Afegit recentment

Desenvolupament de formulacions d’agents de biocontrol amb recobriments biodegradables per al control de malalties en productes vegetals 

Carbó Torres, Anna (Data de defensa: 2019-07-05)

La principal limitació dels agents de biocontrol (ABCs) apareix quan s’apliquen en condicions reals, ja sigui perquè no mantenen l’efectivitat obtinguda en condicions de laboratori, o bé perquè els resultats no són ...

Enhanced dynamic bandwidth algorithms for passive optical networks 

Haastrup, Adebanjo (Data de defensa: 2024-07-10)

(English) The telecommunications industry faces rapid changes due to the deployment of ultra-high speed access networks (5G and beyond, fiber-to-the-home), promising unparalleled experiences with high bandwidth and low ...

Introducing tools to quantify the performance of quantum computing algorithms and their applications 

Gratsea, Katerina (Data de defensa: 2024-07-23)

(English) In this thesis, I focused on introducing tools to quantify the performance of quantum computing algorithms and their applications. The main focus is on two of the most popular application areas of quantum computing, ...

Exploring genomic datasets through machine learning methods leveraging high-performance computing 

Gómez Sánchez, Gonzalo (Data de defensa: 2024-07-10)

(English) In recent years, the exponential increase of generated data has raised the need for implementing new methodologies to process the huge datasets being created. High-Performance Computing (HPC) brings together a ...

Biomaterials based on LMWG-polymer multicomponent supramolecular hydrogels 

Giménez Hernández, Bárbara (Data de defensa: 2025-01-28)

Supramolecular hydrogels are formed through the self-assembly of low-molecular-weight gelators (LMWGs) in water, creating three-dimensional fiber networks via non-covalent interactions. The primary drawback of supramolecular ...
