Now showing items 21-40 of 211

    Arquitectura moderna y calidad urbana. La obra de Raúl Sichero en torno al edificio Ciudadela (1958-1962) 

    Frontini Antognazza, Pablo (Date of defense: 2013-11-20)

    The main reason that explains the structure of this thesis is simple: the personal archive af one of the most important architects of Latin America, with works by over half a million square meters, has been lost almost ...

    Arquitectura sembrada : atlas de encuentros entre vegetación y arquitectura 

    Tárrega Klein, Mónica (Date of defense: 2018-03-09)

    This thesis is the result of research into encounters between the world of plants and construction. Its focus is on those meetings in which the parties involved must reach agreements in order to cohabit successfully. It ...

    Arquitectura y naturaleza a finales del siglo XX 1980-2000. Una aproximación dialógica para el diseño sostenible en arquitectura 

    Soria López, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2004-12-21)

    El trabajo se desarrolla desde una perspectiva humanista de la arquitectura, analizando la ruta del diálogo social vinculado a procesos de diseño y producción arquitectónica, que parten de la premisa de la búsqueda del ...

    Arquitectura y surrealismo : Barragán y O'Gorman, dos procesos en busca de una tradición. 

    Loredo Cansino, Reina Isabel (Date of defense: 2013-09-16)

    The great dilemma of the 19th century, in art and architecture, was the conciliation between order and liberty. It was not exclusively about wager on the new or the old, the mechanic or the natural, but it was related to ...

    Arquitectura, ciencia-ficción y comic-books : vanguardias, evolución y lenguaje 

    Ayala Zapata, Fernando C. (Date of defense: 2012-06-10)

    Esta tesis propone como elemento de investigación al trinomio formado por la Arquitectura, la Ciencia-ficción y los Comic-books. La intención es multidisciplinar; investigando las relaciones existentes y evidenciado las ...

    Arquitecturas para el juego del habitante emancipado : la arquitectura como dispositivo de intermediación : Lacaton y Vassal, Casa Latapie (1993), edificio de 14 viviendas en Mulhouse (2005), ENSA Nantes (2009) 

    Maroto-Sales, Joan (Date of defense: 2021-02-09)

    Miessen states, in the book ‘The Nightmare of Participation’ (2010), that ‘participation’ is too often observed through romantic concepts of negotiation and decision making. However, the author proceeds, it has been noted ...

    Arquitecturas transformadas: reutilización adaptativa de edificaciones en Lisboa 1980-2002. Los antiguos conventos. 

    Cárdenas Arroyo, Elizabeth (Date of defense: 2008-03-31)

    El trabajo trata del [Re]uso Creativo de edificios existentes, de la continuidad de su uso con funciones diferentes a la función original para la que fueron creados.<br/>El objetivo principal es explicar el [Re]uso Creativo, ...

    Arquitectures espontànies, reflexions sobre constants en arquitectura : la península del Cap de Creus, una topografia en el temps 

    Gironés Saderra, Antoni (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    Hi ha arquitectures on les relacions vinculades amb l’habitabilitat i establertes entre els seus diferents elements, son sempre produïdes a partir de criteris funcionals, i en cap cas ni formal ni espacialment, condicionades ...

    Atemporalitat en l’obra madura de Livio Vacchini (1987-2007) 

    Montal Roura, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-07-13)

    This thesis aims to analyze in depth the latest works of the Ticino's architect Livio Vacchini (1933-2007) in order to be able to conclude that what makes it different and charm lies in the atemporal character of which is ...

    Atles del Port de Maó 

    Vidal Jordi, Antoni (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    An eminently urban landscape, an infrastructure element, and a -natural- port of general interest of the State, explained from architecture as a discipline and a starting point: this is the purpose of the doctoral thesis ...

    Austral 1938-1944: lo individual y lo colectivo 

    Fuzs, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2012-12-17)

    The Austral group was an architectural society founded in Buenos Aires towards the end of the year 1938. It originated as a result of a meeting that took place in París ayear earlier, in Le Corbusier's studio. On that ...

    Álvaro Siza : lugar y crisis 

    Illescas Marín, Ángel (Date of defense: 2018-04-03)

    The initial interpretations of Álvaro Siza’s work outside Portugal put the notion of place at the core of his architecture, in line with certain critical positions that appeared in Europe after the Second World War. From ...

    Álvaro Siza en el Berlín dividido : el proyecto urbano en los márgenes (1976-1988) 

    Doménech Rodríguez, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    This doctoral thesis, entitled "Alvaro Siza in divided Berlin. The urban project at the margins (1976-1988)” deals with the contemporary validity of architecture in its urban dimension for the construction of the contemporary ...

    Barcelona en el punto de mira : lecturas de la ciudad 

    Aguado Roca, María Teresa (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    The thesis "Barcelona in the spotlight. Readings of the city" propases an overview of the city derived from the process of architectural design. lt propases to decipher the concept of a city which exists implicitly in the ...

    Buits infraestructurals : estratègies operatives pel projecte de la ciutat contemporània 

    Vancells Guérin, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-11-13)

    The aim ofthis thesis is to create an analytical framework to understand the specificity and potential of these areas from a critical view of the current extensive growth model operating on the territory, which is performing ...

    Burle Marx : caminos del paisajismo moderno brasileño 

    Guimaraes, Aline Sampaio de Mello (Date of defense: 2015-10-26)

    The work developed by this thesis proposes the analysis of twenty one landscape designs that were conceived by Roberto Burle Marx between 1930 and 1970. By walking through different phases and design rehearses, we are able ...

    Carlos González Lobo... Caminos hacia lo alternativo dentro del ámbito conceptual, proyectual y contextual de la arquitectura 

    González Ortiz, Humberto (Date of defense: 2002-06-11)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral es el de ofrecer una lectura alternativa o paralela al quehacer arquitectónico actual en América Latina en general y analizar las propuestas del arquitecto mexicano Carlos ...

    Carlos Martí Arís e i suoi eteronimi : vocazione all'anonimo 

    Licitra, Fabio (Date of defense: 2014-06-10)

    This research enquires into the investigating perspective of Carlos Marti Arias. To this effect his privileged field of action is framed, more concretely the articulated link that is established in architecture between ...

    Cartografia operativa : usos del mapa al projecte arquitectònic, 1982-2012 

    Paez, Roger (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    We live in a complex world. For some time, the great certainties and the narratives they support have been shown to be inadequate as an entryway into the richness of the contemporary world. lt is not just a question of ...

    Casa la Ricarda de Antonio Bonet Castellana : un territorio formalizado 

    Flores, Ricardo, 1965- (Date of defense: 2016-02-10)

    This work is dedicated to the house La Ricarda, a work by the architect Antonio Bonet Castellana. The house is the result of a particular program that combines family lite with meetings and social celebration. lt is settled ...