Now showing items 11237-11256 of 11289

    Walking art: Práctica, experiencia y proceso generadores de paisaje y pensamiento 

    Corvo Ponce, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2013-10-18)

    El caminar, como medio de actuación humano en el paisaje, apareció con el levantamiento del menhir en el neolítico y, a través de sus pasos, se empezaron a instaurar vínculos con el territorio. A lo largo de la historia, ...

    Walter Benjamin: infancia y politización 

    Lanfranconi, Ana (Date of defense: 2017-09-26)

    El presente trabajo de investigación traza un recorrido por ciertos momentos de la producción textual de Walter Benjamin siguiendo el hilo trenzado entre nuestro autor y las nociones de infancia y politización. Nuestro ...

    Water and clean energy services in developing countries: Regulation and evaluation of universal service policies 

    Sanz Fernández, Àlex (Date of defense: 2016-01-11)

    In this thesis I analyze access problems to basic services like water and energy in developing countries. The objective of the thesis is to show how to improve access to water services and clean energies in rural communities ...

    Water-in-Water Emulsions for Obtaining Enzyme-Loaded Microgels and Encapsulated Emulsions 

    Beldengrün, Yoran (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    Encapsulation of enzymes into protective matrices is of interest in drug delivery or industrial processes, to control the release of the enzyme or protect it from harsh environments. We are studying the encapsulation of ...

    Wave propagation in metamaterials mimicking spacetime geometry: black holes and cosmic strings 

    Fernández Núñez, Isabel (Date of defense: 2018-07-19)

    In physics, it is common to find different phenomena being described by similar equations. A good analogy can make us look at a problem from a different point of view. In that way, ideas may be transferred from one field ...

    Wàsi, ver entre los Iku. Etnografía de las Imágenes en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia 

    Gómez Ruiz, Sebastián (Date of defense: 2019-12-03)

    La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta de Colombia, ha estado amenazada por el conflicto armado, proyectos de desarrollo, explotación de hidrocarburos, minería, narcotráfico y turismo, poniendo en riesgo la sobrevivencia de los ...

    "WebQuests" como elemento de motivación para los alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en la clase de lengua extranjera (inglés), Las 

    Pérez Puente, Eva María (Date of defense: 2007-02-15)

    La motivación de los aprendices de lenguas no es idéntica a la motivación para realizar otra actividad sea cultural o más mecánica. Será, además, muy distinta la motivación para aprender una lengua extranjera de la de ...

    Weight bias, weight bias internalization and weight discrimination. Assessment and practical implications 

    Macho García, Sergio (Date of defense: 2023-10-26)

    [eng] Weight discrimination (WD) has existed for decades, and it is well spread in our societies. However, it has received less attention from authorities and society than other forms of discrimination. Being different and ...

    Weighted restricted weak-type extrapolation on classical Lorentz spaces 

    Baena Miret, Sergi (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    An important result in Harmonic Analysis is the extrapolation theorem of Rubio de Francia. In its original version says that if T is a sublinear operator that is bounded in Lp0 pvq, for some p0 ě 1 and every v P Ap , then ...

    WELCOME TO VEREMA: Procés de mercantilització de la tradició i el patrimoni. El cas de la DO Alella 

    Ribas Serra, Joan (Date of defense: 2013-05-10)

    Avui dia creix cada vegada més l'interès social en la recuperació, valorització i promoció del patrimoni i la tradició alimentària com a estratègia per generar un recurs econòmic des del territori (Ascher, 2005:119). ...

    Wet oxidation processes for water pollution remediation 

    García Molina, Verónica (Date of defense: 2006-06-16)

    The main objective of this work was to test the efficiency of wet oxidation processes when treating several types of aqueous wastes. On one side its performance for the abatement of chloro-organic aromatic toxic pollutants, ...

    "Wh"-exclamatives in Catalan 

    Castroviejo Miró, Elena (Date of defense: 2006-12-15)

    The thesis "Wh-exclamatives in Catalan" is a research that intends to shed light on the characterization of exclamatives, a type of clause that has not been paid as much attention as other types of clause such as interrogatives ...

    The Wheel of Justice: Court Procedure, Conflict Resolution and Narratives in Medieval Catalonia (950-1130) 

    Rodenbusch, Cornel-Peter (Date of defense: 2021-05-03)

    This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the judicial procedure in Catalonia between the years 950 and 1130. Catalan Archives preserve an exceptional number of documents related to justice which thanks to recent and ...

    When leaders prioritize their profit against the organizational goal 

    Kangarlou, Behnoush (Date of defense: 2021-10-22)

    Newspapers and television are full of stories about inappropriate behaviour by political and business leaders published weekly. According to Guinote (2008), an individual's behaviour will be changed when they reach a ...

    White adipose tissue characterization and lipid profiling in obesity 

    Dahdah, Norma (Date of defense: 2022-07-27)

    [eng] Obesity has become exceedingly pervasive, a resultant of amplified food availability and reshaped human behavior stimulated by urbanization. It poses as a major challenge for human metabolic physiology testing ...

    Wide bandgap chalcogenide thin films onto transparent substrates 

    Salem, Mohamed Ould (Date of defense: 2022-06-02)

    This PhD thesis explores the use of wide band gap chalcopyrite (CIGS) material and its application in thin film solar cells onto transparent back contacts, as a way to promote the use of thin film technologies in novel and ...

    Wideband pulse amplifiers for the integrated cameras of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 

    Sanuy Charles, Andreu (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    One type of photon detector is the photomultiplier tube (or PMT), most commonly used in Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). A PMT has a photoelectric cathode that absorbs light and emits an electron. A PMT ...

    Wildfire and forest management effects on soil properties 

    Francos Quijorna, Marcos (Date of defense: 2019-03-27)

    Forest fires are a common phenomenon in the Mediterranean ecosystem. These wildfires, post-fire weather conditions and forest management before and after the fire can cause irreversible damage to the soil. This thesis aims ...

    Wildfire effects on macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean streams / Efectes dels incendis forestals sobre las comunitats de macroinvertebrats en rius Mediterranis 

    Verkaik, Iraima (Date of defense: 2010-12-09)

    Wildfire effects on macroinvertebrate communities have not been intensively studied in other areas than the Western US, and the results in fire prone areas like NE Mediterranean and SE Australia are scarce. In this study, ...

    Wind Field Retrieval from Satellite Radar Systems 

    Portabella Arnús, Marcos (Date of defense: 2002-11-18)

    Wind observations are essential for determining the atmospheric flow. In particular, sea-surface wind observations are very useful for many meteorological and oceanographic applications. In this respect, most of the satellite ...