Now showing items 7-26 of 100

    Biomarcadors pronòstics de ressonància magnètica en pacients amb glioblastoma de diagnòstic recent 

    Gimeno Cajal, Alfredo Eduardo (Date of defense: 2022-04-22)

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is essential in the management of patients with glioblastoma, providing useful information for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic planning. Although some presurgical and postsurgical ...

    Bypass gástrico en el tratamiento de la obesidad mórbida. Seguimiento a 5 años de los primeros 300 casos en la provincia de Girona 

    Rodríguez Hermosa, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2018-12-10)

    A prospective study on 300 morbidly obese patients who underwent gastric bypass in the province of Girona with a follow-up of 5 years.More female (288/12), mean age 43.5 years, mean weight 118.7 kg, mean BMI 46.1 kg/m2. ...

    Caracterización de polimorfismos genéticos implicados con el metabolismo de la citarabina y asociación con la respuesta y toxicidad a la quimioterapia en pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda de riesgo intermedio 

    Díaz Santa, Johana Alejandra (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is adults' most common acute leukemia. Prognostic factors influencing treatment response and patient survival are diverse, the most relevant being those associated with specific cytogenetic and ...

    Clinical epidemiology and molecular biology of cutaneous and mucosal melanoma in Girona 1994-2018 

    Carbó Bagué, Anna (Date of defense: 2023-03-27)

    In this doctoral thesis, the epidemiology of cutaneous and mucosal melanoma is analyzed, as well as its molecular profile to provide new knowledge on a population basis in the province of Girona. The cancer registry of ...

    Cognitive function in obesity: interactions with the gut microbiome 

    Arnoriaga Rodríguez, María (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    Obesity is considered a modifiable risk factor for cognitive impairment which, in turn, predisposes to overeating and weight gain. Compelling evidence in animal models has demonstrated the impact of the gut microbiome on ...

    Complicacions perioperatòries de l’adrenalectomia laparoscòpica. Experiència a la província de Girona 

    Delisau-Puig, Olga (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    INTRODUCTION: Adrenal masses are one of the most common tumors, being incidentally diagnosed in 5% of patients undergoing imaging tests. Until the beginning of the 1990s, all adrenal surgical treatment was performed through ...

    Creació i validació d'un model de predicció per al càlcul del temps d'angioplàstia primària en pacients amb infart agut de miocardi que són traslladats a un hospital amb disponibilitat d'hemodinàmica 

    Aboal Viñas, Jaime (Date of defense: 2020-06-26)

    Introduction: Achieving optimal times of reperfusion in STEMI patients transferred for primary percutaneos coronary intervention (PCI) remains a challenge, particularly in geographically disperse regions. Our goal was to ...

    Creixement recuperador postnatal secundari a restricció de pes prenatal en rates Wistar: canvis moleculars en l'expressió dels gens STK11, DLK1 i SIRT1 en els teixits adipós, hepàtic muscular i placentari 

    Carreras Badosa, Gemma (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    Both the prenatal and postnatal environment have a profound impact on the risk for adult diseases. A model of catch-up growth following fetal growth restriction was set in Wistar rats to study changes in the gene expression ...

    Cribratge i diagnòstic de la malaltia renal crònica en població adulta menor de 65 anys d’edat, de risc elevat, en l’àmbit de l’atenció primària de salut 

    Matas Serra, Margarita (Date of defense: 2022-05-20)

    Chronic kidney disease is due to different causes and its recognition is important for its association with an increased cardiovascular risk. This risk is increased in association with chronic conditions such as high blood ...

    Dehiscencia de anastomosis en la cirugía del cáncer de recto: incidencia, factores pronósticos y morbimortalidad asociada 

    Farrés Coll, Ramon (Date of defense: 2023-03-10)

    Introduction: Anastomotic leak (AL) is the most feared complication in the postoperative period for patients with rectal cancer. Objectives: To determine the real rate of AL in patients operated on for rectal cancer. ...

    Desenvolupament i beneficis per a la salut d'una aplicació mòbil basada en els problemes pediàtrics no urgents 

    Perruca Martínez, Cristina (Date of defense: 2022-03-04)

    The lack of knowledge and skills in the care of infants in their first years of life often results in frequent paediatric consultations for banal problems and doubts, which are often a result of a low level of health ...

    Design and fabrication of three-dimensional scaffolds for breast cancer stem cell expansion and molecular characterization 

    Rabionet Diaz, Marc (Date of defense: 2021-11-08)

    Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for 15-20% of the breast cancers and displays an aggressive profile, poor prognosis, high relapse risk and does not have a targeted therapy. In the last years, breast cancer ...

    Detecció de Copy Number Variants mitjançant seqüenciació d'alt rendiment en la Mort Sobtada Cardíaca hereditària 

    Matés Ramírez, Jesús (Date of defense: 2018-01-19)

    Arrhythmogenic cardiac diseases are the main cause of SCD among the population under 35 years of age. Despite the improvements in genetic diagnosis, the percentage of cases that remain unexplained after genetic analysis ...

    Determinació del patró de miRNA en líquid cefaloraquidi de pacients amb esclerosi múltiple (estudi miEM) 

    Ramió i Torrentà, Lluís (Date of defense: 2014-10-23)

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological disease of the central nervous system with unknown, autoimmune mechanism, and a progressive and disabling course. Lipid-specific oligoclonal IgM bands in cerebrospinal fluid ...

    Determinants moleculars de la mort sobtada cardíaca en una gran família de les Illes Canàries 

    Bosch Calero, Cristina (Date of defense: 2016-03-08)

    Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is a sudden cardiac death (SCD) associated disease characterized by the presence of polymorphic or bidirectional ventricular tachycardia during emotional or ...

    Diffusion tensor imaging in acute ischemic stroke: the role of anisotropy in determining the time of onset and predicting long-term motor outcome 

    Puig Alcántara, Josep (Date of defense: 2014-12-03)

    Introducción: El infarto cerebral és una de las primeras causas de morbi-mortalidad en nuestra sociedad. La fibrinolisis intravenosa con activador tisular del plasminógeno es el tratamiento de elección en las primeras 4.5 ...

    DNA methylome in HER2-positive resistant breast cancer 

    Palomeras, Sònia (Date of defense: 2019-02-27)

    The major clinical problem for HER2+ breast cancer target therapies is the acquisition of resistance. The DNA methylation status of the promoter gene region has been described as a common epigenetic alteration for ...

    Efectes de l’exercici de resistència de baixa intensitat i del suport nutricional sobre la sarcopènia i la inflamació crònica de baix grau en persones de 60-75 anys 

    Planella Farrugia, Cristina (Date of defense: 2020-09-10)

    Sarcopenia is a multifactorial entity characterized by loss of muscle mass, strength and functionality. People with sarcopenia are more at risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and excess fat in the muscle ...

    Effect of sodium channel SNVs associated to arrhythmogenic diseases. Modulatory role of the genetic background 

    Martinez Moreno, Rebecca (Date of defense: 2021-06-02)

    Ion channel mutations can cause defects on the electrical cellular activity, leading to arrhythmogenic diseases also known as channelopathies. Genetic analysis has been a useful tool to identify these mutations as the cause ...

    Eficacia de los fármacos antihipertensivos en monoterapia y combinación 

    Paz Bermejo, Marco Antonio (Date of defense: 2022-05-30)

    Background. The relative efficacy of antihypertensive drugs/combinations is not well known; Identifying the most effective ones, and the patients’ characteristics associated to best performance of the drugs will improve ...