Now showing items 21-40 of 289

    Cultivating learning throughout life: the promise of public online learning communities 

    Roeniger Desatnik, Inge (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    Online learning communities (OLCs), categorized into private and public types, are conducive collaborative learning environments for fostering and embracing Lifelong Learning. OLCs used for formal learning have been studied ...

    La reproducción, y alguna transformación, de las desigualdades de género y clase social en Internet: un análisis interseccional en mujeres usuarias de programas de inclusión digital 

    Arroyo, Lídia (Date of defense: 2023-09-28)

    La tesis doctoral tiene el objetivo de conocer los significados del uso de internet y sus implicaciones, respecto a las desigualdades de género y clase social, para las mujeres adultas que han participado en programas de ...

    Visualizar planes de estudios para ver competencias, crear visualizaciones para generar preguntas 

    Blasco-Soplon, Laia (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    Esta tesis explora de manera crítica la implantación del espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES) en España desde 2013 hasta 2023, subrayando la falta de visibilidad de las competencias en los planes de estudios. La ...

    Feminist Strikes in Spain: open-ended (re)configurations of feminist activisms towards change 

    dos Santos Dias, Tayrine (Date of defense: 2023-10-11)

    The 2018 and 2019 Feminist Strikes in Spain were a multitudinous eventful mobilizing process, in which activists engaged in assembling work and reconfigured feminist activisms to build societal change. The Strikes were ...

    Embodied avatar performance, han healing ritual and life-review: Intersections of art, health and virtual reality 

    Ryu, Semi (Date of defense: 2023-05-30)

    This Ph.D. dissertation presents the Embodied Avatar Performance (EAP) projects, which are grounded in transdisciplinary research that explores the potential of performance art, virtual reality (VR), and interactive ...

    Exploración de técnicas cuantitativas de modelado temporal orientadas a la mejora del rendimiento académico en educación superior online 

    Martínez-Carrascal, Juan Antonio (Date of defense: 2023-11-22)

    El presente trabajo aborda la exploración de técnicas cuantitativas que puedan ser utilizadas para mejorar el rendimiento académico en los cursos, especialmente en entornos en línea. El interés en esta mejora implica ...

    Mediterrani global. Poètiques mediambientals del litoral en la novel·la actual 

    Vidal-Pérez, Aina (Date of defense: 2023-10-30)

    Un nombre rellevant de novel·les actuals aborda un Mediterrani mediambientalment degradat com a porta d'entrada per explorar, des de contextos localitzats, un sentiment epocal de crisi. A través de l'anàlisi comparativa ...

    Economia compartida com a proposta alternativa al fast fashion 

    Ruiz Navarro, Ramon (Date of defense: 2023-11-22)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza l'actitud i el comportament de les persones envers l'economia compartida, específicament en relació amb les plataformes d'intercanvi de roba, com a proposta alternativa a la fast fashion. ...

    Modeling of emotional subjectivity in affective-based predictive systems 

    Hayat, Hassan (Date of defense: 2023-04-19)

    One of the goals of affective computing is to develop affective technologies that can understand humans emotionally and make their life better. Human emotions are highly subjective in nature. This is why systems that ...

    "A veces pienso que no encuentro mi lugar": Propuesta para el análisis y la incorporación de una perspectiva interseccional en los planes de igualdad de género. Un acercamiento a las organizaciones del área provincial de Barcelona 

    Zamarreño Méndez, Fabio (Date of defense: 2023-07-01)

    Esta tesis doctoral inicia una innovadora línea de investigación al aplicar la interseccionalidad al desarrollo de planes de igualdad. Centrándose en la provincia de Barcelona, el estudio explora las circunstancias laborales ...

    Making a name for Anonymous. Digital culture , anonymous publics and transgressie subjectivities 

    Jacobetty, Pedro (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    Recently, researchers from various domains of social sciences have been particularly concerned with the social, cultural, and political impacts of digital media. To give an account of the specific processes behind the ...

    Educació patrimonial mitjançant recursos educatius en línia amb contingut de patrimoni cultural i xarxes d'aprenentatge 

    Sprünker, Janine (Date of defense: 2011-07-01)

    Aquest estudi de doctorat contribueix al camp del patrimoni i específicament a l'educació patrimonial. Com suggereix la literatura (Juanola; Calbó; Valles, 2006; Fontal, 2003a; Calaf, 2009) i pel que vam veure a la nostra ...

    Guided requirements engineering using feature oriented software modeling 

    Sreekumar, Anjali (Date of defense: 2023-05-23)

    A well-defined software requirements specification uniquely describes a functionality or part of a functionality of the software product and is consistent with the definitions and descriptions of the other functionalities ...

    Gendered networks and work. The case of Social Entrepreneurship, and the Social and Solidarity Economy in Barcelona 

    Garrido-Skurkowicz, Natalia (Date of defense: 2023-03-28)

    This dissertation explores the degree to which an organizational ecosystem from the social and solidarity economy in Barcelona is gendered. Are there gender differences in terms of ‘decent work’ conditions? Are there gender ...

    Predictive maintenance of industrial water cooling systems 

    Galve Ceamanos, Sergio (Date of defense: 2022-11-21)

    Working in the practical environment of the LAUDA Ultracool company, this project worked with industrial refrigeration equipment to detect and diagnose failures before they impact the efficiency of the machine. Once the ...

    Color of Corruption. Visual evidence of agenda-setting in a complex mass media ecosystem 

    Rey-Mazón, Pablo (Date of defense: 2023-05-08)

    This research empirically and visually studies how the media and online social networks influence the forming of public opinion in the digital age. It uses corruption scandals in Spain from the last two decades to analyze ...

    Care, time and gender in new managerial science and academia. From accelerated rhythms to caring temporalities 

    Conesa Carpintero, Ester (Date of defense: 2023-03-07)

    This thesis explores the effects of productivism and the acceleration of the academic pace in scientists’ lives and scientific practices. It works with a feminist care (and time for care) theoretical framework to analyse ...

    Capacity development for public servants through online education: The case of the MPM program of the UPOU 

    Gervacio, Juvy Lizette (Date of defense: 2023-03-20)

    Is online education an effective tool for developing public servants' capacities? Focusing on this question, the research concluded that, given an enabling environment and effective implementing organization, it can be one ...

    Desenvolupant un mètode per a la detecció de les potencialitats educatives dels videojocs comercials 

    Adell, Ferran (Date of defense: 2023-03-22)

    L'ús dels videojocs en l'educació ha passat per diferents etapes. En un primer moment, els extrems s'apoderaren de les opinions sobre l'aprenentatge basat en videojocs (VGBL, per la sigla en anglès), i generaven passió o ...

    Video feedback and foreign language anxiety in online pronunciation tasks 

    Martin Mota, Sidney (Date of defense: 2023-05-16)

    Despite many studies about video feedback in both face-to-face and online settings, little research has been carried out exploring how this technique is perceived by students learning the pronunciation of specific sounds ...