Now showing items 306-325 of 1771

    Computational strategies for understanding the molecular basis of biochemical and biocatalytic processes 

    Calvó-Tusell, Carla (Date of defense: 2023-06-02)

    Enzymes are molecules that play a crucial role in many biological and chemical processes. To understand how they work and how to design enzymes with specific functions, it is important to study their molecular structure ...

    Computational studies of enzymatic and biomimetic catalysts 

    Romero Rivera, Adrian (Date of defense: 2018-12-18)

    Enzymes are the most efficient biocatalysts in Nature. However, biocatalysts in general are not capable of catalyzing reactions for industrial purposes. Hence, biocatalysts need to be engineered by introducing mutations ...

    Computational studies of epoxide hydrolase-catalyzed ring-opening reactions 

    Serrano Hervás, Eila (Date of defense: 2022-07-20)

    Chiral 1,2-amino alcohols are motifs widely present in different high valuable biologically active compounds. Many synthetic and enzymatic routes have been developed for producing optically active amino alcohols starting ...

    Computational studies of the conformational landscape of allosteric and enantioselective enzymes 

    María Solano, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2021-02-12)

    Enzymes are sophisticated biomacromolecules whose function is linked to its three-dimensional structure and conformational dynamics. Therefore, the understanding of enzyme conformational dynamics can be exploited to ...

    Computational studies oriented towards the development of a greener chemistry 

    Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio (Date of defense: 2021-03-26)

    Given the existing problem of Climate Change, we must work towards more environmentally friendly chemical processes that would help us solve it. The thesis focuses on the study of different chemical reactions involved in ...

    Computational study of nuclear magnetic shielding constants 

    Castro Aguilera, Abril Carolina (Date of defense: 2017-11-17)

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an indispensable structural tool in the modern analytical arsenal of chemists and structural biologists. The present thesis is a computational study of the NMR shift constants ...

    Computationally reliable approaches of contractive MPC for discrete-time systems 

    Wan, Jian (Date of defense: 2007-07-30)

    La tesis pretende explorar acercamientos computacionalmente confiables y eficientes de contractivo MPC para sistemas de tiempo discreto. Dos tipos de contractivo MPC han sido estudiados: MPC con coacción contractiva ...

    Computer aided detection for breast lesion in ultrasound and mammography 

    Agarwal, Richa (Date of defense: 2019-09-26)

    In the field of breast cancer imaging, traditional Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems were designed using limited computing resources and used scanned films (poor image quality), resulting in less robust application ...

    Computer vision techniques for early detection of skin cancer 

    Quintana Plana, Josep (Date of defense: 2012-06-14)

    This thesis investigates the problem of developing new computer vision techniques for early detection of skin cancer. The first part of this work presents a novel methodology to correct color reproduction in dermatological ...

    Computer-aided lesion detection and segmentation on breast ultrasound 

    Pons Rodríguez, Gerard (Date of defense: 2014-01-21)

    This thesis deals with the detection, segmentation and classification of lesions on sonography. The contribution of the thesis is the development of a new Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) framework capable of detecting, ...

    Comunidades de cianobacterias bentónicas, producción y liberación de microcistinas en el río Muga (NE Península Ibérica) 

    Vassal'lo Saco, Jara (Date of defense: 2010-02-24)

    El estudio de las comunidades de cianobacterias en la cuenca del río Muga permite profundizar en la búsqueda de factores que favorezcan o inhiban la acumulación intracelular de microcistinas y su liberación al medio externo ...

    Conceptual design of wastewater treatment plants using multiple objectives 

    Flores Alsina, Xavier (Date of defense: 2008-04-28)

    La implementació de la Directiva Europea 91/271/CEE referent a tractament d'aigües residuals urbanes va promoure la construcció de noves instal·lacions al mateix temps que la introducció de noves tecnologies per tractar ...

    Condition assessment of patients with Type 1 diabetes using compositional data analysis 

    Biagi, Lyvia (Date of defense: 2019-07-09)

    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic disease that leads to absolute insulin deficiency. People with T1DM need exogenous insulin to maintain glucose at proper levels. Achieving optimal glycemic control is a major ...

    Conductive nanopaper from cellulose nanofibers and conductive polymers and/or carbon nanotubes 

    Lay, Makara (Date of defense: 2017-02-03)

    Coming from renewable and sustainable raw materials, nanocelluloses are rapidly emerging as one of the most promising future materials. Recently, the use of nanocellulose nanocomposites in flexible electrodes, biosensors ...

    La conectividad marítima en el occidente mediterráneo durante la República Romana (ss. III-I a.C.) 

    Cabezas Guzmán, Gerard (Date of defense: 2024-03-13)

    Maritime connectivity played a pivotal role in the expansion of the Roman Republic in the Western Mediterranean. In this PhD thesis, I aim to address the study of such a connectivity from a multidisciplinary perspective, ...

    Coneixements dels professionals de la salut de l'atenció primària sobre prevenció del consum de drogues 

    Baltasar Bagué, Alícia (Date of defense: 2012-03-27)

    The aim of this research is to know the training of health professionals in health promotion and disease prevention, and to examine its manifestation among the actions and interventions for prevention of tobacco, alcohol ...

    La confianza policial en la ciudadanía. El caso de la Policía de la Generalitat-Mossos d’Esquadra 

    Requena Hidalgo, Jesús (Date of defense: 2023-02-16)

    Trust is a key attribute in any social relationship, also in the one that occurs regarding police interactions with citizens. Everything that can be expected from this type of relationship –mainly the public's trust in the ...

    Configuració dels antecedents professionals de l'educador especialitzat-social a Catalunya (1960-90) des d'una perspectiva històrica 

    Martinell, Alfons (Date of defense: 1994-06-14)

    The main aim of this research is based on the figure of the Specialized Educator in general terms. The width of this subject and the scarce literature forces us to deal with it from a global and extensive perspective, ...

    Conflictes socioterriorials i participació pública en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà) 

    Ventura Pujolar, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2005-05-06)

    Conflictes socioterritorials i participació pública en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà) és un treball que incideix sobre la conflictivitat en la gestió dels rius mediterranis i prospecta en la ...

    Conformal prediction of air pollution concentrations for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region 

    Ivina, Olga (Date of defense: 2012-11-20)

    This thesis is aimed to introduce a newly developed machine learning method, conformal predictors, for air pollution assessment. For the given area of study, the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR), several conformal ...