Now showing items 225-244 of 3289

    B cell ontogeny and stromal regulation of homeostatic antibody responses to commensal antigens in humans 

    Bascones Gleave, Sabrina (Date of defense: 2016-12-20)

    The spleen contains a unique subset of innate-like marginal zone (MZ) B cells that rapidly mount protective antibody responses to invasive encapsulated bacteria. Here we show that human splenic MZ B cells also mount ...

    Back to the Source : Religion and Nonreductionism in Nishitani Keiji's Philosophy 

    Barbosa Cepeda, Carlos Andrés (Date of defense: 2017-10-30)

    The present dissertation inquires into Nishitani Keiji’s nonreductionism in the context of the conflict between science and religion. Even though it is largely implicit, his nonreductionism proves relevant to the interpretation ...

    Bailar la muerte hacia una historiografía audiovisual del framenco en el franquismo 

    Parés Velasco, Luis Enrique (Date of defense: 2024-02-23)

    Esta tesis trata de estudiar la representación visual del flamenco en el cine español durante el franquismo. El flamenco, tan presente en el imaginario con que lo español se presenta y se constituye, ha sido sin embargo, ...

    Bakunin: Biografia global de un libertario cosmopolita 

    Kneper, Gennadi (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    El presente estudio examina la vida y el pensamiento de Mijaíl Bakunin. A base de su amplia correspondencia y su extensa obra política se analiza la evolución intelectual que llevó a este extraordinario hombre desde las ...

    Banco de datos terminológicos para el Mercosur: una propuesta de modelo 

    Amaro de Melo, Bianca (Date of defense: 2003-12-05)

    Presenta, a partir de las bases teóricas de la Teoría Comunicativa de la Terminología , una propuesta de modelo de construcción y gestión de un banco de datos terminológicos para el Mercado Común del Sur. Para llegar ...

    Bank risk-taking, small open economy and macroprudential policy 

    Pozo Sánchez, Jorge (Date of defense: 2019-12-11)

    This dissertation consists of three essays. In the first chapter, I develop a two-period small open economy with banks. The interaction of the limited liability faced by banks and the bank deposit insurance results in ...

    Barcelona a la dècada moderada (1843-1854). El projecte industrialista en la construcció de l'estat centralista 

    Fuster Sobrepere, Joan (Date of defense: 2004-12-01)

    El trabajo pretende explicar cuales fueron las estrategias de la burguesiabarcelonesa en la construcción del Estado liberal español, y especificamentea lo largo de la década moderada. Durante este periodo, singularizado ...

    Barcelona Atracción (1910-1936). Una revista de la sociedad de atracción de forasteros 

    Blasco Peris, Albert (Date of defense: 2005-07-11)

    Aquesta Societat volia assolir l'objectiu d'incloure Barcelona i per extensió tota Catalunya dins dels circuits europeus de turisme. Creia que el turisme era una forma de modernitzar Catalunya, a més d'una manera d'enriquir-la ...

    Barcelona Salut als Barris : millorant la salut en poblacions desfavorides mitjançant intervencions en salut comunitària 

    Daban Aguilar, Ferran (Date of defense: 2021-04-09)

    En les últimes dècades, les desigualtats socials en salut ha estat una prioritat per la salut pública. L’any 2007 es va iniciar el programa Barcelona Salut als Barris (BSaB), una estratègia en salut comunitària per a ...

    Bargaining about wages: evidence from Spain 

    Jimenez-Martin, Sergi (Date of defense: 1994-11-02)

    Throughout all the chapters we have considered some union variables (particularly the proportion of workers representatives belonging to a given union) to capture any difference in bargaining power amongst unions.Concerning ...

    Bartomeu Robert i Yarzábal (1842-1902). Medicina i compromís cívic 

    Izquierdo Ballester, Santiago (Date of defense: 2003-03-12)

    La present tesi doctoral estudia la biografia del metge i dirigent catalanista Bartomeu Robert Yarzábal.<br/>Figura destacada de la Catalunya de finals del segle XIX i començaments del XX, el doctor Robert va ser considerat ...

    Bayesian interference in heterogeneous dynamic panel data models: three essays. 

    Ciccarelli, Matteo (Date of defense: 2001-04-27)

    The task of this work is to discuss issues conceming the specification, estimation, inference and forecasting in multivariate dynamic heterogeneous panel data models from a Bayesian perspective. Three essays linked by a ...

    Beat gestures and prosodic prominence: impact on learning 

    Kushch, Olga (Date of defense: 2018-03-09)

    Previous research has shown that gestures are beneficial for language learning. This doctoral thesis centers on the effects of beat gestures– i.e., hand and arm gestures that are typically associated with prosodically ...

    Beat gestures and speech processing: when prosody extends to the speaker's hands 

    Biau, Emmanuel (Date of defense: 2015-11-13)

    Speakers naturally accompany their speech with hand gestures and extend the auditory prosody to visual modality through rapid beat gestures that help them to structure their narrative and emphasize relevant information. ...

    Beating the drums! journalism, forum or platform: blogs in China and Cuba (2010) through the cases of Wang Keqin and Yoani Sánchez 

    Sanclemente, Vicenç (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    Es diu que és impossible que els països autoritaris tinguin una opinió pública plenament desenvolupada. Jürgen Habermas criticava Internet per la dispersió dels continguts i la manca de mediadors. No obstant això, a països ...

    Before phonemes : Infants start building the native phoneme repertoire 

    Zacharaki, Konstantina Eirini (Date of defense: 2022-02-24)

    Infants start their lives with a universal ability to perceive speech and during the first months of life they attune to the language(s) they are exposed to in their environment, i.e. perceptual narrowing. Research has ...

    BeFree : a text mining system for the extraction of biomedical information from literature 

    Bravo Serrano, Àlex (Date of defense: 2016-11-28)

    Current biomedical research needs to leverage the large amount of information reported in scientific publications. Automated text processing, commonly known as text mining, has become an indispensable tool to identify, ...

    Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of cross-modal enhancement for unaware visual events 

    Pápai, Márta Szabina (Date of defense: 2017-10-26)

    Diariamente recibimos mucha información que procede simultáneamente de distintos sentidos, que se combina en el cerebro para conseguir una respuesta rápida y precisa. Muchas veces, esto ocurre mediante la integración ...

    Behavioral and neural correlates of logical inferences 

    Martín Salguero, Ana María (Date of defense: 2021-03-25)

    The aim of the dissertation is to explore behavioral and neuropsychological correlates of elementary deductive processes in infants and adults. To this purpose, we introduce a novel non-verbal task presenting scenes ...

    Behavioural Biases and Chief Executive Officers Compensation 

    Kolev, Gueorgui I. (Date of defense: 2009-12-11)

    Esta tesis consiste de tres ensayos. En el primero, documentamos la correlación imaginaria entre las decisiones de compensación de los ejecutivos (CEO) al demostrar que el hándicap de los ejecutivos que juegan al golf no ...