Now showing items 1-20 of 114

    Barocaloric and multicaloric effects under hydrostatic pressure and electric field 

    Zeng, Ming (Date of defense: 2024-12-04)

    (English) At present, HFC refrigerants with a global warming potential of thousands of times that of CO2, are widely used in air conditioners and, refrigerators. Due to lack of maintenance and poor management, and low or ...

    Exploring dissipative systems with non-Hermitian modulations 

    Benadouda Ivars, Salim (Date of defense: 2025-02-14)

    (English) The aim of this thesis is to explore the effect of non-Hermitian potentials in different nonlinear systems. Specifically, in the different sections of this work we focus on the stabilisation of various states. ...

    Experimental study of the coherence of the light emitted by a semiconductor laser with optical feedback 

    Duque Gijón, María (Date of defense: 2024-12-05)

    (English) Semiconductor lasers are part of our daily lives, finding applications in telecommunications, sensing, metrology, and biomedicine due to their compact size, efficiency, and versatility. This thesis explores how ...

    Viscoelastic behavior of high-entropy metallic glasses 

    Duan, Yajuan (Date of defense: 2024-03-13)

    (Català) Els vidres metàl·lics, especialment els d'alta entropia, es caracteritzen per la seva microestructura i propietats mecàniques úniques i, a més, permeten investigar la dinàmica de relaxació en materials desordenats ...

    Compact binary millisecond pulsars: X-ray observations and numerical simulations 

    Vurgun, Eda (Date of defense: 2024-11-07)

    (English) The thesis deals with millisecond pulsars (MSPs), a fascinating group of neutron stars distinguished by their exceptionally fast rotation periods (Ps < 30 milliseconds) and their strong magnetic fields (of the ...

    Transitional coherent structures in shear and centrifugally driven flows 

    Wang, Baoying (Date of defense: 2023-09-21)

    (English) Turbulence is not only omnipresent in our daily lives but also in engineering applications. However, not until the middle of the XXth century researchers began to realize that simple, relatively large-scale ...

    Singularities and symmetries on the crossroads of geometry and physics 

    Mir Garcia, Pau (Date of defense: 2024-01-16)

    (English) In this thesis we study several mathematical objects that are essential to formulate and model physical systems. Applying the tools provided by differential geometry, we develop and analyze different mathematical ...

    Historical copper and iron coloured glazes and glasses 

    Yuan, Mingyue (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    (English) Coloured glazes and glasses have attracted human interest since antiquity for their aesthetic appeal and multiple functionalities. As indicators of technological progress, artistic expression, and social ...

    Hydrodynamic models of accretion onto rotating compact stars 

    Martín Rodríguez, José David (Date of defense: 2023-07-07)

    (English) Hydrodynamic models are essential for our understanding of the physics of stellar explosions, and specifically, for their potential contribution to the Galactic chemical abundances. In this Work, a one-dimensional ...

    Nonlinear optics at nanoscale: frequency conversion at interfaces 

    Rodríguez Suñé, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-06-19)

    (English) The use of semiconductors, metals, or ordinary dielectrics in the process of fabrication of nanodevices is at the front edge of nowadays technology. In the last decade an impressive technological progress has ...

    Study of relaxation phenomena and local structure evolution in metallic glasses by means of Mössbauer and mechanical spectroscopy 

    Panahi, Seyedeh Leila (Date of defense: 2023-05-08)

    (English) New research shows that global demand for alloys with unique properties for various applications increased drastically, and among all them the demand for high entropy and metallic glasses in the industry is ...

    Three-dimensional SPH simulations of the interaction between the nova ejecta and the companion star 

    Figueira, Joana (Date of defense: 2023-05-31)

    (English) Classical and Recurrent novae are thermonuclear explosions hosted by accreting white dwarfs in stellar binary systems. Material piles up on top of the white dwarf star under mildly degenerate conditions, driving ...

    Theoretical and experimental investigation on the visible-light controlled functional properties in charged domain wall ferroelectrics 

    Ordoñez Pimentel, Jonathan (Date of defense: 2023-03-24)

    (English) Optical control of ferroelectric properties has been attracted a growing interest as an alternative to the conventional control by applied electric fields. However, the major drawback for achieving an effective ...

    Collective motion and collective decision-making in animal groups : from scholling fish to swarming robots 

    Múgica Gallart, Julia (Date of defense: 2023-06-07)

    (English) Collective behavior in animals is ubiquitous in nature. It emerges from the self-organization of interacting individuals within a group. What makes collective behavior so interesting is that the behavior of the ...

    Atomistic study of slip transfer in BCC metals 

    Kvashin, Nikolai (Date of defense: 2022-11-16)

    (English) The mechanical properties of structural materials, which are naturally polycrystalline, is defined by a number of physical processes that take place at different time and space scales. On several of those processes, ...

    Development and interactions of surfzone morphological patterns 

    de Swart, Rinse Leendert (Date of defense: 2022-07-19)

    A variety of morphodynamic patterns are typically present in the nearshore zone of sandy beaches that develop due to the interactions between waves, currents and the morphology. The most common are one or several nearshore ...

    Caracterització optoelectrònica de materials bidimensionals a altes freqüencies 

    Arcos Gutiérrez, David (Date of defense: 2022-07-19)

    Two-dimensional materials have a lot of applications in the electronic and photonic device design field, especially when they need to be flexible and transparent. In particular, high frequency applications, above 100MHz, ...

    Modelling emergent rhythmic activity in the cerebal cortex 

    Dornelles, Leonardo dalla Porta (Date of defense: 2022-10-07)

    The brain, a natural adaptive system, can generate a rich dynamic repertoire of spontaneous activity even in the absence of stimulation. The spatiotemporal pattern of this spontaneous activity is determined by the brain ...

    Barocaloric effects at first-order phase transitions 

    Aznar Luque, Araceli (Date of defense: 2021-04-15)

    Current refrigeration devices, based on vapour-compression cycles, employ refrigerants such as HFCs, which exhibit a global warming potential a thousand times higher than the one produced by CO2,. Furthermore, the increasing ...

    Causal inference and forescasting methods for climate data nalysis 

    Silini, Riccardo (Date of defense: 2022-07-05)

    To advance time series forecasting we need to progress on multiple fronts. In this thesis, we develop algorithms to identify causal relations which allow to identify the driving processes containing useful information for ...