Now showing items 2149-2168 of 3213

    Natural language processing technologies in compensatory supports for people with aphasia and acquired reading impairments 

    Cistola, Giorgia (Date of defense: 2022-07-04)

    Aphasia is often associated with reading impairments. Nonetheless, supports designed for people with aphasia and acquired reading impairments allowing autonomous access to written material are lacking. These individuals ...

    Natural outdoor environments and adults' health : associations, effect modifiers and mediators 

    Triguero Mas, Margarita (Date of defense: 2017-02-14)

    This thesis aims at (a) evaluating the association between natural outdoor environments (NOE) and health in adults and potential effect modifiers of this association, and (b) investigating the possible mechanism of this ...

    Naturaleza e interpretación del subtipo agravado de estafa procesal 

    Becerra Briceño, Jesús Luis (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    A pesar de la ingente cantidad de supuestos de estafa procesal que son enjuiciados cada año por los juzgados y tribunales españoles, este subtipo agravado ha sido objeto de poca atención por la doctrina. Tras realizar un ...

    The need for practice in the acquisition of the post-editing skill-set: lessons learned from the industry 

    Ginovart Cid, Clara (Date of defense: 2021-07-02)

    While (translation) technology and the language industry continue to evolve, varieties of professional profiles and nuances to the relevant skillsets emerge. The field of machine translation post-editing, and, in ...

    Negociación colectiva transnacional y redes transnacionales de producción : geografías de derechos sociales a través de acuerdos marco transnacionales 

    Canalda Criado, Sergio (Date of defense: 2014-06-26)

    Dentro de los debates sobre contexto y evolución del Derecho del Trabajo, las nuevas formas de organización empresarial plantean un complejo marco de equilibrios de poder entre los actores a la hora gobernar las relaciones ...

    Negociar el poder : fiscalidad y administración pública en el proceso de construcción del estado ecuatoriano, 1830-1875 

    Velasco Herrera, Viviana (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    Esta investigación analiza el proceso de construcción del Estado ecuatoriano a través del estudio de dos elementos intrínsecos a él: la conformación de la fiscalidad y la dinámica de la administración pública en el período ...

    Negotiating interactions and addressing communication breakdowns in foreign language telecollaborative projects through videoconferencing 

    Chimeva, Yordanka (Date of defense: 2021-07-14)

    Telecollaboration through videoconferencing is one way of responding to the present situation in education resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as from globalization and innovation in information and ...

    Negotiating religious exemptions: a public reason perspective 

    Bespalov, Andrei (Date of defense: 2019-04-11)

    In this thesis I elaborate on three reasons why religious exemptions from generally applicable laws are not publicly justifiable in a liberal democratic society. First, mere claims of the form “God says so and my conscience ...

    The negotiation of an asymmetrical European Monetary System and the decision of high inflation countries to join the system 

    Solé, Anna (Date of defense: 2020-02-11)

    The EMS negotiations were centred on the debate on symmetry. High inflation countries struggled to introduce elements to force a more symmetrical functioning of the system than the Snake. However, these attempts found the ...

    Neigborhood effects in schooling and in the labor market 

    Rosolia, Alfonso (Date of defense: 2005-01-12)

    A lo largo de los ultimos diez años los economistas hemos reconocido que en muchos casos las decisiones individuales se ven afectadas por las decisiones, los comportamientos las preferencias de otros agentes no solamente ...

    Network Externalities in Developing Economics 

    Comola, Margherita (Date of defense: 2008-06-11)

    Esta tesis consta de tres ensayos basados en microeconometria, teoria de redes y desarrollo económico. En los primeros dos me focalizo en paises en desarrollo (Tanzania y Nepal respectivamente) por estudiar como los ...

    Network projects and collaboration. Models for socio-cultural changes-on the internet 

    Schuch Brunet, Karla (Date of defense: 2006-04-21)

    Esta tesis propone modelos para cambios socio-culturales en Internet. Proyectos en red en colaboración fueran el objeto de este estudio. Fueran elegidos 100 proyectos para una base de datos donde se hizo un análisis ...

    Neural and evolutionary correlates of rhythm processing through beat and meter 

    Celma Miralles, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    El temps és un component estructural de la música. A cada cultura, els sons de la música es produeixen i es perceben com patrons rítmics que posseeixen una pulsació isocrònica subjacent. Aquesta pulsació isocrònica ...

    Neural correlates of memory impairment and rescue in a mouse model of Down syndrome 

    Alemany González, Maria (Date of defense: 2019-07-09)

    Understanding the neural correlates of intellectual disability is still a central and unresolved problem in neuroscience. Here we have unravelled several candidate neural substrates of memory impairment and rescue using a ...

    Neural entrainment to languages of different rhythms in adults and infants 

    Özer, Ege Ekin (Date of defense: 2024-03-21)

    In this thesis, we explored neural entrainment as a potential mechanism to underline the behavioral evidence that certain phonological properties of listeners’ native language affects speech segmentation. In two experimental ...

    Neural machine translation evaluation & error analysis in a Spanish-Korean translation 

    Kim, Ahrii (Date of defense: 2019-10-14)

    From RBMT to SMT and NMT, the MT field witnessed, first, a conceptual turn —from rule-based to data-base— and now, a technological turn —from MT algorithm to ML algorithm. Now that NMT became a new state of the art, this ...

    Neural map organization and development in the lateral-line system 

    Pujol Martí, Jesús (Date of defense: 2012-03-02)

    Les neurones sensorials projecten al sistema nerviós central seguint una distribució espacial ordenada, formant mapes neuronals que representen propietats dels estímuls sensorials i que són considerats essencials per a ...

    Neural mechanisms of abstract rule changes in speech : exploring phonologic and attentional constraints 

    Monte Ordoño, Julia (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    L’extracció de regles de la parla és crucial per a l’adquisició del llenguatge. La present dissertació estudia el mecanisme d’aprenentatge de regles explorant com el cervell detecta regularitats rellevants dins del senyal ...

    Neural networks connecting emotion and cognition assessed in psychopaths, cocaine users and obsessive-compulsive disorder using MRI 

    Contreras Rodríguez, Oren (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    Emotional processing is fundamental for normal socialization, interpersonal interactions, successful decision-making and overall to self-regulate behavior according to each context. Adequate emotional processing relies ...

    Neural networks for singing voice extraction in monaural polyphonic music signals 

    Chandna, Pritish (Date of defense: 2021-09-23)

    This thesis dissertation focuses on singing voice extraction from polyphonic musical signals. In particular, we focus on two cases; contemporary popular music, which typically has a processed singing voice with instrumental ...