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Design and implementation of high-level multilevel inverters: focusing on 15-level, 25-level, and 33-level topologies with asymmetrical configuration and optimal component choices 

Bandahalli Mallappa, Prasad Kumar (Date of defense: 2024-11-21)

(English) The primary goal of this thesis is to establish multilevel inverter (MLI) topologies for industrial settings. Because of its numerous benefits, including low power dissipation on power supplies and low harmonic ...

Life cycle assessment as a tool for the industrialisation of chemical and mechanochemical processes 

Arfelis Espinosa, Sergi (Date of defense: 2024-11-21)

(English) The chemical sector is a $4 trillion global business and a major employer, with chemicals present in almost all manufactured products. Increasing investment and the chemical industry's innovative capacity to ...

Avenços en els fonaments matemàtics de l’anàlisi composicional de dades: convexitat i normes Lp. Aplicació a la regressió lineal LASSO amb covariable composicional 

Saperas Riera, Jordi (Date of defense: 2025-01-09)

Compositional data are a special type of multivariate data where the variables represent parts of a whole. These data are commonly encountered in fields such as geology, biology, economics, and chemistry, where the proportions ...

Influence of household washing on the variation of the properties of intrinsic natural color organic cotton fabrics 

Aliei, Hesam (Date of defense: 2024-11-06)

(English) Natural colored organic cotton fabrics gained considerable attention in recent years owing to due to their environmental friendliness and sustainability production. This imparts unique colors and patterns to the ...

Radioterapia estereotáctica en lesiones óseas. Factor tiempo como predictor de supervivencia 

Pérez Montero, Héctor (Date of defense: 2023-06-22)

[spa] INTRODUCCIÓN: En los últimos años se ha producido una mejora en el pronóstico de los pacientes metastásicos gracias a los avances en terapias oncológicas. Debido a ello, el abordaje radical de las metástasis ha ido ...
