Now showing items 41-60 of 186

    Mexico's drug war: Cartels, gangs, sovereignty and the network state 

    Sullivan, John Patrick (Date of defense: 2013-10-21)

    This study seeks to understand the role of transnational organized crime in challenging the sovereignty of the nation state. In order to do so it provides an analysis of the most important current case: the insurgency waged ...

    The role of brand experience on customer experience: An analysis of business success in the mobile gaming industry. A study of the relevance of brand experience in the customer experience for the business success of a product/service in the mobile gaming industry 

    Carbonell Dolz, Oscar (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    The aim of this thesis is to explore, through seven hypotheses, how companies, thanks to the correct management of brand-related stimuli through brand experience, can align with or improve customer experience to boost their ...

    La producción de saberes expertos por colectivos de pacientes crónicos en–línia. Un modelo de análisis para su estudio 

    Ortiz Michel, Gabriela (Date of defense: 2013-12-16)

    En este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo de análisis para el estudio de los métodos que dos colectivos en línea de diabéticos llevan a cabo para producir información sobre la condición que comparten. El tipo de análisis que ...

    Digital news in Spain: Characteristics and effects of online news production and consumption 

    Majó-Vázquez, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2017-04-28)

    This work presents a relational approach to the study of the structure of the online news domain from a macro and meso level perspective. Then it assesses the impact of the digital news domain on the public agenda. Firstly, ...

    What drives consumers to patronise a hedonic social network? an empirical test of consumers' experiences, and their impact on continuance intention 

    Doral, Fernando (Date of defense: 2017-11-09)

    My doctoral research focuses on the analysis of the various factors that potentially contribute to loyalty towards hedonic social networks. Among all the social networks, our study focuses on Facebook. After reviewing the ...

    Exploring the dynamics of knowledge sharing in the online affinity apaces of "Let's Play" Youtube Channels 

    Karaivanov, Isperih (Date of defense: 2022-02-08)

    With this dissertation the goal is to analyze the novel medium of video game streaming and more specifically the “Let’s Play” video format as seen on YouTube and other online platforms. The practice has experienced a rapid ...

    Jurisdiction for online intellectual property infringements in the EU: overcoming strict territoriality 

    Otchenash, Maiia (Date of defense: 2022-09-17)

    The core aim of this research is to find a balanced jurisdictional approach for claims concerning online intellectual property infringements (Art. 7(2) Brussels Regulation Recast). It addresses the question of whether the ...

    The festivalization of the creative city: A study of two creative quarters in Barcelona and Berlin 

    Zherdev, Nikolay (Date of defense: 2022-07-28)

    In recent decades, the concepts of 'creative city', 'creative class' and 'experience economy' have gained growing attention by scholars and city administrations, bringing fundamental changes to the character of urban space ...

    ICT Adoption for women's development in Mexico 

    Martínez Mancilla, Yolanda (Date of defense: 2021-07-13)

    This research aimed to explore whether the adoption of ICT enhances the development of women living in impoverished urban communities in Mexico. The objective was to identify women's motivation to participate in a digital ...

    El diseño de un manual para la evaluación del cuidado en el espacio público: el caso de Barcelona 

    Paricio Cárceles, Ana (Date of defense: 2022-06-30)

    Esta tesis contribuye a la literatura de las redes sociales al centrarse en el rol y el potencial de las redes sociales en: (i) la participación política y el acceso a la esfera pública; (ii) la deliberación política y la ...

    The role of brand experience on customer experience: An analysis of business success in the mobile gaming industry. A study of the relevance of brand experience in the customer experience for the business success of a product/service in the mobile gaming industry 

    Carbonell Dolz, Oscar (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    The aim of this thesis is to explore, through seven hypotheses, how companies, thanks to the correct management of brand-related stimuli through brand experience, can align with or improve customer experience to boost their ...

    How advocacy and interactivity facilitate customer value co-creation behaviour in Instagram: a micro-perspective of unplanned and voluntary usage of hedonic social networking sites 

    Gutiérrez Sánchez, Ramón (Date of defense: 2022-05-18)

    Our study offers a new conceptual model of value co-creation in hedonic social network sites, and it validates an adaptation of the Coleman bathtub to social interaction in Instagram. Few papers have studied empirically ...

    AIJTeens: un recurso psicoeducativo y de mentoría online dirigido a adolescentes con Artritis Idiopática Juvenil 

    Beneitez de Dios, Imma (Date of defense: 2020-03-02)

    La artritis idiopática juvenil (AIJ) es una enfermedad reumática que cursa con dolor y puede conllevar dificultades físicas y psicosociales. A través de entrevistas a 14 adolescentes con AIJ y de un grupo focal en el que ...

    Democratising and enlightening? Investigating the role of social media in the democratisation of the public sphere, political deliberation and public 

    Terren, Ludovic (Date of defense: 2022-03-09)

    This thesis contributes to the social media literature by focusing on the role and potential of social media in (i) political participation and access to the public sphere; (ii) political deliberation and viewpoint diversity, ...

    Contested rights to grieve in forced migrants' narratives living in Nordrhein-Westfalen 

    Schönborn, Helen Sophia (Date of defense: 2022-05-30)

    Forced migration involves many different losses (e.g., people, places, homes, beliefs). However, grief for these migratory losses is neither recognized nor well understood (Caseado, Hong & Harrington 2010). This study ...

    El equilibrio en el mercado laboral: El encaje entre la oferta y la demanda de trabajo y entre la formación y las características de la ocupación en la era digital 

    Cortadas Guasch, Pau (Date of defense: 2021-12-16)

    La tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo estudiar la influencia de las características de las empresas y de los trabajadores sobre los emparejamientos laborales. La aparición de las tecnologías digitales ha supuesto un cambio ...

    Relaciones públicas empresariales: "BUSINESS P.R. FUNNEL". Cómo persuadir a los públicos en la sociedad de la información 

    Barquero Cabrero, José Daniel (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)

    La profesión de relaciones públicas, que se centra en la interpretación y la persuasión de los públicos, se basa en un arte aplicado a una ciencia social y económica que en 2023 cumplirá cien años. La fundó el profesor Dr. ...

    Avaluació Ex-Ante i Ex-Post de la recerca: Aproximacions per a analitzar la validesa de dues eines d'avaluació de la recerca 

    Solans Domènech, Maria Teresa (Date of defense: 2021-01-15)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat desenvolupar estratègies per validar mètodes d'avaluació de la recerca en dos fases del procés: una ex ante i una ex post. L'anàlisi de la validesa dels enfocaments d'avaluació de la ...

    How European Banks ensure they are oriented towards innovation. A multi-case study. The role of an innovation orientation as a competitive advantage for highly regulated industries (i.e. banking) facing challenging market conditions 

    Callau Berenguer, Arturo (Date of defense: 2022-01-19)

    La gestió de la innovació és present al discurs empresarial per a tota mena de camps d'activitat. No obstant això, la literatura acadèmica generalment s'ha centrat en les innovacions tecnològiques i de productes amb una ...

    Reforming political party organization in the XXIst century. On the Transformative Effect of Network Parties on Modern Representative Democracy 

    Haberer, Maria (Date of defense: 2022-01-27)

    This thesis contributes to a better understanding of current political parties, critically engaging with their merits through the lens of the Network Society. It draws on five case studies in order to flesh out the nuances ...