formal, non-formal, and informal learning to foster understanding and participation in the new Holocaust memory landscapes shaped by digital technologies. ...

    The transition ‘from student to researcher’ in the digital age: Exploring the affordances of emerging ecologies of the PhD e-researchers 

    Esposito, Antonella (Date of defense: 2014-12-22)

    This doctoral dissertation is concerned with an exploratory study on how emerging learning ecologies enabled by Web 2.0 and social web are affecting the self-organized practices and dispositions in the digital settings of ...

    TIC educativas en los museos de arte y neuroeducación. La construcción de un puente epistemológico entre la museología, la pedagogía y la neuroeducación 

    Moreno-Medrano, Arturo (Date of defense: 2023-01-09)

    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) educativas presentes en los museos de arte hace ya tiempo que están implementadas y forman parte de su rol educativo de forma habitual. Sin embargo, muchos autores ...

    Uso de simulación con realidad virtual 3D mediada por gestos para el aprendizaje de destrezas psicomotoras básicas en cirugía mínimamente invasiva 

    Álvarez López, Fernando (Date of defense: 2021-11-24)

    La tesis por compilación se organizó en tres fases, siguiendo el paradigma de investigación llamado investigación basada en el diseño. La primera consistió en revisar sistemáticamente la literatura para identificar los ...

    Video feedback and foreign language anxiety in online pronunciation tasks 

    Martin Mota, Sidney (Date of defense: 2023-05-16)

    Despite many studies about video feedback in both face-to-face and online settings, little research has been carried out exploring how this technique is perceived by students learning the pronunciation of specific sounds ...