Ara mostrant els elements 421-440 de 3276

    Els homes invisibles: els pescadors i llurs famílies a les comarques de l’Alt i el Baix Empordà, la Selva i el Maresme durant els anys trenta 

    Carceller Gelmà, Sílvia (Data de defensa: 2022-03-10)

    El present treball pretén demostrar com els pescadors formen part d’un grup separat de la resta de la societat quant a la seva manera d’operar i de prendre partit en moments rellevants dels anys trenta. Intentarem esbrinar ...

    Sexual (Mis) Encounters in the Mariana Islands: Tracing Sexuality in Spanish Policies and CHamoru Responses to Contact and Colonization, 1521-1769 

    Moral de Eusebio, Enrique (Data de defensa: 2022-02-25)

    This doctoral thesis explores the role that sexuality played in the first contacts between the inhabitants of the Mariana Islands (Micronesia, western Pacific) and the Europeans, as well as in the subsequent Spanish ...

    For a Marxist Critique of Late Imperialism: Revolution or Extintion 

    Cositore, Dario (Data de defensa: 2022-02-25)

    El presente trabajo se divide en dos partes. La primera parte está dividida en dos secciones distintas, mientras que la segunda tiene dos más. La primera sección de la primera parte trata del estado del arte. En particular, ...

    Lagragian duality for efficient large-scale reinforcement learning 

    Bas Serrano, Joan (Data de defensa: 2022-06-28)

    Reinforcement learning is an expanding field where very often there is a mismatch between the high performance of the algorithms and their poor theoretical justification. For this reason, there is a need of algorithms ...

    Natural language processing technologies in compensatory supports for people with aphasia and acquired reading impairments 

    Cistola, Giorgia (Data de defensa: 2022-07-04)

    Aphasia is often associated with reading impairments. Nonetheless, supports designed for people with aphasia and acquired reading impairments allowing autonomous access to written material are lacking. These individuals ...

    Involvement of the prefrontal cortex-limbic pathway in the development of food addiction 

    Calvé Pérez, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2022-07-04)

    Food addiction is closely associated with eating disorders including obesity and binge eating. However, the neural alterations underlying this disorder have not been yet clarified. We have trained mice in an operant model ...

    Biophysical mechanisms of phagocytic epithelial tissue clearance in the early vertebrate embryo 

    Häkkinen, Hanna-Maria (Data de defensa: 2022-07-01)

    Cellular errors can spontaneously occur during vertebrate embryo development and can lead to apoptosis. Recent work in our lab revealed a novel function of the embryonic epithelium as an efficient phagocytic scavenger of ...

    Dynamics of axial polarization in embyonic stem cells aggregates and the evolution of body axis establishment 

    Anlas, Kerim (Data de defensa: 2022-07-06)

    Across metazoans, minimal in vitro systems from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) recapitulate the establishment of a body plan, particularly the anteroposterior (AP) axis. In contrast to actual embryos that generally require ...

    From populations to species : Unravelling the unknowns of ageing with two complementary approaches 

    Farré Ramon, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2022-07-01)

    Ageing is a very complex phenotype that has been widely studied, but is still largely unknown. Most of the studies focus on a single species, or on performing genome wide association studies in human cohorts, but this only ...

    Representation learning for music classification and retrieval: bridging the gap between natural language and music semantics 

    Won, Minz (Data de defensa: 2022-07-01)

    The explosion of digital music has dramatically changed our music consumption behavior. Massive digital music libraries are now available through streaming platforms. Since the amount of information available to ...

    Motivations, engagement, and incentives in online communities: contributions to theory, data analytics and design 

    Gutiérrez Páez, Nicolás Felipe (Data de defensa: 2022-06-22)

    The success of an online community depends on the contributions and actions performed by the community members. This dissertation aims to understand the dynamics of participation in regulated, not-for-profit, open online ...

    ¿Guerra de Cortes en Costa Rica?: los conflictos entre las jurisdicciones constitucional y electoral 

    Matarrita Arroyo, Mario (Data de defensa: 2022-06-10)

    La investigación trata acerca de los principales motivos causales para el surgimiento de los más importantes y recientes conflictos entre la Sala Constitucional y el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones costarricenses, dos de ...

    Intercambio de información policial y protección de datos personales en Europa: ADN forense en la investigación criminal 

    Domènech Ganau, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2022-06-13)

    El intercambio de información entre los distintos cuerpos policiales favorece la cooperación entre Estados cuando se trata de luchar contra el crimen, pero a veces puede afectar al derecho a la protección de datos de ...

    In-depth exploration of the syntactic capabilities of autoencoding language models for downstream applications 

    Pérez-Mayos, Laura (Data de defensa: 2022-06-15)

    Pretrained Transformer-based language models have quickly replaced traditional approaches to model NLP tasks, pushing the state of the art to new levels, and will certainly continue to be very influential in the years ...

    Generalized exterior-algebraic electromagnetism in (k, n)-dimensional spacetime 

    Colombaro, Ivano (Data de defensa: 2022-06-17)

    This doctoral thesis aims to find a connection between two different disciplines. On the one hand, the electromagnetic theory, one of the most known and most applied theories in physics, properly described by the famous ...

    Prácticas comunicacionales activistas en defensa ecoterritorial frente a la megaminería en la Amazonía del Ecuador 

    Vanegas Toala, Yadis Vanessa (Data de defensa: 2022-06-15)

    Esta tesis por compendio de publicaciones presenta el análisis de las prácticas comunicacionales, como parte de los repertorios de acción colectiva de las redes activistas frente a la intrusión de la industria extractiva ...

    Impacto de la disfunción muscular y de los microorganismos resistentes en las exacerbaciones de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 

    Estirado Vera, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2022-06-15)

    La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva crónica (EPOC) presenta afectación pulmonar y sistémica y periodos de exacerbación (AEPOC), que contribuyen a su progresión. En algunas ocasiones la AEPOC está causada por microorganismos ...

    Computational studies of DNA modifications and mutations in bulk and single-cell data 

    Bonet Giner, Jose (Data de defensa: 2022-06-03)

    Sequencing technologies have recently evolved and generated large amounts of data. These datasets have had significant impacts in the cancer field and the detection of damage and repair mechanisms. Methodologies to analyze ...

    Adecuación automática de términos biomédicos para personas no expertas: el caso de los informes médicos 

    López Fuentes, Alejandra Cristina (Data de defensa: 2022-06-10)

    La terminología utilizada en los textos médicos especializados pone en desventaja al paciente, quien no siempre logra comprender lo que lee pues carece del conocimiento necesario. La presente tesis doctoral describe una ...

    Mechanical control of nuclear plasticity and mechanotransduction in cell migration 

    Pezzano, Fabio (Data de defensa: 2022-06-13)

    Cells commonly live in a crowded environment, in a tissue or in a developing embryo. The extracellular matrix and/or surrounding neighboring cells can impose physical deformations to which cells need to adapt in order to ...