Agencias de género a partir de memorias colectivas construidas por mujeres cubanas vinculadas a procesos de alfabetización de la Revolución 

    Alfonso Olivera, Rachel N. (Date of defense: 2022-12-21)

    For decades, Cuba has represented the socialist utopia of the left in Latin America. The early incorporation of women into education and productive work in the 1960s helped ratify the imaginary of justice and social equality. ...

    Análisis criterial del testimonio infantil y adolescente en casos de violencia sexual 

    Bravo Correa, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2020-06-18)

    A criteria analysis of 200 legal statements of child and adolescence sexual violence (CAVS) cases with guilty verdict has been performed. Interactions among age, sex, scope (intra and extra familiar) and frequency (chronic, ...

    Avaluació dels efectes d'un programa d'exercici físic individualitzat sobre la Qualitat de Vida (QdV), la incontinència urinària, la fatiga i la resistència muscular amb malalts del càncer de pròstata 

    Serdà Ferrer, Bernat-Carles (Date of defense: 2009-05-29)

    El cáncer de próstata es el cáncer más frecuente en los hombres en muchos países industrializados. Considerando el porcentaje de supervivencia relativa a los 5 años (76,5%) y el estado de morbilidad que generan los ...

    Bienestar subjetivo en niños, niñas y adolescentes que participan en programas públicos después de clases en Chile 

    Ditzel, Ana Loreto (Date of defense: 2022-06-07)

    This doctoral thesis aims to explore different aspects of the subjective well-being of children living in conditions of social vulnerability and participating in after-school programs in Chile. To this end, an investigation ...

    Bienestar subjetivo y satisfacción escolar en la adolescencia 

    Luna Soca, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2013-02-01)

    The main objective of this research is to explore the relationship between the subjective well-being and a set of school factors that characterize both the functioning of the classroom and the school, and the academic ...

    Causas y efectos de los afectos y la regulación emocional sobre la recuperación física y la adquisición de recursos personales en deportistas adolescentes chilenos 

    Molina López, Víctor Michael (Date of defense: 2020-07-13)

    In recent years, the evidence about the influence of emotions, emotional states and their regulation on sports and physical activity has increased considerably (Cece, Guillet- Descas, Nicaise, Lienhart, and Martinent, 2019; ...

    Cessació de l'hàbit tabàquic en pacients afectats de malaltia vascular cerebral aguda 

    Suñer Soler, Rosa (Date of defense: 2010-06-28)

    S'han estudiat 1003 pacients amb el diagnòstic de Malaltia Vascular Cerebral (MVC) aguda ingressats a la unitat de neurologia de l'Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona en el període de gener de 2005 a juliol de 2007. S'ha ...

    Comportamientos de riesgo para la salud y calidad de vida en adolescentes escolarizados 

    Vilugrón Aravena, Fabiola Pamela (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    The main objective of this research is to determine the association of different Health Risk Behaviours (HRB's) with the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in a sample of 550 adolescents attending school, aged 15 to ...

    Coneixements dels professionals de la salut de l'atenció primària sobre prevenció del consum de drogues 

    Baltasar Bagué, Alícia (Date of defense: 2012-03-27)

    The aim of this research is to know the training of health professionals in health promotion and disease prevention, and to examine its manifestation among the actions and interventions for prevention of tobacco, alcohol ...

    Cultures mediàtiques adolescents: Un estudi psicosocial centrat en el telèfon mòbil 

    Malo Cerrato, Sara (Date of defense: 2009-01-30)

    Des de la perspectiva psicosocial s'analitzen alguns aspectes de les interaccions entre progenitors i fills/es adolescents entre 12 i 16 anys en relació a l'ús del telèfon mòbil en el marc de la societat acceleradament ...

    Depresión, ansiedad y calidad de vida percibida en pacientes fumadores con ictus agudo 

    Maldonado Manzano, Eduard (Date of defense: 2020-07-27)

    Almost all people with stroke have vascular risk factors that influence the risk of developing this disease, many of which can be modified. The study included 115 smokers hospitalized at Dr. University Hospital. Josep ...

    Deterioro cognitivo leve y demencia tipo Alzheimer en personas con discapacidad intelectual: detección, clasificación y caracterización de la evolución clínica 

    Rodriguez-Hidalgo, Emili (Date of defense: 2023-12-22)

    Background. Intellectual disability is a neurodevelopment disorder affecting intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. The increase of life expectancy of this population leads to an increase of mental health pathologies ...

    Efectes d’un programa d’intervenció psicoeducativa en les actituds i coneixements sexuals i afectius de persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual que assisteixen a un servei de teràpia ocupacional 

    Fernandez Suriñach, Jordi (Date of defense: 2020-07-27)

    This study, conducted with a total of 56 people with an intellectual disability of whom 70% had never received sex education, tries to evaluate the effects of a psychoeducational program on sexuality and affection with the ...

    Efecto en la calidad de vida, el afrontamiento y las conductas de salud de los pacientes con ictus isquémico agudo tratados con neurointervencionismo endovascular 

    Reverté i Villarroya, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2017-04-27)

    We conducted a prospective, longitudinal and comparative sample of patients with acute ischaemic stroke who were previously randomized for a clinical trial (REVASCAT) with two groups (intervention and control) according ...

    El apoyo de los y las educadoras como moderador del bienestar subjetivo en los niños, niñas y adolescentes en residencias de protección en Chile y Perú 

    Ortúzar Flores, Harry Andrés (Date of defense: 2020-06-25)

    This research contributes by identifying factors contributing to increasing the subjective well-being of children in residential centers of Chile and Peru, allowing for their inclusion in children's intervention plans. ...

    El comportament prosocial i la seva relació amb el benestar subjectiu en el col·lectiu de persones grans 

    Serrat Graboleda, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-06-30)

    This thesis aims to know if prosocial behaviours such as volunteering or selfless help to others contribute to the elderly to stay active and productive and how this is related with their subjective well-being. In addition, ...

    El papel de la orientación sexual en el bienestar subjetivo de las personas gay, lesbianas y bisexuales 

    Cámara Liébana, David (Date of defense: 2020-02-03)

    The objective is know the role of sexual orientation of Lesbians, Gay and Bisexuals (LGB) in their subjective well-being, and at the same time deepen in what are the factors that influence their sexual orientation. This ...

    Elaboración y aplicación de un programa de formación de formadores para la prevención sexual del VIH: efectos sobre la asertividad, la autoeficacia y la conducta 

    Gómez Lima, Ana Belén (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    We designed and implemented a training programme aimed at university students in the field of education and health, providing them with professional tools for carrying out preventive interventions in relation to high-risk ...

    Factores asociados al bienestar subjetivo en docentes chilenos 

    Herrera Barros, Camilo Alfredo (Date of defense: 2023-02-17)

    Teachers are one of the main pillars of our society, multiple studies indicate that their subjective well-being is essential for a good performance of their duties. This research aims to identify the main protective and ...

    Factores psicosociales de riesgo y protección de la salud y bienestar entre los profesionales del transporte sanitario 

    Navarro Moya, Maria Pau (Date of defense: 2019-11-26)

    Several studies highlight the fact that ambulance personnel are exposed to multiple psychosocial risk factors that can lead, among others, to burnout syndrome. There are few studies that provide information on protective ...