A few things about hyperimaginaries and stable forking 

    Potier, Joris (Fecha de defensa: 2015-06-08)

    The core of this PhD dissertation is basically twofold : On one hand, I get some new results on the relationship between compact groups and bounded hyperimaginaries, extending a little bit the classical results of Lascar ...

    Análisis lógico-comparativo de las formulaciones de la termodinámica 

    Sánchez Ferrer, Juan Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-08)

    1. OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL Sean las termodinámicas fundamentales de la vertebración histórica de los conceptos específicamente termodinámicos, es decir, la termodinámica de lo que aquí se denomina 2ª etapa de Clausius, la ...

    Análisis ontológico del estrato prerreflexivo de la experiencia 

    Alonso Cano, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-20)

    La investigación que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo elucidar una de las problemáticas más relevantes de la historia del pensamiento, a saber: puede defenderse la existencia de un estrato prerreflexivo, ...

    Apriority and Colour Inclusion 

    Reining, Stefan (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-20)

    My central aim in this dissertation is to propose a new version of local scepticism regarding the a priori, namely, a version of scepticism regarding the apriority of (knowledge of) truths about certain relations between ...

    Ascriptions in context / An Experimental Study on the Context-sensitivity of Belief Reports 

    Pérez Pérez, Laura Natalia (Fecha de defensa: 2012-10-05)

    In this dissertation I study and empirically test whether belief attributions are context-sensitive, i.e., whether the truth value of a belief report of the form ‘A believes that S’ is sensitive to contextual parameters. ...

    Cognitive Phenomenology: A Non-Reductive Account 

    Jorba Grau, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2013-04-11)

    The aim of this dissertation is to provide a non-reductive account of cognitive phenomenology and the experience of thinking. The nature of conscious thought is an issue that has occupied philosophers since ancient times, ...


    Horden, John (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-11)

    The four main chapters in this dissertation, while each largely self-standing, can be seen as together providing an extended defence of the view that classical mereology is analytically true. In chapter 1, I criticise Eli ...

    Conceptos modales e individuación 

    Pérez Otero, Manuel, 1964- (Fecha de defensa: 1996-10-09)

    Según el punto de vista predominante en la filosofía sobre la modalidad durante la mayor parte del siglo XX cualquier noción de necesidad que pueda tener sentido es dependiente de nuestros sistemas lingüísticos de ...

    Context and compositionality: an essay in metasemantics 

    Briciu, Adrian (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    The general aim of this dissertation is to analyze two intersecting topics. One is what constraints the principle(s) of compositionality place on semantic theories, and the second is whether context-sensitivity endangers ...

    Contribucions a la teoria de models de la lògica sense identitat 

    Dellunde i Clavé, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 1996-01-01)

    La tesis doctoral es un estudio de la teoria de modelos de la lógica sin identidad. Se estudia el fragmento de la lógica de primer orden compuesto por las fórmulas que no tienen el símbolo de identidad. Los conceptos ...

    La determinación de la referencia de los términos para artefactos 

    Ortega Cano, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2013-05-13)

    La tesis trata de un aspecto semántico de los términos para artefactos: la determinación de su referencia. Para abordar esta cuestión, exploro la sugerencia putnamiana según la cual la referencia de los términos de clase ...

    Dir i implicar no lògicament 

    Domingo Belando, Ambròs (Fecha de defensa: 2005-12-13)

    La tesi s'ocupa de qüestions centrals relacionades amb la distinció entre semàntica i pragmàtica. En primer lloc aborda la distinció entre allò que es diu i allò que s'implica no lògicament amb la proferència d'un enunciat, ...

    Disability Justice is Collective Liberation: Pragmatist Approaches to Tactile Aesthetics and Reorganizational Tactics in Access Arts 

    Pérez Casanovas, Àger (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-19)

    [eng] The aim of this dissertation is to provide a theoretical framework where the double significance of Disability Justice artistic practices aesthetic and political can be accounted for , and to show the emancipatory ...

    Duality Theory and Abstract Algebraic Logic 

    Esteban, María (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-04)

    In this thesis we present the results of our research on duality theory for non-classical logics under the point of view of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL). Firstly, we propose an abstract Spectral-like duality and an ...

    Fictional names and fictional discourse 

    Panizza, Chiara (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-12)

    In this dissertation I present a critical study of fiction, focusing on the semantics of fictional names and fictional discourse. I am concerned with the issue of whether fictional names need to refer, and also with the ...

    Forcing Arguments in Infinite RamseyTheory 

    García Ávila, Luz María (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-12)

    This is a contribution to combinatorial set theory, specifically to infinite Ramsey Theory, which deals with partitions of infinite sets. The basic pigeon hole principle states that for every partition of the set of all ...

    Investigations into the role of translations in abstract algebraic logic 

    Moraschini, Tommaso (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-08)

    This memoir is divided into two parts, devoted to two topics in (ab-stract) algebraic logic. In the first part we develop a hierarchy in which propositional logics “L” are classified according to the definability conditions ...

    Large cardinals and resurrection axioms 

    Tsaprounis, Konstantinos (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-14)

    In the current dissertation we work in set theory and we study both various large cardinal hierarchies and issues related to forcing axioms and generic absoluteness. The necessary preliminaries may be found, as it should ...

    Les bases epistemològiques de la filosofia política de Ciceró 

    Pozo, Joan Manuel del (Fecha de defensa: 1990-01-01)

    La tesis se plantea el objetivo de analizar la coherencia entre la filosofía política de Cicerón y lo que pueden ser sus bases epistemológicas: la teórica neoacadémica del conocimiento que sitúa las posibilidades de la ...

    Logical Localism in the Context of Combining Logics 

    Benito-Monsalvo, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-22)

    [eng] Logical localism is a claim in the philosophy of logic stating that different logics are correct in different domains. There are different ways in which this thesis can be motivated and I will explore the most important ...