Ara mostrant els elements 41-60 de 102

    Role of miRNAs in multiple sclerosis: study of miRNAs in cerebrospinal fluid for different clinical conditions 

    Muñoz San Martín, María (Data de defensa: 2021-09-15)

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease, characterized by the existence of demyelinated areas in the central nervous system, infiltration of inflammatory cells in the ...

    Effect of sodium channel SNVs associated to arrhythmogenic diseases. Modulatory role of the genetic background 

    Martinez Moreno, Rebecca (Data de defensa: 2021-06-02)

    Ion channel mutations can cause defects on the electrical cellular activity, leading to arrhythmogenic diseases also known as channelopathies. Genetic analysis has been a useful tool to identify these mutations as the cause ...

    Osteotomia percutània distal del primer metatarsià per a la correcció de l’hàl·lux valgus. Estudi experimental comparatiu de dues tècniques quirúrgiques 

    Navarro Cano, Ester (Data de defensa: 2021-06-25)

    Hallux valgus is a frequent deformity of the first ray of the foot, with progressive abduction and pronation of the first phalanx. At the same time, adduction, elevation, and pronation of the first metatarsal happens ...

    The relevance of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in obesity and adipose tissue physiology 

    Comas Vila, Ferran (Data de defensa: 2021-05-14)

    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), regarded as the third gasotransmitter, plays diverse physiological and pathological roles in the body along with another two gasotransmitters, including nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). ...

    Fatty acid synthase expression and inhibition in cancer 

    Blancafort Jorquera, Adriana (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    In this thesis,the association of FASN (fatty acid synthase) expression with clinicopathological and anthropometric characteristics in breast cancer patients is studied to find out FASN role as a prognostic in early stage ...

    Relevance of the epigenetic regulation exercised by hepatic microRNAs in the fatty liver arena: from the bedside to the bench 

    Latorre Luque, Jèssica (Data de defensa: 2020-03-04)

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become the leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, involving a spectrum of disturbances mainly characterized by fatty acid infiltration and fat deposition in the liver ...

    Indicació selectiva de "shunt" en l'endoarteriectomia carotídia, un nou mètode 

    Andrés Navarro, Omar (Data de defensa: 2020-09-25)

    The protocol followed in this thesis is to indicate the EAC according to the NASCET criteria. Closure of the arteriotomy with patch. The criteria to indicate this have been based on an original method, which takes into ...

    Trafficking and function of the voltage-gated sodium channel β2 subunit 

    Cortada Almar, Èric (Data de defensa: 2020-11-24)

    The sodium channel β2 subunit is a component of the voltage-gated sodium channel (NaV), a large multimeric protein complex. In the heart, NaV is mainly composed of a pore-forming α subunit, NaV1.5, and two associated ...

    Estudi epidemiològic poblacional de la incidència, tendència i supervivència de les neoplàsies limfoides a la província de Girona durant un període de 20 anys (1996-2015) 

    Auñón Sanz, M. del Carmen (Data de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    The incidence, time trends and survival of lymphoid neoplasm’s in the Girona province are analyzed from 1996 to 2015. The survival of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (LBDCG) before and after 2004 and estimate incidence rate ...

    Avaluació de la funció renal en la millora de la predicció del risc vascular. Anàlisi del rol de les estatines en la prevenció primària d’esdeveniments cardiovasculars en la població amb malaltia renal crònica inicial 

    Parramon Font, Dídac (Data de defensa: 2019-07-26)

    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide as well as in our population. One of the main cardiovascular prevention strategies is to identify healthy patients who are at risk of ...

    Estimación de la prevalencia de la hipercolesterolemia familiar y de las características clínicas asociadas en Cataluña 

    Vila Belmonte, Àlex (Data de defensa: 2019-12-13)

    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the most frequent hereditary cause of premature coronary heart disease. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to determine the prevalence of subjects with FH phenotype (FH-P); to describe ...

    El síndrome coronario agudo: tendencias en la magnitud del problema, en el manejo hospitalario y en la aparición de complicaciones en un estudio de base poblacional, y mejoras en las estrategias de prevención individual 

    Vázquez Oliva, Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2019-02-08)

    Acute myocardial infarction incidence rates are very high in those over 74, with a tendency to decrease in recent years in men and are always higher in men than in women. Mortality rates over the age of 74 are very high. ...

    Projecte “Girona Territori Cardioprotegit”: avaluació del funcionament dels desfibril·ladors públics 

    Loma-Osorio Ricón, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2020-07-03)

    Introduction and aims: In recent years, public access defibrillation programs have exponentially increased the availability of automatic external defibrillators in public spaces but there are no data on their performance ...

    Validesa del Sistema d’Informació pel Desenvolupament de la Investigació a Atenció Primària en l'estudi de malalties vasculars i estudi de l'efectivitat de les estatines en la reducció de mortalitat i malalties vasculars en la població major de 74 anys 

    Balló Peña, Elisabet (Data de defensa: 2020-07-31)

    Electronic Health Record are legal documents where all the bio-psycho-social information of care received by the healthcare system is recorded throughout their lives. The first causes of death in Spain are cardiovascular ...

    Efectes de l’exercici de resistència de baixa intensitat i del suport nutricional sobre la sarcopènia i la inflamació crònica de baix grau en persones de 60-75 anys 

    Planella Farrugia, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2020-09-10)

    Sarcopenia is a multifactorial entity characterized by loss of muscle mass, strength and functionality. People with sarcopenia are more at risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and excess fat in the muscle ...

    Avaluació de la utilitat del monitoratge farmacocinètic dels fàrmacs anti-TNF en pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal en dos hospitals amb diferent grau d’especialització 

    Vila Currius, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2020-03-09)

    The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) acts as a potent inducer of inflammation in autoimmune diseases like Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis. Current available treatments are based on TNF inhibition such as infliximab and ...

    Creació i validació d'un model de predicció per al càlcul del temps d'angioplàstia primària en pacients amb infart agut de miocardi que són traslladats a un hospital amb disponibilitat d'hemodinàmica 

    Aboal Viñas, Jaime (Data de defensa: 2020-06-26)

    Introduction: Achieving optimal times of reperfusion in STEMI patients transferred for primary percutaneos coronary intervention (PCI) remains a challenge, particularly in geographically disperse regions. Our goal was to ...

    Estudio descriptivo y análisis de factores implicados en los casos de muerte producidos durante la práctica de buceo con escafandra autónoma (scuba) 

    Casadesús Valbí, Josep Maria (Data de defensa: 2020-01-24)

    SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) diving is an underwater activity that is practiced with a certain frequency in certain environments and which is very popular nowadays. In this thesis it is proved that ...

    Estimación de la ingesta de sodio mediante una muestra de orina aislada frente a la orina de 24 horas. Desarrollo de un método de estimación y estudio de validación en muestras aleatorias 

    Chevarría Montesinos, Julio Leonel (Data de defensa: 2019-04-25)

    The sodium in 24H urine is the standard to quantify the intake. The objective is to develop a method to stimate using isolated urine sample, analyze the reliability, concordance and clinical utility. Observational, ...

    La relación beneficio-riesgo del tratamiento farmacológico para la enfermedad de Alzheimer 

    Blanco Silvente, Lídia (Data de defensa: 2019-07-08)

    The evidence available in the medical literature is conclusive that the risk-benefit relationship of the current medications for Alzheimer's disease is not favourable. This risk-benefit relationship is not significantly ...