Ara mostrant els elements 21-40 de 3276

    Referent predictability in pronoun production insights from a multi-methodological exploration 

    Liao, Xixian (Data de defensa: 2024-04-29)

    While it is known that speakers tend to use more reduced forms (e.g., by shortening or deleting segments) for words or phrases that are semantically predictable from context, it is contentious whether the same phenomena ...

    Verbal gerunds in English: a case study in natural language ontology and referentiality 

    Huang, Zi (Data de defensa: 2024-03-22)

    This thesis investigates the two verbal gerunds in English: POSS-ing (Clay’s winning the game) and ACC-ing (Clay winning the game). It is widely recognized that they do not denote events, but there are many different ...

    Políticas de la imagen insignificante 

    Villaverde Suanzes, Fernando (Data de defensa: 2024-03-22)

    A partir de un concepto enunciado por Robert Bresson, la imagen insignificante, se analiza la estética de la contracultura cinematográfica en Francia y Estados Unidos durante los años en los que el cineasta francés realizó ...

    Jóvenes, música y algoritmos: análisis de la creación de sentido sobre el consumo musical por parte de Spotify y Youtube y los públicos juveniles 

    Angulo Granda, Andrea (Data de defensa: 2024-04-16)

    La presente investigación doctoral tiene como objetivo determinar cómo los jóvenes interpretan las propuestas de interacción con la música de Spotify y YouTube. Este estudio aplicó un análisis semiótico a las interfaces ...

    Political Ideology, Power, and Contradictions in the Chinese Popular Cinema: from the 2012 Turn to Nowadays 

    Sun, Yixin (Data de defensa: 2024-03-19)

    Since President Xi Jinping assumed office in 2012, there has been a notable shift in Chinese popular cinema. This thesis seeks to address a gap in existing literature by investigating the connections between cinema, ...

    Essays on Malliavin Calculus in Finance 

    Pravosud, Makar (Data de defensa: 2024-03-01)

    In this thesis we study the asymptotic behaviour of the at-the-money skew and the level of the implied volatility of a European, an Asian, Inverse and Quanto Inverse call options under a general stochastic volatility ...

    The gastrulating zebrafish under heat waves and cold spells: developmental robustness and vulnerabilities under changing temperatures 

    Lim, Jia Le (Data de defensa: 2024-07-09)

    Temperature affects all processes, including development, and yet, it remains unknown how and/or if underlying mechanical and biochemical events are coordinated to slow down development robustly at lower temperatures. Here, ...

    Blockchains in the real world: an interdisciplinary perspective on enchancing security and adoption 

    Ramos, Simona (Data de defensa: 2024-03-18)

    This thesis investigates the complex nature of the blockchain ecosystem, where technology, law, and economics intersect across layers and applications. By offering an interdisciplinary perspective on blockchains, we seek ...

    Violencia Perpetua: La mirada violenta del cine carcelario y su repercusión en internos 

    Cano Cobano, Eric (Data de defensa: 2024-03-18)

    Esta tesis analiza la representación de la prisión en el cine y sus efectos en internos y funcionarios de interior en España. La investigación, principalmente cualitativa, incluye un análisis de contenido de 42 obras y ...

    Electrical conductivity of hepatic tissue and its manipulation by intraarterial infusion of glucose: preliminary in vivo experiences in rats and patients 

    Sarreshtehdari, Amirhossein (Data de defensa: 2024-07-05)

    This study explores the potential of irreversible electroporation (IRE) in the treatment of scattered liver tumors, focusing on the electrical properties of the tissue. The administration of a 5% glucose solution (GS5%) ...

    L'Església Catòlica i l'Esclavitud: Esclaves als Monestirs Femenins de Barcelona a la Baixa Edat Mitjana (1326-1495) 

    Turull Pibernat, Emi (Data de defensa: 2024-03-12)

    El propòsit d’aquesta tesi és doble. En primer lloc, aprofundir el coneixement de la presència i la vida de dones esclaves que, a la Catalunya medieval, entre els anys 1326 i 1495, van ser propietat d’institucions monàstiques ...

    Xeno-ludens afectos no humanos en el videojuego contemporáneo 

    Barranco Navea, Mario (Data de defensa: 2024-03-04)

    La presente tesis propone una teoría de los afectos desde una perspectiva deleuziana para pensar el videojuego contemporáneo y otros fenómenos de la cultura ludificada. Se trata de una investigación con una dimensión ...

    Producción videográfica en L2: prácticas translingüísticas e identifidación de los creadores transnacionales en Douyin 

    Zhang, Shaoqi (Data de defensa: 2024-03-01)

    En esta tesis exploramos una práctica creativa emergente en las selvas digitales: la producción videográfica en idioma extranjero o adicional (L2), con el objetivo de indagar cómo los aprendices de L2 construyen y negocian ...

    The Evolution of disease terms of western medicine in Chinese (1915-2020) and suggestions for terminology policy in China 

    Lu, Zebing (Data de defensa: 2024-02-21)

    In this doctoral thesis, we address the study of the linguistic evolution of Western medicine disease terms in the Chinese language from 1915 to 2020. This is a parameter that has not yet been investigated in the specialized ...

    The Representation of youth language in fictional dialogue in english and its translation into catalan 

    Raya Palmer, Adriana (Data de defensa: 2024-02-16)

    This dissertation describes youth language as it is represented in contemporary novels published in English and its subsequent translation into Catalan. Youth language is especially appealing for the study of written fiction ...

    Mapping protein-coding genomes to phenomes: a phylogenetic perspective 

    Valenzuela Seba, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2024-07-02)

    In the current genomics era, it is essential to understand how the existing genomics diversity across evolution is linked to the enormous diversity we observe at the phenotypic level. Until now, Genome-wide association ...

    Characterisation of walking in older adults: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a case study 

    Delgado Ortiz, Laura (Data de defensa: 2024-07-02)

    Background: Walking is crucial for an active and healthy ageing. Aim: To understand walking in ageing populations, and, as a case study, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: This thesis (in seven ...

    "Somitogenesis unbound": dissecting the spatiotemporal control of mammalian embryo segmentation through in vitro models of development 

    Costanzo, Maria (Data de defensa: 2024-06-26)

    Stem cell-based in vitro systems have recently been used to complement the study of developmental processes in the embryo. Somitogenesis, which segments a vertebrate body axis to establish its characteristic body plan, ...

    Exploring the pathogenesis of rare disorders: novel approaches from genomics to transcriptomics 

    Moreno Ruiz, Nerea (Data de defensa: 2024-06-25)

    Rare disorders have been presumed to be caused by monogenic variation for decades, hindering the diagnosis in some cases. With many rare disease patients still missing a molecular diagnosis after genetic testing, the ...

    Systems biology perspectives on cellular senescence and inflammation 

    Sabalic, Alda (Data de defensa: 2024-06-21)

    This thesis examines inflammation from the perspective of systems biology in two different situations: cellular senescence resulting from unresolved tissue damage and the acute immune response to the invasion of a pathogen, ...