Now showing items 539-558 of 1766

    Efecte de la formiga argentina en la pol·linització de diverses espècies mediterrànies 

    Blancafort Pujols, Xavier (Date of defense: 2005-12-02)

    Les inflorescències on és present la formiga argentina reben menys visitants, a les zones envaïdes, a més, desapareixen la majoria d'espècies de formigues autòctones, algunes de les quals podrien ser pol·linitzadores ...

    Efectes de la invasió de la formiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr), sobre el procés de dispersió de llavors de plantes mediterrànies 

    Oliveras Huix, Jordi (Date of defense: 2005-07-15)

    La formiga invasora Linepithema humile (Mayr), també coneguda com la formiga argentina, és una espècie present a la península Ibèrica. En aquesta tesi s'ha estudiat com afecta la presència d'aquesta espècie plaga a la ...

    Efectes de l’exercici de resistència de baixa intensitat i del suport nutricional sobre la sarcopènia i la inflamació crònica de baix grau en persones de 60-75 anys 

    Planella Farrugia, Cristina (Date of defense: 2020-09-10)

    Sarcopenia is a multifactorial entity characterized by loss of muscle mass, strength and functionality. People with sarcopenia are more at risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and excess fat in the muscle ...

    Efectes del canvi global a les rouredes de Quercus petraea al NE de la Península Ibèrica 

    Bou Manobens, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-04-11)

    The sessile oak Quercus petraea is widespread in Central Europe. The populations in the NE Iberian Peninsula are at the southernmost limit of the species range, in the most Mediterranean-type conditions and at the xeric ...

    Efectes del fotoperíode sobre la qualitat espermàtica de mascles porcins Sus domesticus 

    Sancho Badell, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2002-12-18)

    En el presente estudio se analizan los efectos de los fotoperiodos ambientales de otoño e invierno y los fotoperiodos experimentales de 24, 12 y 0 horas de luz artificial sobre la calidad del semen de machos reproductores ...

    Efectes d’un programa d’intervenció psicoeducativa en les actituds i coneixements sexuals i afectius de persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual que assisteixen a un servei de teràpia ocupacional 

    Fernandez Suriñach, Jordi (Date of defense: 2020-07-27)

    This study, conducted with a total of 56 people with an intellectual disability of whom 70% had never received sex education, tries to evaluate the effects of a psychoeducational program on sexuality and affection with the ...

    Efecto de la aplicación de altas presiones hidrostáticas en un producto de origen animal, el jamón curado y en un producto vegetal, el nabo 

    Clariana Orduña, Maria (Date of defense: 2011-12-16)

    High pressure processing is a food preservation technique which can be an alternative to heat treatment. Pressurization, in theory, produces changes in organoleptic properties and antioxidant compounds to a lesser extent. ...

    Efecto en la calidad de vida, el afrontamiento y las conductas de salud de los pacientes con ictus isquémico agudo tratados con neurointervencionismo endovascular 

    Reverté i Villarroya, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2017-04-27)

    We conducted a prospective, longitudinal and comparative sample of patients with acute ischaemic stroke who were previously randomized for a clinical trial (REVASCAT) with two groups (intervention and control) according ...

    Efectos de un programa de rehabilitación domiciliaria sobre la capacidad física y funcional, la autonomía y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores con fractura proximal de fémur 

    Gómez Tomás, Jordi Joan (Date of defense: 2023-11-29)

    Introduction. Proximal femoral fracture (PFF) is an injury related to the elderly that poses a serious public health problem. Epidemiological data confirm a progressive increase in PFF in Spain, accounting for 45 thousand ...

    Effect of pre-bond moisture on the static and fatigue behaviour of bonded joints between CFRP laminates for structural repairs 

    Budhe, Sandip Rudha (Date of defense: 2014-07-24)

    In recent years, the use of composite materials in the aeronautic, automotive, marine construction, etc. has increased significantly. Hence, there is an increasing need for repair technologies on primary structural components, ...

    Effect of sodium channel SNVs associated to arrhythmogenic diseases. Modulatory role of the genetic background 

    Martinez Moreno, Rebecca (Date of defense: 2021-06-02)

    Ion channel mutations can cause defects on the electrical cellular activity, leading to arrhythmogenic diseases also known as channelopathies. Genetic analysis has been a useful tool to identify these mutations as the cause ...

    Effect of temperature on the flexural behavior of NSM CFRP strengthened RC beams under time-dependent loading and fatigue 

    Jahani, Younes (Date of defense: 2022-11-11)

    There is a general trend towards rehabilitation and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures due to the costs associated with the replacement of the structural members and the environmental impact ...

    Effects of aquatic vegetation on sediment transport 

    Ros i Sala, Àlex (Date of defense: 2016-10-26)

    In the margins of continents there are the coastal zones, regions of remarkable biological productivity. Coastal zones include, among others, wetlands, that are land areas inundated permanently o seasonally, characterized ...

    Effects of breed and PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms on the quality of serrano dry-cured ham 

    Zhen, Zongyuan (Date of defense: 2012-07-30)

    Two pieces of complementary research dealing with the study of the importance of genetic factors on the quality of the Spanish dry-cured ham Jamón Serrano were carried out for this thesis. The first one compared Serrano ...

    Effects of environmental conditions on phenotypic plasticity of fishes in Iberian waters: life-history, physiological and morphological traits 

    Latorre Espeso, Dani (Date of defense: 2019-10-17)

    Phenotypic plasticity is the adaptive response of a genotype to presenting different types of phenotypes in response to environmental changes. These adaptive responses can contribute to a particular species being able to ...

    Effects of global change on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams 

    Merciai, Roberto (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és de'explorar alguns aspectes de l'impacte humà sobre les poblacions de peixos i altres components dels ecosistemes fluvials Mediterranis de Catalunya. Es va mostrar com els peixos del Riu Llobregat ...

    Effects of land uses and climate variability on the water quality of Mediterranean rivers: towards a regional vision of global change 

    Aguilera Becker, Rosana (Date of defense: 2015-03-10)

    This work investigated the effect of global change phenomena, particularly land use and climatic changes, on water quality patterns in Mediterranean rivers. A hybrid process-based and statistical model (SPARROW) was applied ...

    Effects of operational conditions on the performance of a partial nitritation SBR treating high nitrogen loads 

    Gabarró i Bartual, Jordi (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    The biological treatment of industrial wastewater containing high nitrogen concentrations (>1000 mg N L-1) and low biodegradable organic matter (bCOD) such as landfill leachate is nowadays challenging. Conventional ...

    Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Ferrer Maza, Dolors (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    This PhD thesis evaluates the links between parasitism, condition and reproduction of mature female individuals of three of the most captured fish species in the western Mediterranean Sea: European hake, Merluccius merluccius; ...

    Effects of priority and emerging pollutants on river biofilms 

    Ricart Viladomat, Marta (Date of defense: 2011-01-14)

    L'activitat humana representa una de les majors causes d'entrada d'una gran varietat de substàncies en els ecosistemes fluvials. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball es investigar els efectes que els tòxics orgànics poden ...