Ara mostrant els elements 1-15 de 15

    Aspectos económicos de las tecnologías de la información, comunicación y entretenimiento 

    Borés, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2002-10-23)

    En esta tesis analizamos diversos aspectos relacionados con los sectores de Tecnologías de la Información, Comunicación y Entretenimiento (TICE). Nuestros análisis versan tanto sobre la oferta (motivaciones estratégicas, ...

    Cultural Impact Perception a model proposal for intangible impact assessment. Una proposta d'avaluació de política pública a través de l'anàlisi d'impactes culturals d'esdeveniments culturals entesos com a actes d'implementació 

    Colombo Vilarrasa, Alba (Data de defensa: 2012-09-25)

    In contemporary democratic societies most administrations manage their competences by means of programmes of government action, i.e. using public policies. These aim to resolve publicly identified situations or conflicts, ...

    Defining the effect of service quality measurement on service design procedures: mixed methods analysis of four performing arts festivals in Catalonia, Spain 

    Arévalo-Montealegre, Camilo (Data de defensa: 2023-01-23)

    Evidence suggests that customer satisfaction relates directly to engagement, loyalty, and wordof- mouth. Moreover, a growing body of literature in the cultural tourism sector recognises the importance of guaranteeing ...

    El derecho a la participación en la vida cultural de las personas con discapacidad auditiva y/o visual. Estudio de caso de la situación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón 

    Casanovas López, Raquel (Data de defensa: 2019-06-10)

    The present investigation deals about the participation rights in the cultural life by disabilities hearing and visual people, analyzing a specific case such as that of the Aragon’s Autonomous Community. The study was ...

    Els mitjans digitals de proximitat. El cas del grup Nació Digital 

    Puntí Brun, Mònica (Data de defensa: 2016-01-11)

    This thesis is an investigation that the main objective is to study proximity digital media in Catalonia. The theoretical framework establishes the foundations on which stands the sector: proximity communication and digital ...

    Femininity, neoliberalism and popular culture: the depolitization of feminism 

    Esquirol, Meritxell (Data de defensa: 2015-01-30)

    This thesis intends to analyze the logics of representation of contemporary femininity in the popular imagery that has instrumentalized feminism. Such is the case of the transmedia narrative The Twilight Saga, the cultural ...

    Jaume Serra Hunter i la teoria de la cultura en el Noucentisme 

    Verdaguer i Turró, Miquel (Data de defensa: 2011-05-20)

    Catalan modern and contemporary philosophy has traditionally been little studied so strictly to historical and political reasons for more or less the same conviction that is compared with literature and even in historiography, ...

    L'expressió escrita i els continguts de l'humor a la literatura infantil i juvenil catalana de 1904 a 2004: educació en els valors 

    Estrada Luttikhuizen, David (Data de defensa: 2008-12-17)

    L'humor permet entendre i organitzar el món. És un aspecte en l'educació de la identitat cultural que comença tan aviat com la canalla pot seguir una narració oral, i que s'intensifica a mesura que la lectura esdevé un ...

    La circulació de moneda baiximperial a les ciuitates de Girona i Empúries durant el baix Imperi romà 

    Bouzas, Marc (Data de defensa: 2019-05-10)

    The main objective of this thesis is to establish the circulation dynamics of late roman coinage in the roman ciuitates of Girona and Empúries during the historical period known as the Late Roman Empire. To do so, we studied ...

    La formación en patrimonio cultural en los estudios de Grado en Turismo. El caso de los estudiantes de Barcelona 

    Molero Mateo, Sonia (Data de defensa: 2019-12-17)

    The purpose pursued with this study is that future graduates develop the skills and professional abilities that the sector requires. Human capital is considered as a key element in the tourism system. It reveals, however, ...

    La superación del mito de la Atenas suramericana: los cafés como espacios de la producción cultural (Bogotá 1880-1930) 

    Llano, Fabián Andrés (Data de defensa: 2019-06-18)

    The study of cafes as spaces of cultural exchange and places of literary modernity can bring with them stories of gatherings and literary encounters, including vanguards defined under cultural movements that defied tradition ...

    Miquel Mai (ca. 1480-1546). Art i cultura a la cort de Carles V 

    Bellsolell Martínez, Joan (Data de defensa: 2011-07-12)

    The doctoral thesis was an study about Miquel Mai, a polític, jurist, bibliophile and art collector in Barcelona in the first half of the XVI century. The thesis presents the figure of Miquel Mai by his biographic history, ...

    Mitjans digitals i públics escènics. La relació entre el públic i el producte cultural a través de la xarxa. Cas d'estudi: Festival Temporada Alta 

    Baraut, Ingrid (Data de defensa: 2017-07-26)

    The aim is to determine how the media environment affects the way in which live performance is received, distributed, and participated in. Based particularly on media and cultural convergence, the study analyses contemporary ...

    The Mods in Catalonia: a critical perspective of the neo-gramscian approach to popular culture 

    Sinclair, Graham (Data de defensa: 2016-05-27)

    Through a study of groups of Mods from different generations and geographical settings, I develop the idea that an analysis of their ‘signs’ is not enough. I argue that it is helpful to look at the very particular background ...

    Predictors of knowledge creation performance. A quantitative qualitative comparative study of European doctorandi 

    Capó Artigues, Aina Maria (Data de defensa: 2009-06-16)

    Aquesta tesi forma part d'un projecte destinat a predir el rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants de doctorat portat a terme per l'INSOC (International Network on Social Capital and Performance). El grup de recerca INSOC està ...