Ara mostrant els elements 341-360 de 3276

    Cutibacterium acnes strain improvement and establishment of skin microbiome sequencing technologies 

    Rozas Belmonte, Miquel (Data de defensa: 2022-10-03)

    Certain skin disorders are associated with skin microbiome dysbiosis, highlighting the importance of the microbiome in the maintenance of the skin's healthy state. Modulating the microbiome to reestablish its healthy state ...

    Clustering of somatic mutations across cancer genomes 

    Arnedo Pac, Claudia Rosario (Data de defensa: 2022-12-15)

    Sequencing of cancer genomes reveals the story of mutational events shaping the distribution of somatic mutations across the nucleotide sequence. A particular pattern of such distribution, mutational clustering, can inform ...

    DNA-based precision gene writing and viral-free in vivo delivery 

    Pallarès-Masmitjà, Maria (Data de defensa: 2022-12-19)

    The need for efficient targeted integration of large DNA fragments in mammalian genomes is indisputable, although several nuclease-based technologies have been lately developed for small allele genome editing. In this ...

    Paraules de president: Model d’Estat i discurs nacional dels presidents de Catalunya entre 1914 i 1933, a través d’una proposta d’anàlisi dels seus discursos orals i altres textos doctrinals 

    Mestre Nogué, Josep Vicenç (Data de defensa: 2022-05-18)

    Paraules de president busca descobrir si els presidents de Catalunya entre 1914 i 1933 defensaven la secessió durant el seu mandat al capdavant del govern. Per això, formulem una proposta d’anàlisi dels seus discursos ...

    City networks in global governance: practices, discourses and roles 

    Galceran-Vercher, Marta (Data de defensa: 2022-12-01)

    The doctoral thesis City Networks in Global Governance: Practices, Discourses and Roles analyses the implications of the revamping international activism of cities for global governance. The central argument is that the ...

    The kitchen and the forum: nonhuman animals and their political representation 

    Magaña Fernández, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2022-11-17)

    This thesis provides a systematic analysis and a defense of the claim that at least some nonhuman animals (i.e. mammals) ought to be granted political standing, understood here as a (pro tanto) duty of political institutions ...

    Commodification of celebrity endorsements to humanitarian sentiments: a case study of Africa 

    El-Samadoni, Shahinaz (Data de defensa: 2022-11-12)

    The relationship between humanitarian campaigns and celebrity industry is complex and debatable. The pervasiveness of celebrity led campaigns has recently become a prominent issue in the non-profit sector. The current study ...

    El Fantasma de lo real: relación cine-teatro en tres obras de investigación práctica. Estudio de las películas Kopfkino y Pienso casa digo silla de la Cía. Los Detectives y del Film Ensayo Bellas Artrópodas a través del cine de Jaques Rivette y Mariano Llinás 

    García Vera, María (Data de defensa: 2022-12-01)

    Esta tesis trata ciertas relaciones entre el cine y el teatro desde mi práctica escénica y fílmica como actriz y creadora. La perspectiva de género, la performatividad y la interdisciplinariedad (la traslación de códigos ...

    Prevención de la hernia incisional tras laparotomía urgente mediante malla profiláctica 

    Bravo Salvá, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2022-11-29)

    Esta Tesis Doctoral estudia la prevención de la hernia incisional en la cirugía urgente abdominal mediante el uso de malla profiláctica de refuerzo en la pared abdominal en posición suprafascial. Este aspecto está poco ...

    Sarcopenia: replanteando las estrategias en el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico 

    Meza de Valderrama, Delky (Data de defensa: 2022-11-29)

    La presente tesis doctoral se basa en el compendio de tres estudios de investigación, que tenían como objetivo evaluar: (1) la factibilidad y la fiabilidad de la medición del grosor del músculo del antebrazo (MT), (2) los ...

    Paclitaxel: new insights into its regulation, biosynthesis and biotechnological production 

    Escrich Montañana, Ainoa (Data de defensa: 2022-12-01)

    The emergency to obtain effective substances against cancer, and the awareness to protect natural resources make plant biofactories a promising alternative for obtaining plant-derived compounds. In this context, the ...

    Analyzing the role of activated fibroblasts in the activation of macrophages 

    Bruch Oms, Marina (Data de defensa: 2022-12-12)

    Tumors are complex masses composed by multiple cell types, such as cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and macrophages, that interact with each other promoting the tumor progression. Snail1 is a transcription factor ...

    Deciphering adaptation in the human genome : the case of CaSR in south-east Asian hunter-gatherers 

    Sinigaglia, Barbara (Data de defensa: 2022-11-25)

    Several rainforest hunter-gatherer groups in south-east Asia are characterized by specific morphological features including a particularly dark skin color (D), an extremely short stature (S), the development of woolly hair ...

    Regulatory arrangements and electricity governance : India in a comparative perspective 

    Kumar, Shashwat (Data de defensa: 2022-11-25)

    This doctoral dissertation examines the role of Independent Regulatory Agencies (IRAs) in the macro institutional setup with an objective to understand what factors affected or continue to affect their functioning after ...

    Contamination effects in mixed-member electoral systems: a dissemination of measurement techniques 

    Gómez Díaz, Abelardo (Data de defensa: 2022-11-29)

    This dissertation is about ‘contamination’, or the interaction between the two built-in arenas found in mixed-member electoral systems: the single-seat district (SSD) and proportional representation (PR) arenas. Contamination ...

    The Process of political professionalisation in small scale democracies: a comparative study of European micro-states 

    Paneque Martin, Andreu (Data de defensa: 2022-11-04)

    This thesis is focused on studying the causes and consequences of political professionalisation, by analyzing empirically the cross-country differences. Despite the literature claiming that political professionalisation ...

    Characterizing brain mechanisms underlying Neurofeedback and Meditation through whole-brain computational modeling and artificial intelligence 

    De Filippi, Eleonora (Data de defensa: 2022-11-23)

    En las últimas décadas, un cambio de paradigma en el estudio y el tratamiento de los trastornos cerebrales ha hecho que se preste más atención a nuevas intervenciones terapéuticas. En esta línea, las técnicas de autorregulación, ...

    Essays in learning uncertainty 

    Ghifrani, Erfan (Data de defensa: 2022-10-26)

    Agents make decisions under uncertainty. They are not only uncertain about the true realizations of variables of interest, but also about their degree of uncertainty. Using survey of business uncertainty, I study firms’ ...

    Grounding brain mechanisms in the spatiotemporal properties of cerebral and behavioral networks 

    Ulysse, Laura (Data de defensa: 2022-11-04)

    The spatiotemporal properties of the cerebral and behavioral networks are key elements to understand normal brain functioning and their breakdowns. This dissertation focuses on the cerebral networks of the brain regions’ ...

    Essays in macroeconomics and firm dynamics 

    Chiavari, Andrea (Data de defensa: 2022-07-01)

    This thesis documents novel firm-level facts and shows their implication for aggregate phenomena. The first chapter documents an increase in returns to scale in production. It proposes a novel quantitative firm dynamics ...