Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 46

    Promoción del uso y desarrollo de la lengua oral en el espacio educativo escolar y familiar de niños y niñas escolarizados en aulas chilenas 

    Castillo Mardones, Pamela (Data de defensa: 2023-12-01)

    [spa] Esta investigación doctoral se fundamenta en premisas relacionadas con los enfoques socio- históricos, socio-interaccionales, y ecológicos del desarrollo, por lo cual asumimos que el contexto y los entornos naturales ...

    Spatial Structures in Analogical Reasoning 

    Hashemi, Amin (Data de defensa: 2023-09-14)

    [eng] Analogical reasoning is fundamental to human thinking; it plays an important role in a variety of problem-solving contexts. Analogical problem-solving involves recognizing relational similarities between two situations ...

    Searching for Worth: The Impact of Effort Throughout Reward Processing 

    López-Gamundí, Paula (Data de defensa: 2023-12-11)

    [eng] What drives behavior? This fundamental inquiry has been the cornerstone of disciplines spanning from philosophy to biology. In neuroscience and economics, however, the prevailing viewpoint posits that reward plays a ...

    Event structured cognition: the role of event boundaries 

    Silva, Marta Marques de Almeida e (Data de defensa: 2023-10-13)

    [eng] Since the moment of our birth, we are driven by an insatiable urge to understand and make sense of the world around us. To navigate the continuous flow of experiences, our minds instinctively break them down into ...

    La reflexión del profesorado experto sobre situaciones de la práctica 

    Álvarez Jiménez, York Mary (Data de defensa: 2023-06-13)

    [spa] El mundo actual vive muchos cambios que retan la educación. La formación docente y el desarrollo profesional continuo son ubicados como elementos centrales de los programas de mejora de los sistemas educativos. Al ...

    Once and for all: post-encoding neural mechanisms promoting rapid episodic memory formation in humans 

    Wu, Xiongbo (Data de defensa: 2022-12-16)

    [eng] Deciphering the mechanisms of human declarative memory is one of the main goals of neuroscience. Theoretical models such as Standard Consolidation Theory (Alvarez and Squire, 1994) and the Multiple Trace Theory (Nadel ...

    Decision Making in complex scenarios: a Reinforcement Learning Approach 

    Parra Tíjaro, Jeison (Data de defensa: 2022-11-25)

    [eng] Our everyday actions are sequential and chained towards accomplishing goals. As an adaptive strategy, our tasks are divided and organised in stages leading up to an ultimate objective, which is specified by reaching ...

    The self in the face of error: neural signatures of agency attribution 

    Gómez Andrés, Alba (Data de defensa: 2022-12-15)

    [eng] How do we recognize that “I” am the one acting upon the world? This experience of knowing oneself as the author of our actions and their consequences, the sense of agency, is a basic feature of our subjective experience. ...

    Grounding, Subjectification and Deixis: Modal Constructions in Catalan Sign Language and Their Interaction with Other Semantic Domains 

    Jarque, Maria Josep (Data de defensa: 2019-01-22)

    [eng] This dissertation is framed in the overlap of two disciplines: educational linguistics and theoretical linguistics. We will focus on signed languages, the visual-gestural linguistic systems of the communities of Deaf ...

    Developmental Intergroup Theory of Mind: The protagonist’s social group membership as a pragmatic performance factor 

    Saumell Andreu, Carlota (Data de defensa: 2023-02-10)

    [eng] During the early preschool years, the development of the concept of "the self" and "the other" has a significant impact on two socio-cognitive processes (Theory of Mind and social categorization) that have largely ...

    Vergencia en Procesos Cognitivos 

    Jiménez Pérez, Elizabeth Carolina (Data de defensa: 2021-07-05)

    [spa] Hablar del cerebro, sus funciones y procesos nunca es tarea sencilla. Asimismo, hablar de un tema tan nuevo como es la vergencia relacionada con la atención y otros procesos cognitivos resulta complicado. A continuación, ...

    Estimating motion and time to contact in 3D environments: Priors matter 

    Aguado Ramírez, Borja (Data de defensa: 2022-05-06)

    [eng] Until the present moment, an extensive amount of research has been done on how humans estimate motion or parameters of a task, such as the timeto- contact in simple scenarios. However, most avoid questioning how we ...

    El feedback formativo y sus efectos en el proceso de construcción del Trabajo Final de Grado 

    Juan Calvet, Núria (Data de defensa: 2022-07-22)

    [spa] Esta tesis doctoral profundiza en la comprensión de las características del feedback en un entorno de enseñanza-aprendizaje (E-A) semipresencial, concretamente en la asignatura del Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG), y de ...

    Computational principles of early vision for explaining a broad range of brightness and lightness phenomena 

    Lerer Gornatti, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2022-02-17)

    [eng] Although visual perception has been extensively studied for centuries, the underlying neural mechanisms remain puzzling. The present study aims to develop a computational model based on the low-level processing of ...

    Neurophysiological correlates underlying social behavioural adjustment of conformity 

    Vicente Guirado, Unai (Data de defensa: 2022-06-29)

    Conformity is the act of changing one’s behaviour to adjust to other human beings. It is a crucial social adaptation that happens when people cooperate, where one sacrifices their own perception, expectations, or beliefs ...

    La reflexión como eje de la formación práctica de docentes de Educación Secundaria: un análisis de los espacios de reflexión en el prácticum de un Programa de Formación Pedagógica para Profesionales en Chile 

    Gorichon Gálvez, Solange (Data de defensa: 2021-09-17)

    Este estudio busca aportar a la comprensión de la naturaleza y características del proceso reflexivo sobre situaciones de la práctica que realizan profesionales que siguen estudios de formación docente en ...

    Neural signatures of semantic anticipation in sentence comprehension 

    León-Cabrera, Patricia (Data de defensa: 2021-05-07)

    It has been proposed that the human brain is a proactive processor. Rather than passively receiving information, it is seen as continuously attempting to predict what will happen next. In the domain of language, ...

    Neural signatures of word learning in adults and children: a multi-methodological approach 

    Ramos Escobar, Neus (Data de defensa: 2021-04-16)

    Language is one of the main traits of humans. Language is used to transmit information about thoughts, knowledge, and feelings in a very flexible way. Since childhood, humans show an innate ability to acquire language and ...

    La síntesi escrita com a eina per a l’aprenentatge: Una proposta d’intervenció 

    Nadal Escolà, Esther (Data de defensa: 2021-05-28)

    L’objectiu principal de l’estudi que es presenta va ser dissenyar, desenvolupar i avaluar l’eficàcia d’un programa d’intervenció dirigit a millorar la qualitat de les síntesis a partir de múltiples fonts amb informació ...

    Aprenentatge i competència dels mestres. Un estudi de cas de l’activitat conjunta de planificació des d’una perspectiva psicològica 

    Ginesta Fontserè, Anna (Data de defensa: 2021-06-16)

    En aquesta recerca entenem l'aprenentatge de la professió en un continuun que es desplega al llarg de la vida professional en un ampli ventall de situacions. L'aprenentatge dels mestres no es pot ubicar només en espais ...