Now showing items 18098-18117 of 41911

    Exploring protein structure changes due to somatic mutations in cancer 

    Diéguez Docampo, Andrea (Date of defense: 2023-03-02)

    [eng] Cancer is one of the most common diseases worldwide. Despite that a lot of time and resources have already been spent in this topic, there is still a long way to go to be able to cure every patient and improve their ...

    Exploring quantum many-body systems from an entanglement and nonlocality perspective 

    Aloy López, Albert (Date of defense: 2020-07-16)

    Entanglement and non-local correlations give rise to unprecedented phenomena with no classical analogue. As a result, they have settled themselves as fundamental properties in the study of quantum many-body systems, as ...

    Exploring quantum memory schemes in cold atoms for quantum repeaters 

    Heller, Lukas (Date of defense: 2023-11-06)

    (English) Quantum memories are devices that are able to store photonic quantum states and entanglement. Future quantum networks, which could enhance cybersecurity through quantum key distribution, improve the precision in ...

    Exploring Rubisco molecular evolution and kinetics temperature dependency 

    Hermida Carrera, Carmen (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    Rubisco, the enzyme that catalyzes the assimilation of atmospheric CO2 and sustains the vast majority of food chains in the Biosphere, presents functional inefficiencies limiting the photosynthetic process. Rubisco is ...

    Exploring Signatures of New Physics in Cosmology 

    Bellomo, Nicola (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    Cosmology is the study of the origin and evolution of our Universe as a whole. Even if the theoretical framework of Cosmology was developed a century ago, with the formulation of General Relativity by Albert Einstein, it ...

    Exploring standardization and integration in the implementation of industry inter-organizational information systems: a case study in the seaport of Barcelona 

    Rodon Mòdol, Joan (Date of defense: 2007-10-02)

    Aquesta tesis presenta un estudi interpretativista sobre els processos d'estandardització i integració relacionats amb la implementació d'un sistema d'informació inter-organitzatiu (SIIO) sectorial en el Port de Barcelona. ...

    Exploring structure-function relationship of the mitochondrial DNA packaging protein Abf2p and its dialogue with the DNA 

    Chakraborty, Arka (Date of defense: 2016-07-08)

    Mitochondria are intracellular double-membrane bound organelles in eukaryotic cells that act as the major suppliers of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). They possess their own DNA (mtDNA) that codes for components of the ...

    Exploring synthetic strategies for the production of complex inorganic nanoparticles 

    Patarroyo Rengifo, Javier Ivan (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    Los nanomateriales han sido un área intrigante de investigación científica en las últimas décadas, dada sus particulares propiedades físico-químicas que los hacen adecuados para aplicaciones en campos como fotonica, ...

    Exploring T-DNA gene mechanisms and optimizing centelloside production in Centella asiatica hairy root cultures 

    Alcalde Alvites, Miguel Angel (Date of defense: 2023-12-19)

    [eng] Plant biofactories constitute an eco-friendly alternative to chemical synthesis as they have a lower environmental impact and therefore contribute to a more sustainable future. Hairy root cultures, generated by ...

    Exploring the applications and limitations of location-based social network data in urban spatiotemporal analysis 

    Yang, Liya (Date of defense: 2021-09-27)

    Nowadays, the widespread utilization of intelligent mobile and located-embedded services extends the border of social network sites (SNS) to physical-spatial space. The appearance of SNS changes our daily life meanwhile ...

    Exploring the butterfly speciation continuum : A study on butterfly speciation in the transition to genomic techniques 

    Hinojosa Galisteo, Joan Carles (Date of defense: 2021-06-23)

    Butterflies are among the best studied animals, but despite the research efforts carried out during centuries, our knowledge on their diversity and on the mechanisms generating it is still incomplete. In order to understand ...

    Exploring the diversity of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthases in Arabidopsis thaliana and Solanum lycopersicum 

    Barja Afonso, M. Victoria (Date of defense: 2019-02-21)

    Los isoprenoides forman la familia más amplia de metabolitos naturales y son especialmente diversos en el reino vegetal. Muchos isoprenoides vegetales con funciones esenciales y especializadas derivan del geranilgeranil ...

    Exploring the Drug-Adverse Reaction and Drug-Target Landscape through Networks, Statistics and Machine Learning Approaches 

    Galletti, Cristiano (Date of defense: 2022-10-10)

    The amount of attrition in drug discovery, particularly at advanced stages, is quite high due to unexpected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) generated by drug candidates; hence, being able to anticipate unexpected reactions ...

    Exploring the dynamics of knowledge sharing in the online affinity apaces of "Let's Play" Youtube Channels 

    Karaivanov, Isperih (Date of defense: 2022-02-08)

    With this dissertation the goal is to analyze the novel medium of video game streaming and more specifically the “Let’s Play” video format as seen on YouTube and other online platforms. The practice has experienced a rapid ...

    Exploring the Flavour Anomalies in B decays: A path towards New Physics 

    Algueró Casas, Marcel (Date of defense: 2022-06-30)

    El camp de la Física del Sabor ha estat posant a prova el Model Estàndard de manera activa durant els últims anys, especialment en transicions que involucren un quark b. Conegudes amb el nom d’anomalies B, consisteixen en ...

    Exploring the Framework of Digital Transformation: A Multilevel Investigation from an Organizational and Employee Perspective 

    Weritz, Noa Pauline Antonia Gesine Isabel (Date of defense: 2022-11-11)

    Les tecnologies digitals estan revolucionant les indústries, les organitzacions i les persones a tot el món. En aquest context, sorgeixen noves oportunitats i amenaces per a les organitzacions que requereixen respostes ...

    Exploring the frontiers of synthetic biology: modelling, characterization, and applications of genetics circuits 

    González i Colell, Marc (Date of defense: 2024-02-23)

    Engineering biology requires a clear set of rules that ensure design predictability. However, certain biological processes difficult the application of these rules, impairing prediction. In the first section of this PhD ...

    Exploring the Genome and Links Between Transcriptome and Fatty Acid Profiling of Muscle in Pigs 

    Valdés Hernández, Jesús (Date of defense: 2023-04-19)

    El contingut de greix intramuscular i la composició d’àcids grassos (AG) són paràmetres importants que afecten a la qualitat de la carn, influint en les seves característiques organolèptiques i el seu valor nutricional. ...

    Exploring the heavy atom effect and supramolecular assemblies of Au(I) and Pt(II) complexes 

    Romo Islas, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2023-07-14)

    [eng] This thesis is mainly focused on studying the photophysical properties of Au(I), Ag(I), Cu(I), and Pt(II) coordinated compounds. This work can be divided into two parts: on the one hand, the compounds of the group ...

    Exploring the intercultural competences of High School students: A case study of traditional classroms in a minimal-cultural-gap context 

    Awad, Hiltrud (Date of defense: 2019-10-07)

    Intercultural education is one way of responding to the current political and social realities resulting from globalization, migration, and political and economic crises. It puts emphasis on educating young people and ...