Now showing items 81-100 of 3276

    Bilingual insights into the initial lexicon: the role of cognates in word acquisition 

    García-Castro, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2024-03-11)

    Bilingual infants acquire words at a similar rate as monolingual ones, despite navigating a more intricate linguistic environment. The mechanisms behind this phenomenon remain elusive. Our project addressed the potential ...

    Dietary palmitic acid estabishes an epigenetic memory that promotes metastasis: Implications of neural-related processes in enhacing dissemination 

    Domínguez Rodríguez, Diana (Date of defense: 2021-05-04)

    La metàstasis és responsable del 90% de les morts per càncer, demostrant l’existent manca de coneixement en relació als seus mecanismes moleculars. Investigacions anteriors del nostre laboratori han demostrat la importància ...

    Genetically engineering living systems: From complex computational scenarios to multiple market applications 

    Mogas Diez, Sira (Date of defense: 2022-01-28)

    This PhD thesis explores the potential embedded in living organisms, understood as highly complex machines which can sense, compute, and react to changes in their surroundings. From this general idea, we have made use of ...

    Cognitive and synaptic outcomes of targeting peripheral cannabinoid type-1 receptor: focus on naïve and intellectual disability mouse models 

    Bergadà Martínez, Araceli (Date of defense: 2024-03-08)

    Cognition is a physiological brain function that refers to the process of acquiring and managing knowledge and understanding. It embraces multiple domains, including memory. Intellectual disability disorders such as fragile ...

    Understanding and targeting mitochondria to counteract cellular senescene: elucidation of novel senotherapies 

    López Polo, Vanessa (Date of defense: 2024-03-07)

    The pathologic role of senescent cells is well established in a variety of diseases. Despite the ample evidence that mitochondria play a central role in cellular senescence, the understanding of the adaptations in the ...

    Role of polycomb-like proteins in mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation 

    Condemi, Livia (Date of defense: 2024-03-07)

    Polycomb repressive complex (PRC) 2 is one of the key regulators of the transcriptional programs, it maintains stem cell properties and guides cell lineage specification. It is a multiprotein complex formed by a core and ...

    Uso de los cambios en el soporte ventilatorio no invasivo durante la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda hipoxémica 

    Parrilla Gómez, Francisco (Date of defense: 2024-03-01)

    El soporte respiratorio no invasivo (SRNI) es utilizado ampliamente en los Servicios de Medicina Intensiva para el tratamiento de la Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda Hipoxémica (IRAH). A pesar de los múltiples estudios ...

    Demographic inference in complex populations: the North African case 

    Serradell Noguera, Jose Miguel (Date of defense: 2024-03-01)

    Since the first peopling of the region, multiple demographic events have occurred generating a complex genetic landscape in North Africa characterized by high genetic heterogeneity and constant gene flow from surrounding ...

    Uncertainty analysis of individual predictions and integrated safety assessments in toxicology 

    Kopańska, Karolina (Date of defense: 2024-02-29)

    The growing importance of uncertainty analysis in toxicology stems from its role in supporting regulatory decisions regarding chemical safety. The general objective of this thesis is to identify gaps in state-of-the- art ...

    Inhaled treatment and patient-reported outcomes in asthma 

    Lizano-Barrantes, Catalina (Date of defense: 2024-02-29)

    The general aim of this doctoral thesis was to examine the impact on persons with persistent asthma of inhaled treatment use and sociodemographic factors, in terms of patient-reported outcomes. To achieve this, a new ...

    Characterization of synthetic lethality between MYC activation and splicing inhibition in an immortalized cell line : roles of alternative splicing 

    Herrero Vicente, Jorge (Date of defense: 2024-02-26)

    Cancer cells exhibit a synthetic lethal (SL) phenotype when Myc upregulation is combined with antitumor drugs targeting the splicing factor SF3B1. However, the molecular events and mechanisms responsible for this vulnerability ...

    The Hajar Mountains of Southeastern Arabia: a laboratory to understand how reptile diversity is generated, distributed and maintained in arid environments 

    Burriel Carranza, Bernat (Date of defense: 2024-02-26)

    This thesis provides new insights into the evolution of biodiversity in arid regions by exploring the patterns and drivers of reptile diversity in the Hajar Mountains of Southeastern Arabia. We first assemble a genomic ...

    Exploring the frontiers of synthetic biology: modelling, characterization, and applications of genetics circuits 

    González i Colell, Marc (Date of defense: 2024-02-23)

    Engineering biology requires a clear set of rules that ensure design predictability. However, certain biological processes difficult the application of these rules, impairing prediction. In the first section of this PhD ...

    The price of deciding: balancing resource constraints for optimisation 

    Vidal, Alice (Date of defense: 2024-02-23)

    Prendre decisions es un repte, i a la par un aspecte inevitable a les nostres vides. D’entre totes les opcions viables, hom ha de sotmetre a escrutini i avaluació les diverses alternatives en tant gestionant la frustració ...

    Adaptations in cancer: a molecular and mechanistic rewiring 

    Ghose, Ritobrata (Date of defense: 2024-02-02)

    Cancer cells are constantly subject to complex stresses in the tumour microenvironment. These stresses encapsulate a wide array of challenging stimuli from physical and mechanical forces to interference in major mechanistic ...

    Temporal resolution by multiomic approaches of acute myeloid leukemias 

    Gamarra Figueroa, Gianni Paolo (Date of defense: 2024-01-26)

    Acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) are a type of cancer where undifferentiated myeloid cells abnormally proliferate. Such phenotype can be caused by the expression of chimeric proteins like PML-RARα and MLL-AF9. Many studies ...

    Understanding the molecular basis of neuronal 3'UTR length-dependent mRNA sorting 

    Grawenhoff, Julia (Date of defense: 2024-01-24)

    The local translation of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) within different neuronal compartments is a prerequisite the formation of long-term memories. mRNAs are localized via active transport along microtubules, however, the ...

    Integration of genetic and chemical screens to discover targeted therapies for HNF1 A-deficient diabetes 

    Cuenca-Ardura, Mirabai (Date of defense: 2024-01-19)

    HNF1A encodes a key transcription factor in insulin-secreting beta cells from pancreatic islets. Heterozygous mutations in HNF1A cause monogenic diabetes, and hypomorphic variants in HNF1A increase the risk for type 2 ...

    Mitochondria-to-cytosol H2O2 fluxes in redox biology 

    Cubas Landaluce, Laura de (Date of defense: 2024-01-19)

    Los efectos del H2O2 en la fisiología celular, como oxidante y como señalizador es un campo que aún esta en expansión. Para intentar desvelar como ocurren estos fenómenos, hemos utilizado sondas codificadas genéticamente ...

    Long-term resilience of cultivation systems in Tigrai (Ethiopia): an integrated approach combining archaeobotany, ethnoarchaeology and ecological modelling 

    Ruiz-Giralt, Abel (Date of defense: 2023-12-13)

    The present study expands our understanding of human-environment interactions in drylands throughout time, with a specific focus on the development of resilient agroecological systems based on Traditional Ecological ...