Now showing items 122-141 of 190

    Mecànica Relativista Predictiva. Electrodinàmica i lagrangians singulars 

    Marqués Truyol, Francisco (Date of defense: 1980-09-18)

    A la relativitat, a diferència de la mecànica newtoniana, no trobem exemples senzills de sistemes dinàmics de diverses partícules. La formulació covariant Lorentz de les equacions del moviment per a sistemes de partícules ...

    Medidas de la función de transmisión policromática en sistemas fotográficos y su correlación con la calidad de imagen 

    Vallmitjana i Rico, Santiago (Date of defense: 1980-01-01)

    A finales del siglo pasado Abbe y Rayleigh observaron que los fenómenos de difracción limitaban el poder resolutivo de los instrumentos ópticos. La teoría clásica de aberraciones justificaba también el valor finito del ...

    Memory-induced complex contagion in spreading phenomena on networks 

    Hoffmann Salvaña, Xavier Roderic (Date of defense: 2021-09-21)

    Epidemic modeling has proven to be an essential framework for the study of contagion phenomena in biological, social, and technical systems. Albeit epidemic models have evolved into powerful predictive tools, most assume ...

    Metal selenide-based cathodes for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries 

    Yang, Dawei (Date of defense: 2022-07-01)

    Lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs) have attracted extensive research interest for the development of advanced energy storage technology. However, the practical implementation of LSBs still suffers from several intractable ...

    Métodos avanzados de microscopía de fuerzas electrostáticas para el estudio de muestras biológicas 

    Millán Solsona, Rubén (Date of defense: 2023-07-10)

    [spa] Las propiedades dieléctricas de las células han sido objeto de una intensa investigación a lo largo de los años debido a su relevancia en muchos problemas biológicos fundamentales. Destacamos la importancia de la ...

    Micromotors for Environmental Applications 

    Parmar, Jemish (Date of defense: 2018-10-05)

    Scarce supply of clean water and rising water pollution are key global challenges for water sustainability. Much of the wastewater generated by human agricultural and industrial activity is left untreated. Nanotechnological ...

    Multiscale Modeling of Organic Electronic Biosensor Response 

    Huetter, Larissa (Date of defense: 2022-09-30)

    [eng] There have been significant advances in organic bioelectronic devices in recent years. These devices are capable of stimulating excitable cells and can generate data to facilitate disease diagnostics and monitoring. ...

    Nanoscale Multimodal Characterization of Operating Electrolyte-Gated Transistors 

    Tanwar, Shubham (Date of defense: 2023-07-28)

    [eng] Electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs) have emerged as key platforms for transducing and amplifying biological and biochemical signals, making them an integral part of diverse biosensing and bioelectronic applications ...

    Nanostructured Metal Sulfides for Electrochemical Energy Conversion 

    Zuo, Yong (Date of defense: 2020-11-25)

    Storing the fluctuating renewable energy into synthetic fuels or in batteries is meaningful due to the emerging energy crisis. In this thesis, four nanostructured catalysts based on two kinds of metal sulfides, namely Cu2S ...

    A new approach to El Niño Southern Oscillation origin and forecasting: implications for predictability = Un nuevo enfoque para el origen y la predicción de El Niño Oscilación Sur: implicaciones para la predictibilidad 

    Petrova, Desislava Bozhidarova (Date of defense: 2017-09-13)

    El Niño Southern Oscillation arises in the tropical Pacific due to coupled atmosphere-ocean interactions. The nature of the dynamical system of the atmosphere is chaotic and its predictability is sensitive to initial ...

    New contributions to algorithms and tools for the analysis of photometric and spectroscopic time-series in exoplanet searches 

    Rosich Salgado, Albert (Date of defense: 2022-02-24)

    The current trend in exoplanet research focuses on the detection and characterisation of Earth-sized planets, and the study of their potential subtle and tenuous atmospheres. The aim of this thesis is the development of ...

    New Strategies for Black Hole Physics 

    Luna, Raimon (Date of defense: 2020-06-22)

    In this thesis we apply new approaches and develop new techniques to address various issues related to fundamental aspects of modern gravitational theory and black holes. We study the behavior of black branes in the ...

    Ni- and Sn-based Colloidal Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Energy Technologies 

    Li, Junshan (Date of defense: 2019-06-18)

    In this project, nanoparticles were produced by solution-based one-pot synthesis, particularly colloidal methods. A series of powerful tools were used to characterize the structure and surface compositions before they were ...

    Noise-correlation force spectroscopy in molecules and cells 

    Gironella Torrent, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    In this thesis, we employ noise-correlation force spectroscopy measurements using LOT to extract valuable information about the passive and active fluctuations of DNA molecules and red blood cells. We have chosen the laser ...

    Non-Equilibrium Self-Assembly: Formation and Function of Meso-Structures with Applications in Biology and Material Science 

    Arango-Restrepo, Andrés (Date of defense: 2022-12-15)

    [eng] A set of disordered interacting building blocks may form ordered structures via self-assembly. External intervention in the system through the addition of chemical species or the application of forces leads to different ...

    Non-perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theories from Holography 

    Gómez Subils, Javier (Date of defense: 2021-06-22)

    In this thesis we have employed the holographic duality to study the non-perturbative regime of a one-parameter family of theories with multi-scale dynamics. Normally, this (super)string theory motivated duality identifies ...

    Nutrient recovery and improvement of anaerobic digestion process by low grade magnesium oxide application 

    Romero Güiza, Maycoll Stiven (Date of defense: 2015-10-02)

    Anaerobic digestion is a worldwide technology to treat organic waste streams, primarily due to its capacity to produce methane as renewable energy. However, there is an increasing interest on nutrient recovery (N and P), ...

    On the digital design and verification of pixel detector ASICs for fast timing applications and other fields of science 

    Egidos Plaja, Núria (Date of defense: 2021-02-25)

    La contribución principal de esta tesis consiste en el diseño, implementación y verificación, mediante el uso de herramientas digitales, de una red de distribución de reloj para FastICpix, un detector píxel híbrido capaz ...

    Optimization of Memristors for Information Storage and Neuromorphic Computing 

    Zhu, Kaichen (Date of defense: 2023-01-18)

    [eng] The total amount of global information to be stored and computed is increasing exponentially since the beginning of the 21st century. The semiconductor industry made great efforts to push the silicon-based integrated ...

    Optimized PET module for both pixelated and monolithic scintillator crystals 

    Sánchez Gonzalo, David (Date of defense: 2021-04-15)

    Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography (TOF-PET) scanners demand fast and efficient photo-sensors and scintillators coupled to fast readout electronics. Nowadays, there are two main configurations regarding the ...