Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals

La Universitat de Barcelona és la universitat pública principal de Catalunya, amb el nombre més gran d’estudiants i l’oferta formativa més àmplia i completa. A més, és el principal centre de recerca universitari de l’Estat i un dels més importants d’Europa, tant per nombre de programes de recerca com per l’excel·lència assolida en aquest terreny.Estretament vinculada a la història de Barcelona i de Catalunya, la UB combina els valors de la tradició amb el fet de ser una institució innovadora i d’excel·lència en l’àmbit docent, i és una universitat urbana, oberta i cosmopolita com la mateixa ciutat de Barcelona.Us convidem a conèixer la Universitat de Barcelona!

Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat de Barcelona i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents

Enviaments recents

Spatial Ecology of the Endangered Egyptian Vulture: from Distribution and Movement to Biological Conservation 

Cerecedo Iglesias, Catuxa (Data de defensa: 2024-06-14)

[eng] The current rampant loss of biodiversity is known to be affecting human well-being the world over. Sustainability has become the global go-to solution to ensure the balance between economic growth, social well-being ...

Ecological patterns of Antarctic benthic communities and the biodiversity they harbour 

Baena Cabrera, Patricia (Data de defensa: 2024-05-16)

[eng] The exploration of marine environments, especially the deep sea, has been an ongoing effort. With the majority of Earth’s surface covered by oceans, the invention of SCUBA and subsequent deep-sea expeditions has ...

Unravelling seabird-fishery dynamics through bird-borne technologies 

Navarro Herrero, Leia (Data de defensa: 2024-04-15)

[eng] Seabirds and fisheries share the same fishing resources and grounds, resulting in their inevitable interaction, with significant conservation implications for the firsts. Seabirds scavenging on fishery waste modify ...

Facing Global Change: Impacts of drying and human pressures on invertebrate diversity and organic matter processing in a Mediterranean stream network 

Viza Sánchez, Aida (Data de defensa: 2024-04-04)

[eng] Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) currently constitute half of the global river network, occurring ubiquitously. Characterised by natural and periodic cessations of flow, IRES are proliferating due to ...

Gestió, recerca i ciutadania en l’estudi de l’estat dels rius mediterranis. La importància de l’educació ambiental, la ciència ciutadana i la participació en la gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials 

Fortuño Estrada, Pau (Data de defensa: 2024-03-20)

[cat] Aquesta tesi doctoral sorgeix de l'empremta deixada pel grup de recerca FEHM, liderat pel Dr. Prat, amb més de quatre dècades d'activitat dedicada a la investigació en ecologia aquàtica des de la Facultat de Biologia ...

All for one: organ and tissue-specific responses in the hormonal modulation of plant (a)biotic interactions 

Hernández Fresno, David (Data de defensa: 2024-03-08)

[eng] Plants are not isolated organisms; instead, they constantly interact with the microorganisms in their environment, forming a holobiont that consists of the plants themselves and their entire microbiome. This holobiont ...

Aplicación de biocarbón en la agricultura: Mejoramiento de la calidad de suelos mediante el uso de diferentes combinaciones de biocarbón y enmiendas orgánicas y su efecto sobre la nutrición y producción agrícola 

Espinoza Vaca, Jorge Santiago (Data de defensa: 2024-03-04)

[spa] El suelo, un recurso no renovable y esencial para el desarrollo de la vida, se ve afectado por los sistemas de producción de cultivos que provocan su degradación. El biocarbón, un producto rico en carbono obtenido ...

Genetic variability of minnows and loaches in rivers and high mountain lakes from the Pyrenees and Italian Alps 

Suh, Jongmo (Data de defensa: 2024-02-20)

[eng] The invasion of alien species is a major global threat to ecosystems, with significant impacts, especially on freshwater ecosystems. The species diversity in freshwater ecosystems has significantly declined worldwide, ...

Biological mechanisms underlying psychosocial stress response: The consequences of prenatal maternal distress and childhood maltreatment on the endocrine and immune systems 

Castro Quintas, Águeda (Data de defensa: 2024-02-26)

[eng] During critical periods of development, psychosocial stress experiences may alter key neural networks of the human brain, with long-lasting effects on behavior and mental health. However, the specific biological ...

The role of non-native fish on littoral macroinvertebrates of Pyrenean high mountain lakes 

Osorio Álvarez, Víctor (Data de defensa: 2024-02-06)

[eng] High mountain freshwater ecosystems, such as Pyrenean lakes, are distinguished by their unique ecological characteristics, which encompass their near-pristine undisturbed state, unique biodiversity, and their role ...

Effects of dam decommissioning on carbon cycling in reservoirs. Case study of the Enobieta Reservoir, N Iberian Peninsula 

Mabano, Amani (Data de defensa: 2023-12-19)

[eng] The overall objective of this thesis is to explore the effects of DD on C cycling in reservoirs because there are many dams under removal and many more predicted in the near future. To answer this question, we conducted ...

Testing the hypothesis of adaptive radiation and its eco-phenotypic implications 

Bellvert Bantí, Adrià (Data de defensa: 2023-11-02)

[eng] Without a shadow of a doubt, adaptive radiation processes have played a major role in our current understanding of how species evolved on our planet. Since the original proposal of the theory of evolution by natural ...

Systematics of Nearctic and Neotropical Oak Gall Wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini), with a focus on specific genera in the fauna of Mexico 

Cuesta Porta, Victor (Data de defensa: 2023-11-13)

[eng] The oak gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) are a group of specialized endophytophagous microhymenopterans that induce galls on Fagaceae trees, principally oaks (Quercus L.). The systematics of this tribe ...

Invasiones biológicas en ambientes marinos tropicales: El caso del pez león (Pterois volitans) 

Sanjuan Muñoz, Adolfo (Data de defensa: 2023-11-13)

[spa] El pez león (Pterois volitans) inició una propagación sin precedentes en rapidez y magnitud a partir de Florida, Estados Unidos de América, y quizás las Bahamas hace más de dos décadas. Actualmente se ha establecido ...

Patrones de comportamiento y perfiles de personalidad en el delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus), y su utilidad como herramienta de manejo en cautividad 

Quirós Garzón, Carolina (Data de defensa: 2023-10-18)

[spa] El objetivo general de esta tesis ha sido estudiar el comportamiento solitario y social de un grupo de ocho delfines mulares (Tursiops truncatus) en cautividad (Zoo de Barcelona), durante dos periodos reproductivos, ...

Feasibility of organic rice cultivation in the Ebro Delta 

Palma Guillén, Alfred (Data de defensa: 2023-10-20)

[eng] In the Mediterranean basins, rice is mainly cultivated in wetland protracted areas such as deltas and marshlands, where it is the prevailing crop due to the high soil salinity. This salinity is continuously increasing ...

Dugong-Seagrass Interactions in the Arabian Peninsula: Dugong Feeding Grounds as a Conservation Management Unit 

Khamis, Abdulqader (Data de defensa: 2023-10-24)

[eng] The principal challenge of conserving marine megaherbivores is that they typically range over extensive areas that far exceed the spatial scales of conventional management, transcending protected areas, and often ...

Root traits and stable isotopes as phenotyping approaches to enhance wheat adaptation to Mediterranean conditions 

Rezzouk, Fatima Zahra (Data de defensa: 2023-09-15)

[eng] Wheat is a major staple food worldwide. Its cultural and economic importance is mainly highlighted in the Mediterranean region, among other regions of the world. However, wheat production is frequently challenged by ...

Multi-sensor remote sensing detection of biotic stress for crop phenotyping and management guidance 

Hamdane, Yassine (Data de defensa: 2023-09-14)

[eng] The main driving force behind crop research is to ensure food security. Climate change, which affects most crops and increases the risk of disease and famine, is addressed in this notion. The Food and Agriculture ...

Diet composition and habitat use in red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations in the northeastern iberian peninsula: relations with phenotypic plasticity in dental roots, group ethology and stress hormones 

Gort Esteve, Araceli (Data de defensa: 2023-09-22)

[eng] Deer populations are increasing in recent times. One of the main causes is the abandonment of agriculture and extensive livestock farming. This thesis focuses on expanding our knowledge about the biology of red deer ...
