L'art del retaule a l'àrea de Vic: entre les darreries del cicle renaixentista i l'entrada de les fórmules barroques (1568-1625 ca.) 

    Abril i Vilamala, Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2017-10-24)

    This research paper studies the production of altarpieces in five of the ten archpriesthoods that make up the current Bishop of Vic (the Vic’s, Lluçanès’, Ter-Collsacabra’s, Guilleries-Congost’sand theMoianès’ ones) between ...

    Història de la indústria làctia a les comarques gironines: la Central Lletera Municipal de Girona i La Lactaria Española de Vidreres, entre d'altres 

    García Moreno, Antoni (Fecha de defensa: 2017-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis is about the history of dairy industry in the regions of Girona through the analysis of different centres that there are nowadays in Girona, especially the most important centres like “La Central ...

    La pintura de Balthus: de la imagen a la imaginación. Paradojas de lo real, el deseo y la identidad 

    Cornejo Brugués, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-08)

    The main topic of this doctoral research is the French artist Balthus (1908-2001) and the analysis of his pictorial production. Despite being a notorious and much discussed painter by a theorical corpus who have been ...

    Dones, cos i ecologia. Dona arbre 

    Iribarren Nadal, Mariona (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-10)

    The thesis presented is a study of some women's movements which claim a recovery of the female body from a feminist and ecologist standpoint and which are currently spreading their influence. It provides a summary of the ...

    La influència del pensament de Joan Fuster en les cultures polítiques dels Països Catalans (1960-1992) 

    Rico i Garcia, Antoni (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-22)

    Joan Fuster was one of the most prominent intellectuals of the Catalan Letters in the last century. His national thought and the construction of a Valencian identity which was an alternative to the existing one, was central ...

    Mágica belleza. El pensamiento mágico como fundamento original de la teoría del arte 

    Ferrer Ventosa, Roger (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-20)

    Artistic forms seem to be closely related to magical thinking, because of their use of symbols and representations, the creation of talismanic objects and the articulation of ritual practices. This link has fluctuated ...

    La formació d'una classe dirigent (1790-1850). Els Carles en la societat gironina 

    Bosch i Portell, Mònica (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-09)

    This work studies how the class of hisendats (landowners who lived from their rents), the economic and social ruling class in the Girona society of the eighteenth century, also became a leading class in the time of the ...

    "Visch de mon treball y seguint los amos". Francesos i treballadors a la Catalunya de mas (Bisbat de Girona, ss. XVI-XVII) 

    Barquer Cerdà, Arnau (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-25)

    Since carachterization of French migration during 16th and 17th centuries in the Bishopric of Girona, I obtained huge data pointing out the strong presence of treballador label, mainly among French immigrants, increasing ...

    La sindicació de les arts plàstiques a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Institucions d’operacions ideològiques i polarització entre l’art d’avantguarda i el realisme 

    Esteba López, Joaquin (Fecha de defensa: 2019-02-15)

    This thesis is focused on conceptions of the avant-garde and realism during the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia from two main mainstays: the conception of the nationalism implicit into the conflict itself, and the mandatory ...

    La circulació de moneda baiximperial a les ciuitates de Girona i Empúries durant el baix Imperi romà 

    Bouzas, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-10)

    The main objective of this thesis is to establish the circulation dynamics of late roman coinage in the roman ciuitates of Girona and Empúries during the historical period known as the Late Roman Empire. To do so, we studied ...

    Crèdit i morositat a la Catalunya del segle XIV. El cas de la baronia de Llagostera 

    Sales i Favà, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2019-06-07)

    This doctoral thesis analyses the private credit available to the popular classes during the fourteenth century. At the same time, it focuses on the institutional mechanisms granted by public powers in order to sanction ...

    La superación del mito de la Atenas suramericana: los cafés como espacios de la producción cultural (Bogotá 1880-1930) 

    Llano, Fabián Andrés (Fecha de defensa: 2019-06-18)

    The study of cafes as spaces of cultural exchange and places of literary modernity can bring with them stories of gatherings and literary encounters, including vanguards defined under cultural movements that defied tradition ...

    El restaurador Joan Sutrà Viñas (1898-1981) i la seva aportació a la conservació del patrimoni artístic 

    Miquel Vilanova, Maria Àngels (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-04)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present the person and work of restorer and professor of history of art Joan Sutrà Viñas (1898 - 1981), in particular within the context of the conservation and restoration of artistic ...

    La imatge dels museus a través de l'arquitectura. Anàlisi de l'arquitectura exterior dels museus registrats de la província de Girona 

    Soler Busquets, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-05)

    In the 19th century, the museum archetype was based on an architecture of classical lines and a palace image. The current trend of new museums buildings is characterized by its typological vagueness and the lack of an ...

    L'emmagatzematge de cereals en sitges durant l'antiguitat tardana en els bisbats de Girona i Empúries 

    Prat Vilà, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    Around the Fifth century AD, the use of silos as storage structures reappeared in force throughout large areas of Western Europe. This phenomenon also concerned the territories of the bishoprics of Girona and Empúries. ...

    Música i cerimònia a Girona, 1500-1650 

    Miranda López, M. del Mar (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-04)

    This doctoral dissertation studies different festivities and ceremonies that took place in Girona between 1500 and 1650, as well as the music that could have accompanied them at that time. The dissertation consists of two ...

    Els gravats rupestres prehistòrics d'estil Tazina del jaciment de Sluguilla Lawash (Sàhara Occidental) 

    Ventura Almeda, Helena (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-21)

    Sluguilla Lawash is the site with a higher concentration of open air prehistoric rock art of Western Sahara. It has 1143 engraved slabs with 2087 motifs, among which the 99% have an incised stroke, with a dark desert varnish ...

    L’associacionisme arqueològic a Catalunya en el segon franquisme i la transició. Estudi del cas del Grup de Prehistòria i Arqueologia del Museu de Berga 

    Farguell Magnet, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-22)

    The purpose of this research work is focused on the archaeological practice that was carried out from the archaeological associations in Catalonia. The Renaixença cultural movement claimed a glorious past in Catalonia ...

    Protecting archaeological heritage during conflicts. Syria’s archaeological heritage during the conflict and the local efforts to protect it 

    Sabrine, Isber (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-28)

    Since the start of the Syrian conflict Syria‘s archaeological heritage was a victim, the role of the international heritage organization was very modest and limited , the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums ...

    La guerra civil catalana i la crisi financera de Barcelona durant el regnat de Joan II (1458-1479) 

    Miquel Milian, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-30)

    The intention of this doctoral thesis is to study the municipal finances of Barcelona in the fifteenth century and to see how far this economic indicator may serve to establish what kind of impact the so-called “late ...