Mostrando ítems 481-500 de 3276

    The abject-other in the abolitionist feminist discourse on prostitution 

    Costa, Ana Lúcia Correira da (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-18)

    This work analyses the abolitionist feminist discourse on prostitution as elaborated by second-wave feminists in the last decades of the twentieth century. Its aim is to deconstruct such a discourse, to locate the point ...

    Unravelling the epigenomic, transcriptomic and cognitive interplay in Down syndrome 

    Sierra Noguera, Cèsar (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-18)

    The presence of an extra copy of Human Chromosome 21 (HSA21) in Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most complex genetic perturbations compatible with life and is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability. Here, ...

    Globalization in a world of equals: a normative analysis of trade-related inequalities 

    Astier Murillo, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-16)

    International trade generates inequalities pervasively impacting citizens and the ability of domestic and international institutions to provide the conditions to promote equal treatment among their subjects. This thesis ...

    Understanding the role of polyglutamylation in the mitotic spindle 

    Zadra, Ivan (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-17)

    To ensure faithful segregation of the genetic material, cells build the mitotic spindle, a machinery made of dynamic microtubules (MTs) and MT associated proteins (MAPs). Chromosome bi-orientation is achieved through the ...

    El registro de ofensores sexuales: un análisis comparado entre Estados Unidos y España 

    Rosario Nieves, Iris Y. (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-04)

    La presente investigación jurídica comparada se enfocará en cuatro aspectos de los registros de ofensores sexuales: (1) el contexto sociológico en el que emergieron los registros en Estados Unidos; (2) los actores políticos ...

    New model organisms to explore the origin of animal multicellularity : An emphasis on Corallochytrium limacisporum 

    Kozyczkowska, Aleksandra (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-11)

    To address one of the most fascinating questions in the history of life, the origin of animal multicellularity, we needed experimentally tractable representatives from each of the unicellular lineages, that are relative ...

    Generation and validation of a CRISPR platform for rapid and inducible genome editing in human pluripotent stem cells and kidney organoids 

    Marco Giménez, Andrés (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-14)

    Our current knowledge about the function of human genes is mostly based on data from genetic studies using animal models. However, divergence among species may hamper the understanding of genetic mechanisms underlying ...

    Avaluació i maneig de la lesió diafragmàtica associada a la ventitació mecànica en el pacient crític 

    Dot Jordana, Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-14)

    La lesió diafragmàtica associada a la ventilació́ mecànica (VIDD) és prevalent, infraestimada i amb implicacions pronòstiques. El seu estudi és complex i el seu diagnòstic, difícil. Aquesta Tesi inclou dos articles amb ...

    Using the hands to embody prosody boosts phonological learning in a foreign language 

    Baills, Florence (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-21)

    Prosodic features of language such as prominence, melody, and rhythm, are frequently embodied by hand movements in face-to-face communication. However, little is known on the role of embodied techniques encoding the ...

    Terraforming Earth's ecosystems : engineering ecosystems to avoid anthropogenic tipping points 

    Vidiella Rocamora, Blai (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-10)

    The idea of Terraformation comes from the science fiction literature, where humans have the capability of changing a non-habitable planet to an Earth-like one. Nowadays, Nature is changing rapidly, the poles are melting, ...

    Liquid biopsy for early tumor relapse detection : Development of hypersensitive genomic sequencing methodologies for the detection of ultra-rare genetic variants in the blood plasma of pediatric cancer patients 

    Rodríguez Sodupe, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-09)

    The profiling of circulating-tumor DNA (ctDNA) in blood plasma, often known as liquid biopsy, has recently been of great interest in cancer research. This minimally-invasive strategy relies on the fact that ctDNA represents, ...

    Genomic insights into an underrepresented population : the Romani 

    Font Porterias, Neus (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-07)

    La població romaní és el grup ètnic minoritari transnacional més gran d'Europa. Tenen un origen sud asiàtic i, durant la seva diàspora cap a Europa, van experimentar múltiples efectes fundadors i una barreja genètica ...

    Implicaciones de la participación en grupos de apoyo online en el bienestar emocional y la salud física de las personas con diabetes: cómo el consulmo de información puede llevar a los pacientes a tomar decisiones erróneas sobre su enfermedad y qué hacer desde una aproximación comunicativa 

    Herrero, Noelia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-07)

    The thesis “Implications of participation in online support groups on the emotional well-being and physical health of people with diabetes” is a compendium of three articles that critically and interrelatedly addresses the ...

    Análisis de la cobertura periodística del feminicidio en la prensa mexicana durante el año 2017 

    Sánchez Meza, Metzeri (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-03)

    Informar sobre el feminicidio es complejo desde cualquier punto de vista. El hablar de feminicidio en estos tiempos conlleva la obligación de ver más allá de una cuestión limitada al homicidio, más allá de la perspectiva ...

    Literature crossing borders: the reception of spanish literary works in the United States through film adaptations (1895-2018) 

    Reisenauer, Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-23)

    Studies examining the global circulation of cultural products have revealed that book translations form part of a vastly unequal system. Over half of the world’s books are translated from English, but very few are translated ...

    Improving molecular diagnosis in myeloid neoplasms : The role of cell-free DNA 

    García Gisbert, Nieves (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-04)

    Myeloid malignancies are clonal diseases originated in myeloid hematopoietic stem cells that are frequently initiated by somatic mutations. The detection of genetic alterations has considerably improved the diagnostic ...

    Characterization of SF3B1 mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and the role of new splicing modulators 

    López Oreja, Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-01)

    Mutations in Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1(SF3B1) are observed in 15% of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and are associated with worse disease prognosis. SF3B1 is involved in pre-mRNA splicing and is the ...

    Role of TRPV4 channels in adverse cardiac remodelling 

    Yáñez Bisbe, Laia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-25)

    Els mecanismes que determinen el desenvolupament de remodelat cardíac, tant en la seva forma adversa (característica de la insuficiència cardíaca), com adaptativa (induïda per exercici), no es coneixen en detall. Els ...

    Signaling networks regulated by the kinase p38α in cancer cell homeostasis 

    Dan, Yuzhen (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-24)

    p38α (encoded by MAPK14) is a major regulator of cellular responses to almost all types of environmental and intracellular stresses. Upon activation, p38α phosphorylates various substrates both in the cytoplasm and nucleus, ...

    Before phonemes : Infants start building the native phoneme repertoire 

    Zacharaki, Konstantina Eirini (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-24)

    Infants start their lives with a universal ability to perceive speech and during the first months of life they attune to the language(s) they are exposed to in their environment, i.e. perceptual narrowing. Research has ...